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level: Level 1 of Level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Level 2

what is a fungicidefungal diseases can be controlled by chemicals
what is biological controlan alternative way to control pests and diseases is to find natural predators that can solve the problem, if the predators can be bred in large enough quantities they are introduced to a crop, they can feed off the pest and control the infestation
advantages of biological controlno chemical residues left in the crop, when the pest has been controlled the lack of food will also control the predator numbers, there is no need to wear protective gear when applying
disadvantages of biological controlnot as instant as chemical control, the predator might not stay on the crop and leave the pest, the predator may escape into the local countryside and impact the food web
advantages to using machinesLarger areas can be cultivated easily by one person which reduces the labour costs, the machine’s engine can take still work when there is more water in the soil (when it is heavier)
process of selective breeding- identify which characteristics of the species are important - choose parents that exhibit these characteristics - raise the offspring from these parents - select the best offspring that show the desired characteristics - repeat the process
reasons for genetically modifying plants- disease and pest resistance - nutritional value - higher yields - less use of pesticides
greenhousea building made of glass or similar transparent material that is used to manage the environment for plant growth.
hydroponicsgrowing plants without soil, with the nutrients the plant needs to be dissolved in water
advantages of hydroponics- easy to harvest - plants are given exactly the nutrients they need in the irrigation water - water is recycled, so used efficiently
disadvantages of hydroponics- it is expensive to set up - only suitable for small production areas - disease, if present, is spread to all plants through water
overuse of insecticides and herbicidescan cause the plant to become resistant, can kill beneficial insects which can impact wider food webs, leaching of insecticides and herbicides into rivers and lakes
overuse of fertilizersexcess can be leached out of the soil and drain into waterways, can cause excessive growth where the plant can't support itself, can affect osmosis
mismanagement of irrigationwaterlogged plants prevent plant roots getting sufficient oxygen to respire, can become waterlogged and salts in soil can move through to the top and when it evaporated only the salts are left which can means osmosis isn't effective and water supplies may also become unsuitable for drinking
overproduction and waste- storage space is wasted storing crops that take longer to sell – costly to provide - transport costs wasted when taking crops to market that do not get sold - waste of labour in growing and harvesting a crop if it cannot be sold
cash crops replacing food cropslocal farming for local food consumption is pushed onto poor land and soils producing poor crop yields and low-quality food, thereby affecting the health of the people
causes of soil erosion- removal of natural vegetation - over cultivation - overgrazing - water erosion - wind erosion
removal of natural vegetationRemoving plant roots weakens soil (from over cultivation and overgrazing), making it vulnerable to rainfall. Flash floods erode and carry away topsoil. Tree roots slow water and trap soil, preventing erosion. Without vegetation, run-off is unchecked. Rainforest areas cleared for cultivation suffer severe erosion, forcing growers to relocate frequently
over cultivatingdamages soil structure - regularly cultivated soils lose structure as ploughing breaks larger clumps into smaller particles. While this aids sowing and seedling development short term, the mechanical breakdown makes the soil more prone to erosion.
over grazingpressure on grazing land can lead to overgrazing, reducing vegetation to ground level. Hard grazing weakens plants by limiting photosynthesis, causing them to die. Without vegetation, there are no roots to hold the soil together, increasing erosion and potentially forcing livestock relocation
water erosionwater is a major cause of soil erosion. Heavy rain dislodges soil particles, and run off carries away unabsorbed soil. Compacted soil reduces water infiltration. Gully erosion occurs when fast-moving water erodes soil, forming deep crevices, initially caused by rainwater run off
wind erosionremoving vegetation makes soil more prone to wind erosion. Vegetation may be cleared for space, excessive grazing, increased crop development, or removing hedges and boundaries to accommodate large machinery like tractors
impacts of soil erosionloss of habitats, desertification, silting of rivers, displacement of people, malnutrition and famine
loss of habitatsloss of soil also means a loss of habitat for organisms to live in (either the fertile topsoil or the vegetation), fewer or no plants means no shelter for animals or food
desertificationremaining subsoil cannot support the growth of plants and impacts on both the growing of crops and the growing of grass to feed livestock
silting of riverscauses silting of waterways, the build-up of sediment due to more topsoil being washed into the rivers and the flow of the rivers slow down as they get shallower
displacement of peoplewith the decline of agriculture due to desertification, local people may be forced to move, to make a living or feed their families
famine and malnutritionthe time delay between planting new crops after migrating and harvesting the food means that there is not a reliable source of food and a real risk of famine
how to reduce soil erosionterracing, contour ploughing, bunds, wind breaks, maintaining vegetation cover, addition of organic matter to improve soil structure, planting trees, mixed cropping, intercropping and crop rotation
terracinga sloped hillside is carved into steplike shapes, allowing some of the water to be held back and preventing lots of water flowing down the slope and destroying soil. the majority of the water is held back
contour ploughingwhen the ridges and troughs from the ploughing run along the contours of the land (around the hillside) rather than up and down. Each plough troughs hold water back and prevents large amounts of water rushing down the slope and carrying topsoil with it.
