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level: Level 3

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level questions: Level 3

choleraa disease caused by a bacterium which is transmitted in contaminated water
what does cholera bacterium doproduces a toxin that causes secretion of chloride ions into the small intestine, causing osmotic movement of water into the gut, causing diarrhoea, dehydration and loss of ions from the blood
uses of energy in living organisms includingmuscle contraction, protein synthesis, cell division, active transport, growth, the passage of nerve impulses and the maintenance of a constant body temperature
aerobic respirationthe chemical reactions in cells that use oxygen to break down nutrient molecules to release energy
word equation for aerobic respirationglucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
balanced chemical equation for aerobic respirationC6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O
anaerobic respirationthe chemical reactions in cells that break down nutrient molecules to release energy without using oxygen
energy releasesanaerobic respiration releases much less energy per glucose molecule than aerobic respiration
word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeastglucose → alcohol + carbon dioxide
balanced chemical equation for anaerobic respiration in yeastC6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
word equation for anaerobic respiration in muscles during vigorous exerciseglucose → lactic acid
lactic acidbuilds up in muscles and blood during vigorous exercise, causing an oxygen debt
how the oxygen debt is removed after exercise- continuation of fast heart rate to transport lactic acid in the blood from the muscles to the liver - continuation of deeper and faster breathing to supply oxygen for aerobic respiration of lactic acid - aerobic respiration of lactic acid in the liver
nitrogen cyclenitrogen cycle
the role of anaerobic respiration in yeast during the production of ethanolunder anaerobic conditions, yeast converts the glucose into ethanol, which is then purified for use as biofuel
the role of anaerobic respiration in yeast during bread-makingthe carbon dioxide produced during fermentation is trapped in the dough, causing it to rise and creating the soft, porous texture of bread
factors affecting anaerobic respiration in yeastthe optimal temperature range is around 30°C to 37°C, a slightly acidic pH is preferred, higher concentrations of glucose can increase ethanol production, extremely high levels can be inhibitory
the use of pectinase in fruit juice productionadding pectinase to the chopped up fruit, more juice is released, pectinase breaks down pectin that is found inside plant cell walls, once broken more juice can be squeezed out of the fruit
use of biological washing powders that contain enzymesbiological washing powders contain enzymes similar to the digestive enzymes produced in the alimentary canal that help to break down large food molecules
advantages of using biological washing powders- quickly breaking down large, insoluble molecules such smaller, soluble ones that will dissolve - they are effective at lower temperatures, meaning less energy (and money) has to be used in order to wash - they can be used to clean delicate fabrics that would not be suitable for washing at high temperatures
use of lactase to produce lactose-free milkmilk can be made lactose free by adding the enzyme lactase to it and leaving it to stand for a while to allow the enzyme to break down the lactose
how fermenter's can be used for the large-scale production of useful productsfermenters are containers used to grow micro-organisms like bacteria and fungi in large amounts, these can then be used for many biotechnological processes like producing bacteria and the penicillium mould that produces penicillin
conditions that need to be controlled in a fermentertemperature - monitored using probes and maintained using a water jacket pH - monitored using a probe oxygen - required for aerobic respiration to take place nutrient supply - needed for use in respiration to release energy for growth and reproduction of the micro-organisms waste products - contents are filtered to remove waste created
binomial system of naming speciesinternationally agreed system in which the scientific name of an organism is made up of two parts showing the genus and species
fernsHave leaves called fronds Do not produce flowers but instead reproduce by spores produced on the underside of fronds
flowering plantsreproduce sexually by means of flowers and seeds, can be divided into two groups – monocotyledons and dicotyledons
difference between monocotyledons and dicotyledons in flowersflowers from monocotyledons contain petals in multiples of 3 while flowers from dicotyledons contain petals in multiples of 4 or 5
difference between monocotyledons and dicotyledons in leavesLeaves from monocotyledons have parallel leaf veins while leaves from dicotyledons have reticulated leaf veins, leaves from monocotyledons are narrow and grass-like while leaves from dicotyledons tend to have broader leaves that come in a wide range of shapes
