A type of asana that reverses blood flow in the body. | What are inversion poses? |
A type of asana that lengthens the spine and stretches the lower back and hamstrings. | What are forward bends? |
A type of asana that opens the chest and heart, also stretches the lower back. | What are backbends? |
A type of asanas known to improve digestion and create flexibility in the spine. | What are twists? |
A type of asana that strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. | What are standing poses? |
1. Preparing the student for the pose.
2. Get the student in the pose.
3. Focus student while in pose.
4. Get the student out of the pose.
5. Offer benefits for doing the pose. | Name 5 key elements for teaching asanas. |
Forward bends
Twists | Name 5 primary types of asanas. |
Nerves, spinal cord, brain | Name 3 parts of the body that make up the nervous system. |
1) coordinate functions of the internal systems of the body in order to maintain balance and homeostasis
2) control reactions to information it receives | Name 2 functions of the CNS. |
Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system | What are the 2 sections of the nervous system? |
Central Nervous System | The brain and the spinal cord are parts of which system? |
Peripheral Nervous system | The nerves are part of which system? |
Cervical 7 (neck)
Thoracic 12 (rib cage)
Lumbar 5 (low back) | Name the 3 sections of vertebrae and how many are in each? |
Flexion and Extension | What are 2 basic movements of the body? |
Movement that decreases the angle between 2 body parts | What is flexion? |
Movement that increases the angle between 2 body parts | What is extension? |
Cranial nerves | Which nerves extend down the base of the brain? |
Relaxed state | What is another name for the parasympathetic nervous system? |
Fight or flight response | What is another name for the central nervous system? |
3 | How many diaphragms do we have? |
1) Vocal
2) Abdominal
3) Pelvic | What are the names of the diaphragms? |
1) Shifting
2) Connecting
3) Centering | Put these words in order: centering, connecting, and shifting |
The mind moves from thought to thought | What is shifting? |
The mind surrenders connection to one object of meditation | What is connecting? |
The mind begins to focus on one object | What is centering? |
Pranyama | What is the science of breathing called? |
Meditation | What method can we use to control fluctuations of the mind? |
1) Carelessness 2) Disease 3) Doubt 4) Dullness
5) Failure to Reach 6) False Perceptions 7) Laziness 8) Sensuality
9) Slipping from ground | What are 9 obstacles to self realization? |
Systematic approach to awareness | How would you define Ashtanga Yoga? |
A hinge | What type of joint is a knee joint? |
A ball and socket | What type of joint is a hip joint? |
Yogic Sleep | What is another name for Yoga Nidra? |
parasympathetic nervous system | Which nervous system does Yoga Nidra benefit? |
Leg: 1) rectus femoris, 2) vastus lateralis, 3) sartorius, 4) gastrocnemius, 5) vastus medialis
Back: 1) trapezius, 2) levator scapulae, 3) latissmus dorsi, 4) rhomboid major, 5) rhomboid minor | Name one leg muscle and one back muscle. |
1) lordosis - swayback
2) kyphosis- humpback
3) scoliosis- sideways curve | Name and describe one disorder of the spine. |
1) Yamas - restraints (moral ethics) to the world
2) Niyamas - restraints to self
3) Asanas - physical postures
4) Pranyama - breath control
5) Pratyhara - regulating senses and detachment
6) Dharama - Concentration
7) Dhyama - Meditation
8) Samadhi - Pure consciousness or bliss | What are the 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga? |
Moral restraints to the world.
Ahimsa- non-harming
Satya - truthfulness or non-lying
Asteya - non-stealing
Brahmacharya - celibacy
Aparigraha - non-greed | What are the yamas? |
Restraints for self
Saucha - cleanliness
Santosha - contentment
Tapas - discipline or austerity
Svadhyaya - study of the self or books
Isvara Pranidhana - surrender to a higher being | What are the niyamas? |
1) Ida - left side, female/parasympathetic nervous system
2) Pingala - right side, masculine/ sympathetic nervous system
3) Sushumma - tailbone to the crown, chakra center and balance | What are the 3 main nadis? |
1) Manomaya - lower mind/instinct
2) Vijnanamaya - higher mind
3) Anandamaya - bliss or astral
4) Pranamaya - subtle body (nadis and chakras)
5) Annomaya - physical or gross body | Name the 5 Koshas and the definition of each. |
Hinge only moves in one direction.
Ball & socket is more flexible but less stable. | What's the difference in a hinge joint and a ball & socket? |
Deerga Swaasam
fills and empties the lungs to capacity | What is the Sanskrit name for 3-part breathing and what's the benefit? |
Cleanses the sinuses & the nadis | What is the Sanskrit name for skull shining breath and it's benefits? |
Nadi Suddhi
Calms the CNS | What is the Sanskrit name for Alternate Nostril breathing and the benefit? |
Sukhasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Comfortable Pose. |
Ardha Padmasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Half Lotus. |
Vajrasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Thunderbolt or Diamond Pose. |
Virasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Hero Pose. |
Nethra Vyayamam | Spell the Sanskrit name for Eye Movements. |
Bidalasana/bitalasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Cat/Cow Pose. |
Surya Namaskaram | Spell the Sanskrit name for Sun Salutation. |
Adho Mukha Svanasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Downward Facing Dog. |
Tadasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Mountain Pose. |
Uttanasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Standing Forward Fold. |
Ardha Chandrasana I | Spell the Sanskrit name for Half Moon Pose I. |
Virabhadrasana I | Spell the Sanskrit name for Warrior I. |
Virabhadrasana II | Spell the Sanskrit name for Warrior II. |
Utthitha Parsvakonasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Raised Side Angle. |
Trikonasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Triangle Pose. |
Utkatasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Chair Pose. |
Vrkshasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Tree Pose. |
Natarajasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for King Dancer Pose. |
utthita hasta padangusthasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Raised Hand to Big Toe Pose. (Standing) |
Bhujangasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Cobra Pose. |
Ardha Salabasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Half Locust Pose. |
Salabasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Locust Pose. |
Dhanurasana | Spell the sanskrit name for Bow Pose. |
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana | Spell the sanskrit name for Upward Facing Dog Pose. |
Janusirshasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Head to Knee Pose. (Seated) |
Paschimothanasana | Spell the sanskrit name for Full Forward Bend. (Seated) |
Upavista konasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Wide Angle Pose. |
Matsyasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Fish Pose. |
Sethu Bandhasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Bridge Pose. |
Halasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Plow Pose. |
Supta Hasta Padangustasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Hand to Big Toe Pose (supine) |
Supta Vipareeta Karani | Spell the sanskrit name for Supine Legs up the Wall pose. |
Supta Parivartanasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Supine Twist. |
Dandasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Stick or Staff Pose. |
Ardha Matsyendrasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Half Spinal Twist (Seated) |
Baddha konasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Bound Angle or Cobblers Pose. |
Agni Stambhasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Fire Log Pose. |
Gomukhasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Cow Face Pose. |
Navasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Boat Pose. |
Svanasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Corpse Pose. |
Advasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Abdominal Pose. |
Balasana | Spell the Sanskrit name for Child's Pose. |
Friendliness: "Don't be unhappy seeing others happy". | According to Sutra 33, if "happy" is a lock, what is the key? |
Compassion: "Have compassion for those sad or down on their luck". | According to Sutra 33, if "unhappy" is a lock, what is the key? |
Delight: "Delight in those that have their lives together". | According to Sutra 33, if "virtuous" is a lock, what is the key? |
Ignore. "Disregard those who want to make everyone as unhappy as they are. | According to Sutra 33, if "wicked" is a lock, what is the key? |
24 | How many vertebrae do we have in the spine? |