bundsartificial banks of soil on the edge of a growing space designed to hold back water and preventing soil erosion from run-off, especially useful for crops such as rice that need to be submerged or require moist soils
wind breaksa wind barrier, either made from living vegetation or an artificial screen with gaps, helps reduce wind erosion. Solid walls can increase wind speed and create eddy currents that lift soil particles, while natural vegetation allows some wind through but lowers wind speed, reducing erosion.
maintaining vegetation covermaintaining vegetation cover helps reduce soil erosion by preventing wind from carrying away exposed soil. Farmers can plant a cover crop, like clover, immediately after harvesting the main crop to protect the soil. Clover also enriches the soil with nitrogen when ploughed in before the next planting.
addition of organic matter to improve soil structureOrganic matter like manure and compost adds weight and structure to the soil, reducing erosion by retaining water and preventing it from drying out. It also supports strong root growth, which helps keep soil in place.
tree plantinga row of trees can form a windbreak to protect other crops, tree leaves fall to the ground and therefore add to the organic matter content of the soil
mixed croppingthe growing of more than one type of plant in the same area, each plant may have different characteristics that reduce soil erosion
intercroppingrows of different crops are grown between the established rows of the main crop, the quicker growing plants can be harvested for profit while the slower main crop is maturing
crop rotationPlanting different crops each year in the same plot of land helps reduce pests, improves the quality of the soil, and utilises the different nutrients more effectively, they use the soil in different ways and therefore reduces soil damage
strategies for sustainable agricultureorganic fertiliser, managed grazing, crop rotation, use of pest resistant and drought resistant varieties of crops, trickle drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting
how organic fertilizers are sustainablerelease their nutrients slowly reducing eutrophication, don't require manufacturing energy, improve soil structure
how managed grazing is sustainableprevent overgrazing, different fields are fertilised by animal waste and not one field has too many nutrients, maintain good drainage as animal hooves don't reduce soil compaction
how crop rotation is sustainableless likely to be an oversupply, fewer risks of pests and diseases, natural fertiliser for the soil if animals are included
how use of pest resistant and drought resistant varieties of crops is sustainablereduced pesticide use, reduced need of irrigation, shorting cropping cycles allowing two or more crops a year
how trickle drip irrigation systems are sustainableminimised the amount of water used, targeted delivery of water to the plants, only use the system when the plants need water
rainwater harvestingthe collection of rainwater for example from the roofs of buildings and storage in a tank or reservoir for later use
how rainwater harvesting is sustainablemake use of a readily available natural resource
particle size of sand vs. silt vs. clay2.0-0.02mm, 0.02-0.002mm, <0.002mm
organic content of sandy vs. clay soilless than 1%, clays from 4% - 5%+
pH of sandy vs. clay soillower pH, higher pH
air content of sandy vs. clay soillarger air gaps allowing good transmission with high levels of oxygen and therefore a healthy root system, small air spaces that limit the amount of oxygen reaching the roots, this in turn limits respiration and the amount of root growth
water content of sandy vs. clay soilsandy soils hold and contain less water as there is less surface area, clay soil has far more particles and therefore a larger surface area for water to cling to
drainage of sandy vs. clay soilfree draining because of large space in particles, not free draining due to particles packed together
ease of cultivation of sandy vs. clay soileasier to cultivate because particles stick together, hard to cultivate
name the 6 resource potentials of the oceanfood, chemicals and building materials, energy (wave and tidal), tourism, transport, drinking water
foodocean provides for fish and other edible sea animals, world fishery yields are about 90 million tonnes in a year with over 80 million tonnes of that coming from the sea
chemicals and building materialsoceans cover 71% of the Earth's surface, with 3.5% of seawater composed of dissolved substances like salt, magnesium, gold, and titanium. Mining for sand and gravel boosts these mineral resources. Oil is a well-known chemical derived from the sea, with thousands of offshore drilling rigs worldwide.