main features of all fungiusually multicellular, cells have nuclei and cell walls not made from cellulose, do not photosynthesize but feed by saprophytic (on dead or decaying material) or parasitic (on live material) nutrition
main features of all protoctistsmost are unicellular but some are multicellular, all have a nucleus, some may have cell walls and chloroplasts meaning some protoctists photosynthesise others don't
main features of all Prokaryotes(bacteria, blue-green algae), often unicellular cells have cell walls (not made of cellulose) and cytoplasm but no nucleus or mitochondria
features of a virusfeatures of a virus
micrometer to mm1 micrometer = 0.001
where in the cells does diffusion and osmosis take placecell membrane
words to use when talking about enzymesactive site, enzyme-substrate complex, substrate, product
chlorophylla green pigment that is found in chloroplasts
importance of nitrate ions for photosynthesismaking amino acids
importance of magnesium ions for photosynthesismaking chlorophyll
role and adaptation of the cuticlerole - primarily functions to reduce water loss through evaporation adaptation - the cuticle's thickness is an adaptation to environmental conditions, varying to balance water retention with the need for light absorption
role and adaptation of the guard cell and stomatarole - gas exchange adaptation - guard cells swell or shrink in response to environmental stimuli, thereby regulating the opening of stomata, which is crucial for maintaining a balance between gas exchange and water conservation
role and adaptation of the epidermisrole - serves as a protective barrier against environmental damage, pathogen entry and excessive water loss adaptation - being transparent, it allows sunlight to pass through to the underlying photosynthetic cells
role and adaptation of the palisade mesophyllrole - where most light absorption occurs adaptation - the arrangement of palisade cells maximises light absorption
role and adaptation of the spongy mesophyllrole - facilitates gas exchange adaptation - the structure enhances the diffusion of CO2 to the photosynthesising cells
role and adaptation of the air spacesrole - efficient diffusion of gases (CO2, O2, and water vapour) adaptation - connect the stomata with the photosynthetic cells, ensuring that gases reach their target sites rapidly
role and adaptation of the vascular bundlesrole - xylem transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves, essential for photosynthesis, phloem distributes the sugars produced during photosynthesis to other parts of the plant adaptation - vascular bundles help in maintaining leaf structure, ensuring optimal positioning for light absorption
what organs are in the alimentary canalmouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum and ileum) and large intestine (colon, rectum and anus)
digestion of starchamylase - breaks down starch to maltose maltase - breaks down maltose to glucose on the membranes of the membranes of the epithelium lining on the small intestine
digestion of protein by proteasespepsin - breaks down protein in the acidic conditions of the stomach trypsin - breaks down protein in the alkaline conditions of the small intestine
effect of number of stomata, size of stomata and air spaces on evaporationall lead to higher evaporation of water
why some parts of a plant may act as a source and a sinkcan become a sink during its growth phase or when it undergoes repair after damage
body circuitsbody circuits
structure of blood vessels relates to the blood pressuremuscular walls of veins are thinner as the blood they carry is at a lower pressure, muscular walls of arteries are thicker as the blood they carry is at a higher pressure
how structure of capillaries is related to their functionscontain one layer of cells - substances can easily diffuse in and out of them
white and red blood cellswhite and red blood cells
lymphocytes in diagramslymphocytes in diagrams
active immunitygained after an infection by a pathogen or by vaccination
importance of vaccinationvaccinations give protection against specific diseases and boost the body’s defence against infection from pathogens without the need to be exposed to dangerous diseases that can lead to death
importance of breastfeeding for infantsfast-acting, short-term defence, it helps the infant to fight off infections until they are older and stronger and their immune system is more responsive
examples of chemical control of a plant growthphototropism, gravitropism
why is only using antibiotics when essential importantcan limit the development of resistant bacteria such as MRSA
advantages of asexual reproduction to a population of species in the wildpopulations can be increased rapidly when conditions are right, can exploit suitable environments quickly
