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level: Market Research

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Market Research

What is Market Research-Gathering Information to give Businesses well information in its Decisions. -This reduces the failure chance
What is the Purpose of Market Research?-Reducing the Risks of Failure -Spotting gaps in the Market to Exploit -Understanding and seeing Customer Needs -Informs the Business's Decisions
What can be Provided by Market Research?-Market size, structure and trends -Competitors; who, market share, USP -Customers; who, needs, wants, expects -Market Segments; existing or new splits in the Market
How can Market Research be split up?-Primary Research; Data collected First-handed for a x purpose -Secondary Research; Data already collected by someone else for another purpose
Advantages of Primary Research?-Its Directly focusing on Research Objects -its Private, unless you share it out -More detailed usually. Especially in Customer Views
Dis-advantages of Primary Research?-Can take a long time, and expensive to complete -Can be Bias -Samples may not represent whole population
Advantages of Secondary Research?-Free, and easy to get -Good locator of Market Insights -Quick to gain access
Dis-advantages of Secondary Reserach?-Can become out of Date -Not tailored to Business Needs -Reports can be expensive [Specialist]
What are the Methods of Market Research?-Trialling -Questionnaires -Focus Groups -Interviews -Websites -Newspaper and Magazines -Internal Data -Census
Questionnaires; What's good and bad about it?Questionnaires are Primary Research -Can be achieved via Telephones, post or Face to face -Given to connected and potential customers -Is usually Cheap and can show good Quality Data [if a certain size is reached] -Data is usually Quantitative, making it easy to see Bad; -Has to be well-made, otherwise the information won't be reliable -Reply rates are low, noticeable on Telephones and Post -Could be expensive and takes lot of time to gain a true sum of the majority's views
Interviews; What's good and bad about it?Interviews; people are asked Questions. This is Primary Research -Done via Face-Face or Telephone -Given to existing or Potential Customers -Interviewers can explain further to maybe complex questions -Can target specific customers, to gain views Bad; -Money and time consuming, for a large enough sample to come through to represent the population -Customers may rush and answer in-accurate to questions, making unreliable information
Focus Groups; What's Good and Bad about it?Focus Groups are simply just small groups representing the Target Market for a Product. They are given Information and asked Questions [Primary Resarch -Can be a great way of gaining detailed information about Customers tastes and Preferences; can also be Opinions Bad; -Can be expensive and time consuming, to perfect and perform. -The Information gathered may still not represent the Whole Target Market
Trialling; What's good and bad about it?Trialling; testing wherever customers will buy it or not [Primary Research] -Puts an Opportunity up for the Business to see if a product on a small scale will get Demand. If it does, then it makes a Opportunity turn into a Money Generator Bad; -Can be Expensive -Area has to be Target Market related, otherwise the data will be reduent
Census; What is it?-Gives information about the Economy -Population data is also provided
Competitor Websites, What is it?-Information on the Marketing Activities of Competitors -This could be: Products, Prices and Promotional Activities
Customer Reviews; What is it?-Data from Product Reviews who Rate and Feedback on a Particular Product -This can be Independent Sites, like TripAdvisor, or Businesses, like Amazon
Trade associations, trade press and Magazines; What's is it?-Industry, have an Industry Association. They have a good amount of Market Analysis. -This is great for New Businesses, who don't have much/any experience of the Market
Newspapers; What is it?-Financial and Economic Information is given on a Daily Base. -This Information ranges from Local, to International -They also give Case Studies or other Local Businesses
Market Research Products; What is it?-Mintel and Keynote makes a lot of Expensive Reports, covering individual Markets
Internal Data; What is it?-Data collected Inside the Organisation [Profits, Sales and Promotional Spends]
What factors affect the Type of Market Research?-Purpose; What does the Business want know, What are the Objectives -Type of Information needed; Does it need information about a Target Market, or a Good/Service? Primary Research would be the answer -Budget; Smaller Businesses have well Small Budgets, putting some Methods not Affordable