energy (wave and tidal)there is an enormous amount of energy in the waves that break on the shores all around the world. If this energy could be harvested, it would be double the present world energy production.
tourismthe seaside has been a major tourist attraction for centuries. People in MEDCs of the world are attracted to marine sites of great natural beauty. Also, activities like whale watching while contributes 2 billion USD to the world economy.
transportships are an important way of transporting people and goods, today shipping is less important for moving people because of avitation (planes)
drinking waterwith the world’s population now exceeding 8 billion many essential commodities like water are harder to obtain. We can harvest water from the ocean using desalination plants.
distribution of warm and cold ocean currentsin the Southern Hemisphere, they are usually anti-clockwise, cold currents are near the north and south poles, warm currents are near the equator and the tropics
distribution of major fish populationsthey are found in shallow continental shelves, as there is a large amount of oxygen & phytoplankton, phytoplankton are a part of the food web, so the fish rely on the phytoplankton
why not all areas with continental shelves have significant fisheriesphytoplankton need light, CO2, and water and not all areas have those
El Niño Southern Oscillationthe change in the prevailing winds that lead to a change in the pattern of the current in the oceans of the South Pacific
effect of El Niño on the fisheriesfewer fish are caught and if fishing continues at its usual amount, over-fishing can occur, and the fishery can collapse, phytoplankton do not grow well, so there is less food for the fish. During El Niño, the reduction in fish-meal affects the fish farming industry of countries
effect of El Niño on Peruthe normal trade wind direction from east to west changes every 8 – 12 years, allowing warm nutrient-poor water to flow from the west towards the coast of Peru. This stops the upwelling of the cold, nutrient-rich water that supports the anchovies fishing
causes of overfishingdemand for fish as food due to increasing population, economic gain, creation of huge nets that scoop up everything in an area
impact of overfishing on marine fish speciesreduced catching - means the loss of jobs and a reduction in the food supply, the size of fish gets smaller - increasing the demand, increase the fishing efforts, reduction in marine biodiversity - disrupting the food chain
farming marine speciesincreased demand for fish - above production capacity of oceans overexploitation of fisheries - decline in wild fish population so fish a farmed in controlled environments
aquaculturefarming freshwater fish
maricultureaquaculture practised in marine environments
advantages of marine farmingreduces the pressure on the wild population which allows them to increase, production is constant, no bycatch, no erosion of the seabed
disadvantages of marine farmingmore prone to diseases, less likely to be successful due to pollution from waste
sustainable strategies for reducing the harvesting of marine speciesnet type, mesh size and shape, quotas, closed seasons, protected areas, international agreements, conservation laws
net typecertain net types are banned from use
mesh size and shapesmall mesh size results in bycatch and the square mesh shape instead of diamond allows smaller fish to escape, if mesh size is too small it will catch juveniles
quotasa good way of managing fisheries by setting limits on how many organisms can be caught per time limit which allows them to reproduce
closed seasonsgovernment can close fisheries down during parts of the year this is commonly done in the breeding season
protected areasareas can be protected by preventing fishing in those areas often where they breed
international agreementsrules all countries abide by in ocean territories
conservation lawslaws enforced by governing territories in zones where fish can’t be caught, etc
continents and oceanscontinents and oceans
nitrogen78%, needed for plant growth (making proteins)
oxygen21%, produced by photosynthesis and used in respiration
water vapour0.2 – 0.4%, source of all precipitation, acts as a natural greenhouse gas, vital to life on Earth.
carbon dioxide0.03%, used by plants in photosynthesis which as a primary producer to support other life forms, is a greenhouse gas
ozone0.00006%, absorbs ultraviolet radiation thereby protecting life on Earth from the effects of too much of the harmful radiation
argon>0.93, can create an inert atmosphere that protects materials from reacting with oxygen or other gases
tropospheretemperature decreases with height (averaging 6.4 degrees C km -1) The top of the layer is marked by tropopause, where temperature remains constant. The boundary occurs at a height of 8km and at the poles and 17km in the tropics and marks the upper limit to the earth weather and climate.