disadvantages of asexual reproduction to a population of species in the wildlimited genetic variation in the population as offspring are genetically identical to their parents, the population is vulnerable to changes in conditions and may only be suited for one habitat
advantages of asexual reproduction to a crop productionmore time and energy efficient, reproduction is completed much faster than sexual reproduction
disadvantages of asexual reproduction to a crop productiondisease is likely to affect the whole population as there is no genetic variation
advantages of sexual reproduction to a population of species in the wildincreases genetic variation, the species can adapt to new environments due to variation, giving them a survival advantage
disadvantages of sexual reproduction to a population of species in the wildtakes time and energy to find mats, difficult for isolated members of the species to reproduce
advantages of sexual reproduction to a crop productiondisease is less likely to affect the population (due to variation)
disadvantages of sexual reproduction to a crop productionslower colonization
cross-pollinationoccurs when the pollen from one plant is transferred to the stigma of another plant of the same species
cross-pollination effectsthe way most plants carry out pollination, as it improves genetic variation, able to respond to changes in the environment as they are more likely to have adaptations that suit new conditions, relies on pollinators
self-pollination effectsreduces genetic variety, if environmental conditions change as it is less likely that any offspring will have adaptations that suit the new conditions well, doesn't rely on pollinators
what happens in early development, of the zygoteforms an embryo, which is a ball of cells that implants into the lining of the uterus
placenta labelplacenta label
function of placentaexchange of substances between the mother's blood and that of the fetus Substances that travel from the mother's blood to the fetus include: oxygen nutrients, e.g. glucose, amino acids and mineral ions
function of amniotic saccontains amniotic fluid
function of amniotic fluidprotects the embryo during development by cushioning it from bumps when the mother moves around
function of umbilical cordconnects the embryo’s blood supply to the placenta
oestrogen levels and timinglevels rise from day 1 to peak just before day 14, this causes the uterine wall to start thickening and the egg to mature
progesterone levels and timingline stays low from day 1 – 14 and starts to rise once ovulation has occurred, the increasing levels cause the uterine lining to thicken further; a fall in progesterone levels causes the uterine lining to break down (menstruation / ‘period’)
FSHcauses an egg to mature in an ovary, stimulates the ovaries to release oestrogen, line stays relativley the same
LHtriggers ovulation, line stays relatively the same and peaks in the middle
adaptive features of hydrophyteslarge air spaces in their leaves for flotation, to keep the leaves close to the surface of the water where there is more light for photosynthesis, small roots as they can also extract nutrients from the surrounding water through their tissues, stomata usually open all the time and mainly found on the upper epidermis of the leaf where they can exchange gases much more easily with the air
pyramid of numberspyramid of numbers
pyramids of biomasspyramids of biomass
pyramids of energypyramids of energy
trophic levelsproducers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, quaternary consumers
plastics effects in marineanimals often try to eat plastic or become caught in it, leading to injuries and death, as the plastic breaks down it can release toxins that affect marine organisms, once it has broken down into very small particles it is commonly ingested by animals and enters the food chain
plastics effects on landplastic is generally disposed of by burying in landfills, as it breaks down it releases toxins into the surrounding soil and as such the land is no good for growing crops or grazing animals and can only be used for building on several decades after burial
sources and effects of methane pollutionlivestock farming, enhanced greenhouse effect
sources and effects of carbon dioxide pollutionfossil fuels, climate change
why are bacteria useful in biotechnology and genetic modificationrapid reproduction rate and ability to make complex molecules, few ethical concerns over their manipulation and growth, presence of plasmids
features of gas exchange surfaces in humanslarge surface area - to allow faster diffusion of gases across the surface thin walls - to ensure diffusion distances remain short good ventilation with air - so that diffusion gradients can be maintained good blood supply - to maintain a high concentration gradient so diffusion occurs faster
body diagrambody diagram
inhaled air compositioncontains around 21% oxygen, around 0.04 % carbon dioxide, less water vapour, 78% nitrogen (gas composition matches atmospheric levels)
exhaled air compositionaround 16 % oxygen, around 4 % carbon dioxide, more water vapour (respiration), 78% nitrogen
