YTT 200 Final
In Inglés
In Inglés
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YTT 200 Final - Marcador
YTT 200 Final - Detalles
91 preguntas
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A type of asana that reverses blood flow in the body. | What are inversion poses? |
A type of asana that lengthens the spine and stretches the lower back and hamstrings. | What are forward bends? |
A type of asana that strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. | What are standing poses? |
Standing Backbends Forward bends Inversions Twists | Name 5 primary types of asanas. |
Nerves, spinal cord, brain | Name 3 parts of the body that make up the nervous system. |
1) coordinate functions of the internal systems of the body in order to maintain balance and homeostasis 2) control reactions to information it receives | Name 2 functions of the CNS. |
Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system | What are the 2 sections of the nervous system? |
Central Nervous System | The brain and the spinal cord are parts of which system? |
Peripheral Nervous system | The nerves are part of which system? |
Cervical 7 (neck) Thoracic 12 (rib cage) Lumbar 5 (low back) | Name the 3 sections of vertebrae and how many are in each? |
Flexion and Extension | What are 2 basic movements of the body? |
Movement that decreases the angle between 2 body parts | What is flexion? |
Movement that increases the angle between 2 body parts | What is extension? |
Cranial nerves | Which nerves extend down the base of the brain? |
Relaxed state | What is another name for the parasympathetic nervous system? |
Fight or flight response | What is another name for the central nervous system? |
3 | How many diaphragms do we have? |
1) Vocal 2) Abdominal 3) Pelvic | What are the names of the diaphragms? |
1) Shifting 2) Connecting 3) Centering | Put these words in order: centering, connecting, and shifting |
The mind moves from thought to thought | What is shifting? |
The mind surrenders connection to one object of meditation | What is connecting? |
The mind begins to focus on one object | What is centering? |
Pranyama | What is the science of breathing called? |
Meditation | What method can we use to control fluctuations of the mind? |
1) Carelessness 2) Disease 3) Doubt 4) Dullness 5) Failure to Reach 6) False Perceptions 7) Laziness 8) Sensuality 9) Slipping from ground | What are 9 obstacles to self realization? |
Systematic approach to awareness | How would you define Ashtanga Yoga? |
A hinge | What type of joint is a knee joint? |
A ball and socket | What type of joint is a hip joint? |
Yogic Sleep | What is another name for Yoga Nidra? |
Parasympathetic nervous system | Which nervous system does Yoga Nidra benefit? |
1) lordosis - swayback 2) kyphosis- humpback 3) scoliosis- sideways curve | Name and describe one disorder of the spine. |
Moral restraints to the world. Ahimsa- non-harming Satya - truthfulness or non-lying Asteya - non-stealing Brahmacharya - celibacy Aparigraha - non-greed | What are the yamas? |
1) Manomaya - lower mind/instinct 2) Vijnanamaya - higher mind 3) Anandamaya - bliss or astral 4) Pranamaya - subtle body (nadis and chakras) 5) Annomaya - physical or gross body | Name the 5 Koshas and the definition of each. |
Hinge only moves in one direction. Ball & socket is more flexible but less stable. | What's the difference in a hinge joint and a ball & socket? |
Deerga Swaasam fills and empties the lungs to capacity | What is the Sanskrit name for 3-part breathing and what's the benefit? |
Kabalabaati Cleanses the sinuses & the nadis | What is the Sanskrit name for skull shining breath and it's benefits? |
Nadi Suddhi Calms the CNS | What is the Sanskrit name for Alternate Nostril breathing and the benefit? |
Sukhasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Comfortable Pose. |
Ardha Padmasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Half Lotus. |
Vajrasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Thunderbolt or Diamond Pose. |
Virasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Hero Pose. |
Nethra Vyayamam | Spell the Sanskrit name for Eye Movements. |
Bidalasana/bitalasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Cat/Cow Pose. |
Surya Namaskaram | Spell the Sanskrit name for Sun Salutation. |
Adho Mukha Svanasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Downward Facing Dog. |
Tadasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Mountain Pose. |
Uttanasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Standing Forward Fold. |
Ardha Chandrasana I | Spell the Sanskrit name for Half Moon Pose I. |
Virabhadrasana I | Spell the Sanskrit name for Warrior I. |
Virabhadrasana II | Spell the Sanskrit name for Warrior II. |
Utthitha Parsvakonasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Raised Side Angle. |
Trikonasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Triangle Pose. |
Utkatasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Chair Pose. |
Vrkshasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Tree Pose. |
Natarajasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for King Dancer Pose. |
Utthita hasta padangusthasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Raised Hand to Big Toe Pose. (Standing) |
Bhujangasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Cobra Pose. |
Ardha Salabasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Half Locust Pose. |
Salabasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Locust Pose. |
Dhanurasana | Spell the sanskrit name for Bow Pose. |
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana | Spell the sanskrit name for Upward Facing Dog Pose. |
Janusirshasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Head to Knee Pose. (Seated) |
Paschimothanasana | Spell the sanskrit name for Full Forward Bend. (Seated) |
Upavista konasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Wide Angle Pose. |
Matsyasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Fish Pose. |
Sethu Bandhasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Bridge Pose. |
Halasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Plow Pose. |
Supta Hasta Padangustasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Hand to Big Toe Pose (supine) |
Supta Vipareeta Karani | Spell the sanskrit name for Supine Legs up the Wall pose. |
Supta Parivartanasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Supine Twist. |
Dandasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Stick or Staff Pose. |
Ardha Matsyendrasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Half Spinal Twist (Seated) |
Baddha konasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Bound Angle or Cobblers Pose. |
Agni Stambhasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Fire Log Pose. |
Gomukhasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Cow Face Pose. |
Navasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Boat Pose. |
Svanasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Corpse Pose. |
Advasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Abdominal Pose. |
Balasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Child's Pose. |
Friendliness: "Don't be unhappy seeing others happy". | According to Sutra 33, if "happy" is a lock, what is the key? |
Compassion: "Have compassion for those sad or down on their luck". | According to Sutra 33, if "unhappy" is a lock, what is the key? |
Delight: "Delight in those that have their lives together". | According to Sutra 33, if "virtuous" is a lock, what is the key? |
Ignore. "Disregard those who want to make everyone as unhappy as they are. | According to Sutra 33, if "wicked" is a lock, what is the key? |
24 | How many vertebrae do we have in the spine? |