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level: The United Kingdom's Party System

Questions and Answers List

level questions: The United Kingdom's Party System

What does a Party System even Mean?-How many Parties can achieve Representation and can Influence the Politics of the Nation
What is a -Dominant Party System -Two-Party System -Three-Party System -Multi Party System-One Party will Dominate the Seats in the Legislature, and is Only Party in Government -2 Parties have Representation that is Significant -3 Parties have Representation that is Significant -4+ Parties have a Significant Number of Representatives, and Small Parties can Influence the Politics
What Evidence is there that Britain has a Dominant Party System [Only Cares for that Usually only 1 Party can Form Government] (EX)-1979 to 2010 had UK had 1 Party in Government [18 Years of Con, 13 of L] -Coalition that had Followed only was Temporary ‘Myth’ and since 2015 the Election has been Normal [But 2017-2019 needed DUP votes for Legislation to be Passed] -Only the Con, since 2019, has had 56% of Seats [HoC] -Even May’s Minority Government could Control the Agenda of Parliament - May could Delay Votes on Brexit to whenever She Wanted too -Weak Government could thus Dominate Parliament. Conservative survived a Vote of No Confidence in Jan 2019
What Evidence is there of a 2 Party System? (EX)-FPTP only has Labour and Conservatives a Chance of forming Government -FPTP makes sure the 2 Party System is Maintained in terms of how Votes gets Converted into Seats [Concentrated] -2017 saw Labour and Conservatives win 580 of the 650 Seats [89%!] 2019 saw 87%
What Counter-Arguments can be said about the fact there is a 2 Party System in UK? Why may this be the case? (EX)-The SNP has Control over Scottish Government -Labour had Collaborated with the Lib Dem’s in Wales after 2016 Welsh Assembly Elections -NI has its own Parties that assemble the Northern Irish -This can be due to the Different Electoral Systems used, and that Sun-National Elections can Benefit the Smaller Parties
What Evidence can be said of a 3 Party [or Multi-Party] System in the UK? (EX)-2019 saw 82 MPs Elected from Outside the 2 Main Parties, which is Huge Increase from 9 during the 1950-70s -Green Party has Caroline Lucas Represent the Brighton Pavilion, and has Increased her Majority over the last GEs -2019 GE saw the SNP get 48 Seats in HoC, meaning it became the 3rd Largest Comfortably
What Counter-Arguments can be said about the fact that the UK has a Multi Party System (EX)-FPTP will never allow a Permanent Multi-Party System -2017 GE saw the Highest Vote Share between the 2 Major Parties since 1970, at 82.3% 2019 saw it fall to 75.8% -Lib Dems Redemption Arc in 2019 was fairly Abysmal
Describe the % of Votes won by the 2 Main Parties since 1979 GE-Overall from 1979 [81%] to 2010 [65%] it had Steadily Declined with only a Hiccup in 1992 with a 3% Increase -But then 2015 saw a 2% Increase [67%] and then 2017 saw an Enormous 82%! -2019 only managed to get 76%, which is the 3rd Highest Vote Share since 1979 [Higher than 1983]
In terms of Quality of Leadership, which Specific Traits can Attract Support?-Experience -Decisiveness -Ability to Lead -Media Image -Intelligence -Apparent Honesty
What does Valence mean?-How people view the Party Image, which Factors in -How Competent they were Last time in Office -How Economically Responsible they were -Trustworthy and United?
In terms of the Media, what Influences do they have on the Parties? And how?-Press will present Images of Party Leaders - Strong or Weak, Charismatic or Out of Touch -Dishing out Opinion Polls can Influence Voting Behaviour -Newspapers will Prefer Different Parties and therefore shine a Different Light on Parties -Election Time see Most Newspapers get their Reader to Vote for a Party
How can Quality of Leadership lead to Success, and Failure? (EX)-1997 saw Blair’s Approval Rating very High, and as a Result lead to a Landslide Victory -And 2019 saw a Poll being Made that 43% of Respondents who didn’t vote Labour did so due to Negative Images of Corbyn
How can the Valence lead to Success and Failure? (EX)-1983 and 87 saw Labour being Divided, but the Conservative Party United with Thatcher. This led to a Heavy Defeat for Labour -1997 also saw the Conservatives Divided in terms of Europe and lost to a United Labour under New Labour [Blair]
How can the Influence of the Press lead to Success and Failure? (EX)-1997 saw ‘The Sun’ back Blair. This led to Blair having Positive Headlines in the Run-up, contributing to his Win, as Blair got positive Headlines in the Run up to the Election -But 1992 also saw The Sun run the Headline that if Labour wins [Neil Kinnock], then: ‘will the last person to leave Britain turn off the Light’ This had Contributed to a huge Conservative Majority Government, with The Sun saying ‘wot won it’.