WW1 1914-1919
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WW1 1914-1919 - Marcador
WW1 1914-1919 - Detalles
311 preguntas
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Who was Helmuth von Moltke the Younger, and what was he known for during World War I? | He was the Chief of the German General Staff and modified and executed the Schlieffen Plan for a quick victory against France through Belgium. |
Who was Richard Haldane, and what were his contributions to the British military before World War I? | As Secretary of State for War (1905-1912), he modernized the British Army, created the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), and established the Territorial Force (later the Territorial Army). |
Why did people expect the First World War to be short, and how did this influence Moltke? | People anticipated a short, decisive war like other recent European conflicts, which made Moltke worried about mobilizing quickly to avoid being left behind. |
What happened when the Schlieffen Plan failed? | France was not rapidly defeated, Paris did not fall, and a stalemate developed. Both sides dug trenches, leading to four years of trench warfare. |
What was the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), and why was it formed? | It was a force of 144,000 soldiers created by Richard Haldane in 1906 to travel immediately to France and support French troops if war broke out. |
What was the Territorial Army, and how did Haldane encourage future officers? | The Territorial Army was a volunteer force to back up the regular army. Haldane also set up an Officer Training Corps in British schools to train older boys as future officers. |
What was the Treaty of London (1839), and why was it significant? | It was a treaty obligating the UK to preserve Belgian neutrality and come to its aid if it was invaded, which influenced Britain’s involvement in World War I. |
Why was Britain’s Navy important during this period? | As the biggest navy in the world, it ensured Britain’s safety as an island by preventing amphibious invasions during a European war. |
Why was Alsace-Lorraine important to France? | France wanted to retake Alsace-Lorraine because it lost the territories to Prussia (later Germany) in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. |
What was Plan 17, and who created it? | Plan 17 was created by General Joffre in 1913. It involved French troops making an all-out attack on Alsace-Lorraine to recapture the territories in the event of war with Germany. |
What was the ultimate goal of Plan 17 beyond retaking Alsace-Lorraine? | After retaking Alsace-Lorraine, French troops would cross the Rhine River and advance on Berlin. |
Who created the Schlieffen Plan, and when? | The Schlieffen Plan was created by Count Alfred von Schlieffen in December 1905. |
What problem did the Schlieffen Plan aim to solve? | It aimed to solve the problem of Germany potentially fighting a war on two fronts against France in the West and Russia in the East. |
Why did Schlieffen believe Germany could focus on defeating France first? | Schlieffen believed Russia would be slow to mobilize due to the country’s size and dispersed population, giving Germany around six weeks before facing a Russian attack. |
What was the key strategy of the Schlieffen Plan? | The German army would invade France via Belgium, capture Paris, and force France to surrender before turning east to fight Russia. |
How did Belgian resistance affect the Schlieffen Plan? | Strong Belgian resistance delayed the Germans by over two weeks, giving the British time to organize and allowing the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) to land and reinforce France. |
What happened at the Battle of Mons? | The BEF, outnumbered 3 to 1 by the German 1st Army, held off the Germans with rapid rifle fire mistaken for machine guns but were eventually forced to retreat. |
Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail to capture Paris as intended? | Delays caused by Belgian and BEF resistance forced the Germans to approach Paris from the east instead of sweeping around from the west. Exhaustion, supply issues, and French counterattacks also slowed their advance. |
What marked the start of stalemate on the Western Front? | After being forced back to the River Aisne by French and British counterattacks, the Germans dug in. By September, trench lines extended from the River Aisne to the Swiss border, resulting in stalemate. |
How did Belgian resistance impact the Schlieffen Plan? | Strong resistance, particularly at Liège, delayed the German advance, disrupted their rapid movement, and gave French and British forces time to mobilize and reinforce. |
What logistical issues hindered the success of the Schlieffen Plan? | Overstretched supply lines left German troops exhausted and short of food and ammunition, slowing their advance and preventing them from encircling Paris. |
How did Russia’s mobilisation affect the Schlieffen Plan? | Russia mobilized faster than expected, invading East Prussia within 10 days. This forced Germany to divert troops from the Western Front, weakening the invasion of France. |