stratospherethis layer extends to nearly 50km above the earth surface, pressure continues to fall, temperatures increase steadily with height, called temperature invasion and absorbs the UV radiation, the upper limit is determined by the stratopause
mesosphere50-80km in height, pressure decreases and temperature falls to below -80 C as there is no water vapour dust or ozone to absorb the incoming short-wave radiation, the mesopause marks the upper limit of this layer.
thermosphere80-1000 km in height and temperatures rise rapidly to as high as 1500 C because of the absorption of UV radiation, the thermopause marks the upper limit of this layer
causes of atmospheric pollutionsmog, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, enhanced greenhouse effect
natural greenhouse effectthe natural greenhouse effect keeps the Earth's surface about 33°C warmer, enabling life in a cold universe, water vapour, carbon dioxide, dust, and ozone trap heat in the atmosphere, preventing too much harmful short-wave radiation from reaching the surface and stopping all long-wave radiation from escaping into space.
stages of the natural greenhouse effect1. About 50% of the sun's incoming short-wave radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface, while 20% is absorbed by the atmosphere and 30% is reflected into space by clouds and the Earth's surface. 2. The absorbed short-wave radiation warms the Earth's surface. 3. The warm Earth emits long-wave infra-red radiation back into the atmosphere. 4. Greenhouse gases absorb some of this outgoing long-wave radiation, heating the atmosphere or reflecting it back to the Earth's surface.
short wave radiationincoming or short-wave solar radiation, visible light and ultraviolet radiation are commonly called short wave radiation
long wave radiationoutgoing or terrestrial radiation, as the earth produces very little visible light or ultraviolet radiation, all radiation from the earth is infra-red
processes involved in the natural greenhouse effectprocesses involved in the natural greenhouse effect
the greenhouse gasesthe greenhouse gases
smogburning fossil fuels provide particles such as unburnt hydrocarbons that act as condensation nuclei for fog to form. VOC's from industrial processes also provide particulate matter that act as condensation nuclei for fog to form. Particulate matter associated with industrial and urban areas is more frequent during winter due to heating and the incomplete combustion of fuel forming particulate matter
photochemical smogwhen sunlight causes chemical reactions to occur on certain air pollutants that convert them into harmful ground-level and tropospheric ozone
temperature inversioncan trap warm air and smog in a valley under high pressure. This can concentrate the smog enough to block out the Sun, creating the "dustbin lid effect."
conditions needed for a temperature inversion to form- high air pressure (anticyclone) which causes the upper air to sink - calm conditions resulting from high pressure (wind will disperse smog) - valleys surrounded by steep-sided hills, which trap the smog
acid rainpH<6, caused by sulphur and nitrogen oxides from burning fossil fuels and vehicle emissions. These gases mix with atmospheric water vapour and oxygen to form weak nitric and sulphuric acids. The wind carries these acids away from their source, resulting in "wet deposition."
ozone layer depletionoccurs when chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) release chlorine that breaks down stratospheric ozone, which blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation. This creates the "ozone hole," more pronounced over Antarctica in winter due to chemical reactions in the polar vortex. In summer, the ozone hole temporarily recovers as chlorine converts to other compounds.