reason for difference in oxygenoxygen is removed from blood by respiring cells so blood returning to lungs has a lower oxygen concentration than the air in the alveoli which means oxygen diffuses into the blood in the lungs
reason for difference in carbon dioxidecarbon dioxide is produced by respiration and diffuses into blood from respiring cells; the blood transports the carbon dioxide to the lungs where it diffuses into the alveoli as it in a higher concentration in the blood than in the air in the alveoli
reason for difference in water vapourwater evaporates from the moist lining of the alveoli into the expired air as a result of the warmth of the body
reason for difference in nitrogennitrogen gas is very stable and so cannot be used by the body, for this reason its concentration does not change in inspired or expired air
effects of physical activity on the rate and depth of breathingexercise increases the frequency and depth of breathing, the number of breaths per minute will have increased and the chest expansion will also have increased
reason for this increase of rate and depth of breathingDuring exercise, increased carbon dioxide in the blood lowers pH, triggering chemoreceptors in the brain. This signals the diaphragm and intercostal muscles to increase breathing rate and depth to remove CO2 and supply more oxygen
lungs diagramlungs diagram
function of cartilage in the tracheasurround the trachea (and bronchi), the function of the cartilage is to support the airways and keep them open during breathing, if they were not present then the sides could collapse inwards when the air pressure inside the tubes drops
role of ribsDuring strenuous activity, the internal intercostal muscles pull the ribs down and in, reducing thorax volume and forcing air out quickly—this is called forced exhalation. It helps remove excess carbon dioxide and increases gas exchange
role of external intercostal musclesDuring inhalation, the external intercostal muscles contract, pulling the ribs up and out, increasing chest volume and drawing air in. During exhalation, the internal intercostal muscles contract, pulling the ribs down and in, decreasing chest volume and forcing air out
role of diaphragmwhen the diaphragm contracts, it flattens, increasing chest volume and lowering lung air pressure, drawing air in. When it relaxes, it moves up, decreasing chest volume and raising lung air pressure, forcing air out
role of ciliated cells in protecting the breathing systemThe passages down to the lungs are lined with ciliated epithelial cells, have tiny hairs on the end of them that beat and push mucus up the passages towards the nose and throat where it can be removed
role of goblet cells in protecting the breathing systemThe mucus is made by special mucus-producing cells called goblet cells because they are shaped like a goblet, or cup
role of mucus in protecting the breathing systemmucus traps particles, pathogens like bacteria or viruses, and dust and prevents them getting into the lungs and damaging the cells there
carbon dioxide excretionexcreted through the lungs
what do kidneys excreteurea and excess water and ions
excretory system diagramexcretory system diagram
structure of the kidneystructure of the kidney
structure of the kidneystructure of the kidney
structure of a nephroneach kidney contains around a million tiny structures called nephrons, also known as kidney tubules or renal tubules, nephrons start in the cortex of the kidney, loop down into the medulla and back up to the cortex
contents of the nephronsdrain into the innermost part of the kidney and the urine collects there before it flows into the ureter to be carried to the bladder for storage
function of a nephronis removing all waste products including the solid wastes, and other excess water from the blood, converting blood into the urine, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion of numerous substances
ultrafiltrationblood is delivered to the kidneys by the renal arteries and taken away by the renal veins, blood enters the kidney at high pressure, the pressure helps to filter all the small molecules from the blood into the kidney
role of the glomerulus in filtrationrole of the glomerulus in filtration
filtrate in the kidney is made up ofwater, salts, sugars, urea, amino acids, proteins and blood cells are too big to filter into the kidney
reabsorptionas the filtrate travels around the nephron in the kidney the useful substances are reabsorbed - glucose, amino acids, water, salts
loop of Henlethe longer the loop of Henle the more water will be reabsorbed. Therefore, animals that live in dry habitats such as the desert have a long loop of Henle. This means the medulla of the kidney is also thicker
nephron in reabsorptionnephron in reabsorption
kidney positionkidney position
formation of urine containing ureathe molecules which are not selectively reabsorbed (the urea, excess water and ions) continue along the nephron tubule to the collecting ducts as urine. This eventually passes down to the bladder.