What role did French and British counterattacks play in the failure of the Schlieffen Plan? | During the First Battle of the Marne, French and British forces halted the German advance, pushing them back and establishing the trench warfare stalemate. |
How did von Moltke’s modifications to the Schlieffen Plan contribute to its failure? | Von Moltke weakened the right wing of the German forces by reallocating troops to the Eastern Front and Alsace-Lorraine. This reduced the strength needed to encircle Paris, leading to the plan’s failure. |
What was the 'race to the sea,' and what was its outcome? | An attempt by opposing armies to outflank each other and control the coast. It ended in a stalemate once the coast was reached. |
What did the German army do in early 1915 to strengthen their position? | They selected high ground to construct a strong defensive line with trenches, barbed wire, mined dugouts, deep bunkers, reinforced concrete emplacements, and strong points. |
What type of conflict did World War I become by the end of 1914? | It became a defensive, trench-based conflict. |
How did the failure of initial offensive plans contribute to the stalemate? | The failure of plans like the Schlieffen Plan and rapid offensives led to both sides digging in for a prolonged, defensive war. |
What role did advances in military technology play in the shift to trench warfare? | New technologies, such as machine guns and artillery, made it difficult for armies to achieve breakthroughs, favoring defensive positions. |
How did exhaustion and attrition influence the transition to trench warfare? | Prolonged fighting led to exhaustion, and neither side could sustain the rapid movement required for offensives. |
Why were trench systems established during World War I? | Trench systems provided protection from the devastating firepower of modern weapons and created a defensive advantage. |
What geographical constraints contributed to the stalemate? | The terrain of the Western Front, including rivers and dense urban areas, made it difficult for either side to maneuver effectively. |
How did strategic balance and international involvement lead to a defensive war? | The relative equality of forces and the involvement of multiple nations ensured no side could gain a decisive advantage, leading to a stalemate. |
Why did the Schlieffen Plan and Plan XVII fail? | The Schlieffen Plan was halted at the First Battle of the Marne, and Plan XVII failed to achieve its objectives in Alsace-Lorraine. |
What was the impact of the failure of these plans? | The failure led to a stalemate, with both sides digging in and marking the beginning of trench warfare. |
How did modern weaponry affect offensive operations during World War I? | The widespread use of machine guns, artillery, and barbed wire made it difficult for infantry to advance, causing heavy casualties and making defensive positions easier to hold than to attack. |
What was the impact of the effectiveness of defensive weapons on military strategy? | The deadly effectiveness of defensive weapons led to massive losses during offensive operations, discouraging large-scale attacks and contributing to entrenched defensive positions. |
Why did both sides shift to a focus on defence during World War I? | Initial campaigns exhausted both sides, leading to a focus on defence to consolidate gains and protect resources. |
What were the effects of the intense fighting on both the Allies and Central Powers? | Both sides suffered significant casualties and resource depletion, while the physical and psychological toll on soldiers reduced the likelihood of successful offensive operations. |
What was the impact of the inability to achieve a decisive breakthrough? | With no decisive breakthrough and a desire to avoid further losses, both sides adopted a defensive posture as the most viable option. |
Why did both sides dig extensive trench networks during World War I? | Both sides dug trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire. |
What were trenches supported by to make them formidable defensive positions? | Trenches were supported by barbed wire, machine gun nests, and artillery. |
What was the impact of the establishment of trenches on the war? | Once trenches were established, it became nearly impossible for either side to break through without massive casualties, leading to a stalemate and a war of attrition. |
How did the geography of the Western Front favour defence? | The narrow strip of land between the North Sea and the Alps limited manoeuvrability and forced armies into frontal assaults. |
What were some geographical features that made the Western Front easier to defend than attack? | Terrain features like rivers and forests made it more difficult to attack and easier to defend. |
What was the impact of the geographical limitations on military strategy? | The lack of room for manoeuvre contributed to the development of static defensive lines, making it difficult to outflank the enemy. |