enhanced greenhouse effectcaused by human activities adding greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour, and methane to the atmosphere, leading to more heat being retained and rising global temperatures, burning of fossil fuels is the largest contributor, deforestation also increases atmospheric carbon dioxide by reducing the number of trees that absorb it
effects of smog on humansirritation of eyes and throat, increasing respiratory diseases such as asthma, fine particles carried into the lungs leading to lung cancer, strokes and heart attacks, breathing difficulties
effects of smog on the environmentability of plants to make and store food through photosynthesis is reduced, growth reproduction and general health of plants decline making them more prone to disease and pests
effects of acid rain on humansacidification of groundwater makes water undrinkable and can cause diarrhoea and stomach upsets, limestone buildings are chemically weathered
effects of acid rain on the environmentaquatic and animal life in lakes is poisoned and decreases as acidity levels increase, trees affected as foliage dies, acidification of groundwater damages tree roots, crop yields decline
effects of ozone depletion on humanshigher levels of UV radiation causes sun burn skin cancer retina damage and cataracts
effects of ozone depletion on the environmentdamage to vegetation melting ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost can lead to a rise in sea-levels, extra UV radiation inhibits the reproductive cycle of phytoplankton which make up the lowest layer of some food webs so this could affect the populations of other animals
climate change effects on humandamage to low-lying countries from flooding would be disruptive with high financial costs, forced migration as people lose their homes and farmland from rising sea-levels, warmer weather may mean farmers grow different crops and have longer growing seasons, increased droughts could lead to desertification and famine
climate change effects on the environmentmelting of ice sheets and glaciers, sea-level rise will lead to the loss of costal land and increased erosion, more severe storms or droughts
reduction of carbon footprintIndividuals can reduce their carbon footprint by using public transport, flying less, conserving energy at home, and using solar power
reduced use of fossil fuelsgovernments - renewable energy programmes for electricity production to replace coal and oil-fired power stations individuals - can use public transport and take fewer plane trips to reduce fossil fuel use
energy efficiencyindividuals - using energy saving devices, light bulbs and turning off lights and devices when not in use, 3R's to reduce the need for mineral extraction and save energy on making new products if the old ones are not thrown away but instead reused in a variety of ways governments - can develop and encourage the use of renewable forms of electricity production
carbon capture and storagegovernment - waste carbon dioxide from power plants, captured and transported via pipelines to storage sites
transport policiesgovernments - developing safe cycle ways, higher road user charges, making public transport cheaper
CFC replacementgovernments - ensure processes in place for the safe disposal of items containing CFCs such as old refrigerators, regulations that ban the use of CFCs in aerosol cans and making the use of alcohol and pump action sprays mandatory
catalytic convertersindividuals - CEO’s of car companies deciding to use catalytic converters to reduce sulphur emissions from vehicles governments - can make it compulsory for all diesel vehicles to be fitted with particulate filters to reduce air pollution and allow the sale of only fuel low in sulphur
flue-gas desulphurisationgovernments - the mandatory use of flue gas desulfurisation measures such as scrubbers could be made law measures such as scrubbers can remove up to 95% of sulphur dioxide emissions and lining chimneys with lime also helps
taxationgovernments - taxation policies can incentivise businesses and individuals to reduce pollution and invest in cleaner technologies taxation
reforestation and afforestationgovernments - reforestation programmes can be set up by government departments, laws can be passed to reduce air pollution emissions from industries
earth structureearth structure
inner coretemperature of 5000-6000oC, is solid due to the intense pressure from overlying rocks and is made from iron and nickel
outer coretemperature of 4000-5000oC, is liquid and is make from iron and nickel
mantletemperature of 1000-1200oC, is liquid and flows slowly due to the convectional currents from the core and is made of mainly silicate minerals
ocean crustmade from silicate and magnesium minerals, mainly made from basalt, thin at a depth of 6km, younger and can sink and is continually being renewed and destroyed
continental crustmade from silicate and aluminium minerals, mainly made from granite, thick at a depth of 35km but can be up to 100km under mountain ranges, lighter as 2.6g cm-3, older and cannot sink and is neither destroyed nor renewed
tectonic plateis a piece of lithosphere that moves slowly, it is made of crust and upper mantle. Where the convection currents rise to the surface, the plates move away from each other and where the convection currents sink, the plates move towards each other
plate boundarywhere two or more plates meet, the three main types of plate boundaries are constructive, destructive and conservative
constructive (divergent) plate boundariesWhen two oceanic plates pull apart, a gap forms, and magma rises due to convection currents. This magma cools and solidifies into new basaltic crust, a process called sea floor spreading or ridge push, which can trigger small earthquakes. Over time, the crust forms mid-ocean ridges and submarine volcanoes, which may emerge as volcanic islands. These are called shield volcanoes, known for non-explosive eruptions due to low pressure. . An example is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Eurasian and North American plates. If continental plates pull apart, a rift valley can form as land drops between faults.
destructive (convergent) plate boundarieswhen two plates move towards each other, the denser oceanic plate is subducted under the lighter continental plate, forming a trench, triggering earthquakes, and creating magma that rises to form explosive composite volcanoes. Fold mountains also form. If two continental plates collide, the sediments between them are compressed and pushed up, forming fold mountains. In oceanic plate collisions, volcanic island arcs can form.
fold mountainsare mountains created where two or more tectonic plates are pushed together, compressing the rocks and folding them upwards
conservative plate boundariesoccur when two plates slide past each other. They move at different speeds. The plates get locked together and pressure builds up until it is released as an earthquake.
