
Credits are earned by progressing through courses, passing levels and completing categories. Use them here.

Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

   Inicia sesión para empezar


Tienes 230 créditos virtuales para gastar.

Obtenga más créditos completando nuevos niveles y manteniendo su práctica actualizada. gastelos aquí para mejorar su viaje de aprendizaje.

Nota: no hay ningún cargo en el mundo real por los créditos; se otorgan solo al completar niveles. es una aplicación gratuita.


Buy an extra hint to aid you in your quest for mastery. Hints also allow you to rotate the question type in Smart or Custom mod

Costo: 1

Hints owned: 0

5 hints

Buy a pack of 5 hints at a reduced cost

Costo: 4

Hints owned: 0

Streak repair

Missed a day? Lost your streak of consecutive days? Visit this item to see which missed days you can restore.

Costo: Visit page

XP Boost for 24 hours

Feeling keen? Dominate the leaderboard by activating this to increase your XP earnings by 30% for the next 24 hours.

Costo: 20

Course Boost - 3 Days

Boost your course's ranking on the course page for 3 days to increase its visibility - Public courses only

Costo: 300

Nadie podrá ver que su curso está mejorado, pero aparecerá en las primeras páginas de la pantalla del curso.


Retry a question straight after if you get it wrong. Either click retry on the answer screen, or the back button on the toolbel

Costo: 2

Retries owned: 0

Swap Question and Answer mid round

Swap the question and answer mid session without restarting

Costo: 5

QA Swaps owned: 0

Question Type Swaps

Reload same question in a different question type (smart/custom mode only)

Costo: 2

Question type swaps owned: 0