Why did the initial balance of power between the Allies and Central Powers lead to a deadlock? | Neither side had a decisive advantage in terms of manpower, technology, or resources by the end of 1914, resulting in a stalemate. |
What was the effect of the rough equality between the opposing forces? | The rough equality meant that neither side could easily overpower the other, reinforcing the stalemate. |
What did both sides resort to as a result of the deadlock? | Both sides resorted to defensive strategies to maintain their positions while seeking opportunities for a breakthrough. |
How deep and wide were the British and German trenches in the winter of 1914? | British trenches were just over 2 metres deep and 1.8 metres wide, while German trenches were often deeper. |
What were some of the functions of the trenches behind the front-line trenches? | Behind the front-line trenches were communication, reserve, and support trenches, which housed kitchens, lavatories, field hospitals, and battalion headquarters. |
What were some of the key defensive features of the front-line trenches? | The front-line trenches were protected by sandbags to absorb enemy bullets and barbed wire to trap soldiers. |
Why was the trench system dug in a Z pattern? | The Z pattern made it impossible for the enemy to fire straight down the line of trenches if they were captured. |
What contributed to the difficulty of attacking the trench systems? | The trench systems were difficult to attack due to barbed wire, sandbags, and especially machine guns, which made crossing no-man's-land deadly. |
Why were attacking weapons less effective than defensive ones in trench warfare? | The attacking weapons were less effective because the machine gun was superior in defense, and artillery and poison gas were only occasionally successful. |
What technological developments were key to success in trench warfare, but not sufficiently developed in 1914? | Tanks and planes were key to success, but they were not sufficiently developed by 1914 to make a significant difference. |
How did the geography of Flanders affect advances on the Western Front? | The wet geography of Flanders made it incredibly difficult to cross, especially due to constant shelling and troop movement, which churned up the area. |
Why were the generals' tactics often ineffective in trench warfare? | Many generals were trained in traditional warfare with cavalry charges and hand-to-hand combat and lacked the experience or skills for the unique conditions of trench warfare |
How were battalions rotated in the trenches? | A battalion was divided into four companies, and the companies would rotate through the fire trench, support trench, and reserve trench, with no company staying in the front line for more than a couple of days. |
What was the normal schedule for soldiers in the British trenches? | The normal schedule was 4 days in the front-line trenches, 4 days in the support trenches, 8 days in the reserve trenches, and 14 days resting. However, during a battle, everyone stayed in the front line. |
What was one of the most difficult aspects of day-time trench life for soldiers? | Boredom, as soldiers often had to perform routine tasks like sentry duty, trench repair, or bringing supplies from reserve trenches. |
What was night-time like in the front-line trenches? | Night-time was a time of silence and fear, with selected groups of men going on night patrol through no-man's-land or sometimes launching a night attack on enemy trenches. |
How long could soldiers go without seeing their family and friends? | Soldiers often went over a year without seeing their family and friends. |
What types of items did families and organizations like the British Red Cross send to soldiers? | They sent luxuries like razor blades, soap, cigarettes, cake, chocolate, and hand-knitted socks and gloves. |
What is 'Trench Art'? | Trench Art refers to objects made from the debris and by-products of modern warfare, typically associated with the First World War. |
Why did servicemen and prisoners of war make Trench Art? | They made Trench Art to pass the time when not in the front line, often due to boredom. |
What activities did soldiers typically do at night during their ‘tours’ of trenches? | At night, soldiers repaired trenches and barbed wire defences, gathered information, or launched local trench raids. |
What did soldiers do during the day in the trenches? | During the day, soldiers slept, ate, wrote letters home, and posted sentries. At dusk and dawn, they had to 'stand to' and keep watch for potential enemy attacks. |
What did British soldiers find during a pause in the fighting around Ypres? | They found an old printing press. |
What type of content did the 'Wipers Times' include? | It included cartoons, advertisements, letters, announcements, and articles that made fun of British officers, their living conditions, and battle plans. |
What was the most common way soldiers dealt with body lice in the trenches? | Squashing them or burning them with a candle or lit cigarette. |
What did the rats in the trenches feed on? | Leftover food and rotting bodies in no-man's-land. |