magnitudemeasures the strength of an earthquake. It is measured on the Richter scale
Richter scaleRichter scale
tropical cyclones requirementsocean surface temperatures of at least 27oC, ocean depth of at least 60 meters, very little shear wind and these conditions must occur between 5o and 20o north or south of the equator to form
why tropical cyclones need those conditionsprovides the energy to evaporate more water that rises, and condenses, releasing huge amounts of energy, the 5o and 20o north or south of the equator mean that there is an optimal amount of Coriolis force (rotation of the earth) to make the air spin fast enough, change in wind speed or direction prevents the stoppage of the vertical development.
how tropical cyclones startClusters of thunderstorms grow and spin as warm air rises, cools, and condenses, releasing heat. This intensifies the low-pressure area, drawing more air toward the storm's centre. Cumulonimbus clouds form, and cooler air sinks, creating the eye. Tropical cyclones gain energy from warm ocean moisture. Tropical cyclones form May-November in the Northern Hemisphere (spin clockwise) and November-May in the Southern Hemisphere (spin counterclockwise).
causes of floodingweather, previous weather, soil and rock type, relief, earthquakes, volcanoes and tropical cyclones, deforestation, urbanisation, agriculture, climate change
weather - causes of floodingheavy, intense rainfall can exceed the infiltration capacity of the soil and lead to an increase in overland flow. Steady prolonged rainfall can saturate the soil and caused the water table to rise, reducing infiltration capacity. Overland flow will occur if snow melt is rapid and the ground beneath frozen
previous weather - causes of floodingantecedent soil moisture refers to the amount of water in the soil before a rainfall event. The more saturated the soil, the less infiltration and the more overland flow
soil and rock type - causes of floodingImpermeable soils and rocks, such as clay or granite, have a low infiltration capacity and percolation rate, which leads to greater overland flow
relief - causes of floodingSteeper gradients can lead to faster overland flow and water has little time to infiltrate
earthquakes volcanoes and tropical cyclones - causes of floodingThese natural hazards can produce tsunamis and storm surges that flood low-lying coastal areas
deforestation - causes of floodingCutting down trees reduces interception and infiltration
urbanisation - causes of floodingConcrete and tarmac are impermeable surfaces that lead to more overland flow. Storm drains speed up the movement of water to the nearest river
agriculture - causes of floodingovergrazing and leaving soil expose reduces interception. Ploughing down rather than across lopes quickly channels the water downwards. Heavy farm machinery compacts the soil, making it impermeable
climate change - causes of floodingenhanced global warming may lead to a rise in sea levels, as well as more rainfall and storms in certain parts of the world
causes of droughtchanges in atmospheric circulation patterns, air in high-pressure systems, El Niño, La Niña, warmer temp, agricultural practices, deforestation, building a dam
changes in atmospheric circulation - causes of droughtaltering storm tracks and wind patterns. An example of this is patterns that prevent the northwards movement of the intertropical convergence zone into the Sahel region of Africa, which means that the moist rising air at the intertropical convergence zone does not move north to reach Sahel
air in high pressure systems - causes of floodingsinks and rain clouds generally do not form. If the sinking air covers a large area than normal or becomes prolonged, droughts can occur
El Niño - causes of droughtweather event where the surface water in the Pacific Ocean along South America rises in temperature. These warmer waters change circulation patters and alter storm patters and can cause droughts in Australia
La Niña - causes of droughtis the counterpart to El Niño and is when the surface water in the Pacific Ocean along South America decreases in temperature. The cooler waters contribute to drier conditions in parts of north and South America
warmer temps - causes of droughtwarmer temperatures worldwide from climate change leads to decreased rainfall and therefore leading to more drought events
agricultural practices - causes of droughtcan make land more vulnerable to drought. Irrigation techniques have increased farmer's dependence on water. Overcultivation and overgrazing can lead to soil compaction, and the soil is less able to hold water. As the soil becomes drier, it is vulnerable to erosion and eventually desertification
deforestation - causes of droughtdecreases soil infiltration and increases soil erosion
building a dam - causes of droughtbuilding a dam on a large river can cause drought downstream of the dam by reducing the flow of water
impacts of natural hazardstectonic events, tropical cyclones, flooding, drought
tectonic events - impacts of natural hazardsearthquake-resistant structures, fire prevention measures like smart meters reduce risks, while understanding volcanic patterns aids tsunami predictions for timely evacuations
tropical cyclones - impacts of natural hazardsPredicting and preparing for tropical cyclones by tracking them with satellites and implementing protective measures like cyclone shelters, elevated buildings, and coastal embankments directly mitigate impacts such as flooding, loss of life, financial losses, and damage to infrastructure. These strategies also help preserve crops and habitats by protecting agricultural areas and maintaining clean water supplies, thereby reducing the risk of water-related diseases
flooding - impacts of natural hazardsinvolves monitoring rainfall, use of flood barriers like dams, land-use planning prioritizes higher ground for settlements and uses sandbags
drought - impacts of natural hazardsinclude desalination, drought-tolerant crops, agricultural improvements such as bunds help mitigate impacts
strategies for managing natural hazardstectonic, tropical cyclones, flooding, drought
tectonic - managing natural hazardsPrediction and preparation for tectonic events are vital for disaster management. Monitoring and warning systems provide early alerts, and land use zoning places essential services in low-risk areas. Constructing earthquake-resistant structures enhances resilience, while disaster preparation involves plans, drills, and emergency supplies. Clear evacuation plans enable swift relocations, and international aid supports recovery in affected regions.