role of the liver in the assimilation of amino acidsexcess amino acids absorbed in the blood that are not needed to make proteins cannot be stored, so they are broken down in a process called deamination
deaminationremoval of the nitrogen containing part of amino acids to form urea
urea formationformed in the liver from excess amino acids
importance of excretionurea is toxic to the body in higher concentrations and so must be excreted
homoeostasisthe maintenance of a constant internal environment
negative feedbackoccurs when conditions change from the ideal or set point and returns conditions to this set point, usually a continuous cycle of bringing levels down and then bringing them back up so that overall, they stay within a narrow range of what is considered ‘normal’
how negative feedback worksif the level of something rises control systems are switched on to reduce it again, if the level of something falls control systems are switched on to raise it again
blood glucose levels riseinsulin is produced when blood glucose rises and stimulates liver and muscle cells to convert excess glucose into glycogen to be stored
blood glucose levels fallGlucagon is produced when blood glucose falls and stimulates liver and muscle cells to convert stored glycogen into glucose to be released into the blood
type 1 diabetes treatmentsIt can be treated with insulin injections, a controlled diet to avoid blood sugar spikes, and exercise to lower glucose through increased muscle respiration.
temperature regulation by the skinThe brain regulates body temperature using receptors that detect blood temperature. Skin receptors send signals to the brain, which then triggers effectors in the skin to maintain a stable 37°C. Fatty tissue under the skin insulates the body and helps prevent heat loss.
when we are hot - sweatingsweat is secreted by sweat glands, this cools skin by evaporation, heat energy from the body is lost as liquid water in sweat becomes water vapour
when we are hot - hairhairs lie flat against the skin allowing air to freely circulate this increases heat transfer to environment by radiation
when we are cold - shiveringskeletal muscles contract rapidly, and we shiver, these involuntary muscle contractions need energy from respiration and some of this is released as heat
when we are cold - hairerect hairs trap a layer of air around the skin which acts as an insulator, preventing heat loss by radiation
vasconstroctionwhen we are cold, blood flow in capillaries slows down because arterioles leading to the skin get narrower, this reduces the amount of heat lost from blood by radiation as less blood flows through the surface of the skin
vasodilationwhen we are hot blood flow in capillaries increases because blood vessels to the skin capillaries get wider, this cools the body as blood (which carries heat around the body) is flowing at a faster rate through the skin's surface and so more heat is lost by radiation
skin when it's hotskin when it's hot
skin when it's coldskin when it's cold
advantages of genetic modificationmore nutrition, increased yields, reduced use of chemicals
disadvantages of genetic modificationreduced biodiversity, antibiotic resistance, increased cost of seeds
nitrogen fixationconverting nitrogen gas into nitrogen-containing ions
process of nitrogen cycle1. Nitrifying bacteria are present in soil that convert ammonium ions into nitrates 2. Nitrogen fixing bacteria take in/convert nitrogen gas into ammonium ions via lightning. - Plants absorb the nitrates and form amino acids, and then protein - Animals then feed on the proteins and digest them - Then, deamination takes place where the nitrogen containing part of amino acids are broken down and converted to urea, then to be excreted as urine. - Denitrifying bacteria are present in soil, they will break down nitrogen gas and return nitrogen to the atmosphere. - The cycle repeats
nitrogen cyclenitrogen cycle
denitrificationDenitrifying bacteria convert nitrates in the soil back into nitrogen gas, primarily in anaerobic conditions like waterlogged or compacted soil. Farmers can reduce this bacteria's activity by ploughing the soil to improve aeration.
nitrificationDecomposers like bacteria and fungi return nitrogen to the soil as ammonia. Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into nitrates, which plants can absorb
nitrogen fixationNitrogen fixation, done by bacteria or through lightning and fertilizers, converts atmospheric nitrogen (N₂) into usable ammonium compounds and nitrates. Plants then absorb these nitrates from the soil to build proteins