What was the standard food provided to soldiers at the front line? | Bully beef, hard biscuits, bread, margarine, jam, with occasional cheese and bacon. |
When were soldiers able to get regular hot meals? | When they went back down the line to the army field kitchens. |
What was one of the constant threats faced by soldiers in the trenches? | Sudden death from a sniper's bullet or a planned attack. |
How were soldiers killed or wounded between battles? | Through night raids on enemy trenches and by snipers. |
Where were seriously wounded soldiers sent for medical treatment after being assessed by regimental medical officers? | Casualty Clearing Stations (CCS), located several kilometres behind the trenches. |
What was the main challenge in treating wounds during World War I, and why was it so difficult to treat them effectively? | Wounds became infected quickly due to the dirt and filth of battle, and antibiotics were not developed until the 1930s. |
What psychological condition developed in soldiers who could not cope with the horrors of war, and how was it initially viewed? | Shell-shock. Initially, it was seen as a sign of cowardice. |
How were soldiers suffering from shell-shock treated, and what was the long-term outcome for some? | They were treated well away from the front. Some never recovered. |
What were some of the reasons soldiers deserted during World War I? | Fear, shell-shock, problems at home, or complete exhaustion. |
What happened to soldiers who were caught deserting during World War I? | They were put to death by firing squad. |
What did generals on both sides believe at the start of the war in 1914? | They believed the war would be fought by quick-moving armies. |
What were the two contrasting approaches to breaking the stalemate by 1915? | One approach focused on new technology to break the stalemate, while the other relied on attrition, weakening the enemy through continual attacks. |
What challenges did pilots face when flying planes in 1914? | Pilots had to wear layers of warm clothes, thick gloves, leather helmets, and goggles to prevent freezing, and the planes were made of wood and cloth, with unreliable engines and no parachutes. |
How were planes and observation balloons used during the war? | They were used as the 'eyes' of the armies, flying above enemy lines to report on troop movements, trench systems, and ammunition dumps, especially during battles. |
What innovations were made in aircraft during the war? | Antony Fokker invented a mechanism that allowed airmen to fire through the propeller blades. |
What was the reality for most airmen during the war? | Many airmen were young men aged 18 with brief training, and they could expect to live for only three weeks. By 1918, over 50,000 airmen had been killed. |
What was the role of aircraft in reconnaissance during the war? | Aircraft played a significant role in gathering intelligence on enemy troop movements and artillery positions, which contributed to planning offensives and improving artillery accuracy. |
How significant was aerial combat and bombing in the outcome of the war? | The direct impact of aerial combat and bombing on the outcome of the war was limited compared to ground-based methods. |
Why were machine guns initially considered ineffective by the British at the start of the war? | The British thought little of machine guns at the start of the war because they were heavy, difficult to transport, became too hot inside, and often broke down. |
How did the development of machine guns contribute to the stalemate on the Western Front? | The development of lighter, more reliable machine guns, like the British Vickers, contributed to the stalemate because both sides had similar weapons, making it difficult to break through enemy lines. |
What was the primary goal in the war of attrition on the Western Front? | The goal was not necessarily to seize territory but to wear down the enemy’s manpower and resources. |
What role did the Maxim gun play in creating massive casualties during early battles like the Somme and Verdun? | The Maxim gun played a decisive role in defending positions by mowing down advancing infantry, leading to horrific casualties during assaults. |
How did the dominance of machine guns affect offensive tactics during the war? | The firepower of machine guns made offensive tactics, such as infantry charges, ineffective against well-defended positions. |
What was the result of the static battlefield created by the trench systems stretching from the North Sea to Switzerland? | The static battlefield resulted in minimal territorial gains despite heavy casualties. |
Why were artillery attacks (barrages) on enemy trench systems not always reliable at the start of the war? | Artillery attacks were not always reliable because they sometimes failed to destroy the barbed wire or turned the ground into mud that could not be crossed. |
What was the largest artillery gun used by Germany during the war? | The largest artillery gun used by Germany was known as 'Big Bertha,' which could fire a 108-kilogram shell a distance of 132 km. |