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level: 1.4 How important were new methods of warfare?

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 1.4 How important were new methods of warfare?

What did generals on both sides believe at the start of the war in 1914?They believed the war would be fought by quick-moving armies.
What were the two contrasting approaches to breaking the stalemate by 1915?One approach focused on new technology to break the stalemate, while the other relied on attrition, weakening the enemy through continual attacks.
What challenges did pilots face when flying planes in 1914?Pilots had to wear layers of warm clothes, thick gloves, leather helmets, and goggles to prevent freezing, and the planes were made of wood and cloth, with unreliable engines and no parachutes.
How were planes and observation balloons used during the war?They were used as the 'eyes' of the armies, flying above enemy lines to report on troop movements, trench systems, and ammunition dumps, especially during battles.
What innovations were made in aircraft during the war?Antony Fokker invented a mechanism that allowed airmen to fire through the propeller blades.
What was the reality for most airmen during the war?Many airmen were young men aged 18 with brief training, and they could expect to live for only three weeks. By 1918, over 50,000 airmen had been killed.
What was the role of aircraft in reconnaissance during the war?Aircraft played a significant role in gathering intelligence on enemy troop movements and artillery positions, which contributed to planning offensives and improving artillery accuracy.
How significant was aerial combat and bombing in the outcome of the war?The direct impact of aerial combat and bombing on the outcome of the war was limited compared to ground-based methods.
Why were machine guns initially considered ineffective by the British at the start of the war?The British thought little of machine guns at the start of the war because they were heavy, difficult to transport, became too hot inside, and often broke down.
How did the development of machine guns contribute to the stalemate on the Western Front?The development of lighter, more reliable machine guns, like the British Vickers, contributed to the stalemate because both sides had similar weapons, making it difficult to break through enemy lines.
What was the primary goal in the war of attrition on the Western Front?The goal was not necessarily to seize territory but to wear down the enemy’s manpower and resources.
What role did the Maxim gun play in creating massive casualties during early battles like the Somme and Verdun?The Maxim gun played a decisive role in defending positions by mowing down advancing infantry, leading to horrific casualties during assaults.
How did the dominance of machine guns affect offensive tactics during the war?The firepower of machine guns made offensive tactics, such as infantry charges, ineffective against well-defended positions.
What was the result of the static battlefield created by the trench systems stretching from the North Sea to Switzerland?The static battlefield resulted in minimal territorial gains despite heavy casualties.
Why were artillery attacks (barrages) on enemy trench systems not always reliable at the start of the war?Artillery attacks were not always reliable because they sometimes failed to destroy the barbed wire or turned the ground into mud that could not be crossed.
What was the largest artillery gun used by Germany during the war?The largest artillery gun used by Germany was known as 'Big Bertha,' which could fire a 108-kilogram shell a distance of 132 km.
What innovation did the British develop in 1916 to improve artillery effectiveness?In 1916, the British developed fuse 106, which caused shells to explode parallel to the ground and proved effective in cutting barbed wire.
By 1917, what was the impact of fuse 106 on artillery attacks on the Western Front?It was widely used on the Western Front and significantly improved artillery effectiveness in cutting barbed wire.
What was the role of artillery barrages on the Western Front?Artillery barrages were used to soften up enemy defenses before infantry assaults, but they often failed to destroy fortified positions or simply created more shell craters and obstacles for the attackers.
What psychological effect did the constant shelling have on soldiers?The constant shelling caused what became known as "shell shock," now recognized as PTSD, which had a devastating impact on soldiers’ morale.
Why was poison gas considered useful during World War I?Poison gas was useful more for the fear it created than the casualties it caused.
What were the challenges and limitations of using poison gas as a weapon?Poison gas was unreliable because it could be affected by weather conditions, such as moving slowly in damp weather or changing direction with the wind. It could also result in gassing one's own side if the wind changed.
What was the psychological impact of chemical warfare during World War I?Chemical warfare caused fear and panic, forcing the development of gas masks to protect soldiers
Why were gas attacks not strategically effective in achieving decisive military outcomes?Gas attacks were often ineffective due to shifting winds and the eventual development of defensive measures, such as gas masks.
What was the significance of the tank at the Battle of Cambrai?Over 400 British Mark IV tanks successfully broke through German trenches, advancing 8 km behind enemy lines in three days.
Why did the German High Command initially resist using tanks during World War I?It believed using tanks would signify the failure of traditional military tactics, although field commanders were later willing to use captured British tanks.
Which country produced early tanks like the Mark I, Mark IV, and Mark V?Britain.
What was the most successful tank produced by France during World War I?The Renault FT.
How did Germany approach tank production during World War I?Germany lagged in tank production and focused on anti-tank measures, producing about 20 A7V tanks and a few prototypes.
What was the primary breakthrough potential of tanks during World War I?Tanks were the first weapon capable of overcoming the stalemate of trench warfare by crossing no man's land and breaching enemy lines.
What impact did the use of tanks in World War I have on future warfare?Tanks laid the groundwork for mechanized warfare in future conflicts.