tropical cyclones - managing natural hazardsTropical cyclones are predicted through satellite tracking for monitoring and warning. Preparation includes cyclone shelters, stilted buildings, disaster plans, drills, and emergency supplies. Evacuation and rebuilding efforts, along with international aid, are vital after a cyclone, while coastal embankments and mangrove swamps help reduce storm surge impacts
flooding - managing natural hazardsFlood prediction relies on monitoring rainfall and river discharge with storm hydrographs for warnings. Preparation includes flood barriers and afforestation, while land use planning prioritizes higher ground. During floods, shelters and rescue operations are vital, with recovery focused on rebuilding and using sandbags and pumps
drought - managing natural hazardsDrought prediction relies on monitoring precipitation and temperature. Preparation includes ensuring emergency water supplies and increasing water supply through dams, reservoirs, wells, and aquifers. Conservation strategies involve using drought-tolerant crops and improving agricultural practices. Governments also stockpile water, food, and medicine, with international aid supporting affected regions.
advantages of natural hazardsVolcanoes produce fertile soils for high crop yields and offer opportunities for extraction of minerals like sulphur and gold, as well as geothermal energy resources. Flooding contributes to the deposition of silt on farmland, providing vital food and water sources and enabling building on adjacent flat land.
why we need to recycle rocks and minerals - sustainable use of rocks and mineralsrecycling uses less energy than processing the ores and recycling also produces less waste and therefore reduces the risk of pollution
legislation - sustainable use of rocks and mineralscan be achieved by the government passing laws that require manufactures to become responsible for recycling and reusing
water rich countrieshave plentiful fresh water supply
water poor countrieshave scare fresh water supplies
water conflictis conflict between countries, states, or groups over access to water resources
physical water scarcityis a situation in which there is simply not enough water for human needs
economic water scarcityis a situation in which there is enough water available, but the money does not exist to extract it and/or treat it for human needs
sanitation systemswhich ensure that dirty water does not mix with water intended for human use and water treatment processes which ensure that the water supplied to people is safe to drink
urban areas access to drinking watershave higher access to safe drinking water because there is more wealth/more wealthy people in cities, large numbers of people can work together to pressurise authorities to provide safe water, and it is cheaper to install piped water when people live closer together
why dams are sustainablealternative for burning fossil fuels as no greenhouse gases are produced
why dams are unsustainablereservoir can become silted due to material carried into it by rivers, dam structure under a lot of pressure can deteriorate and eventually fall, have negative effects on the environment and aquatic organisms
global inequalities in sewage and water treatmentmeans that undeveloped countries (LEDC’s) have difficulty treating water and sewage compared to developed countries (MEDC’s) as people aren’t as educated and can’t put pressure on the government
effect of acid rain on organisms in rivers and lakesa lower pH makes the environment intolerable for aquatic life, fish egg laying is reduced, and young fish are malformed, leaching of heavy metals such as aluminium, lead and mercury from the soil into the water, aluminium clogs fish gills and causes suffocation, minerals essential for life are washed out of the lake or river therefore reducing algae growth and leaving less food for aquatic animals.