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Weimar Germany

In Inglés

Creado por:
Tayo Lawal

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Name all the war deaths with stats

1) 2million men died 4 million injured 2) 600,000 women widowed 3) 763,000 died from starvation

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Weimar Germany - Marcador

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Weimar Germany - Detalles



140 preguntas
Name all the war deaths with stats
1) 2million men died 4 million injured 2) 600,000 women widowed 3) 763,000 died from starvation
How was economy crippled during ww1
1) The industrial production in 1918 was only 2/3 of that in 1913 2) The average wage in 1918 was only 60% of that in 1913 3) Debt increased from 50billion to150billion 4) Inflation, Germany printed more money to fund war which led to price of mark falling
What happened on the 28th of october 1918
Kaiser lost the support of his army, the kiel mutiny they stopped taking orders from the kaiser
What happened on the 9th of November
Lost support of his advisors which meant he was forced to abdicate
When was the German republic born
10th nov 1918 and Ebert became the leader
What happened on the 11th of November
Ebert signed armistice which led to German citezens feeling stabbed in the back and also known as nov criminals.
Why did the workers resent business owners
Because big armament business owners profitted from the war while their wages fell by 60%
What did the president have the power to do
Choose key ministers and his chnacellor
What was article 48
The president could bypass the democracy and make law by decree
Who made political decisons
The cabinet led by the chancellor
What was the reichstrat
The parliment which represented each reigion og germany
What was the reichstag
Germany parliment which was more powerful as itr controlled taxes
What were the strenths of weimar constitution
1) Not one person or party had to much power 2) Men and Women over the age of 20 could vote
Weakness of weimar constitution
1) Article 48 meant president could bypass democracy 2) proportional representation meant that weak coalitions had to be formed in order to gain power and lead Germany 3)German states such as Prussia still held power through Reichstrat
Who drew up the constituion
A Jewish man named Hugo Preuss
Whats a diktat
An order/ decree imposed without consent
Why did France want to cripple Germany
Because previously they have invaded France and also the damage imposed on their land during WW1 and its people. Which is why he wanted to cripple their military aswell so they dont attack them again
Who were the Spartacist
A communist group
Who were the Spartacist leaders
Rosa Luxemburg and Kiel Liebknecht
What happened in January 1919
The Spartacists staged a revolt in Berlin in hopes to overthrow the Weimar Germany
How did Ebert get rid of them
He used the right wing(Freikorps) who were ex soldiers
What happened in March 1920
The friekorps staged a rebellion in Berlin and was led by Wolfgang Kapp
What was the aim of the Kapp Putsch
To sieze control and stop the Weimar government
Why did the Putsch fail
Because the workers went on strike which forced Kapp to flee as a result
Why did the nazis do this
Because they thought the republic was to weak due to the economic problems of 1923
What did the Nazis do in the Munich Putsch
1) Hitler marched into a meeting with the Bavarian government and demanded support in November 1923 2) They seized control of the police and local headquarters
How was Hitler arrested
The next day he marched to Munich to declare his presidency but he was met by state police and arrested
Why was Hitlers sentence beneficial for the growth of the Nazis
1) While he was in there he wrote his best selling book called the Mein Kampf which outlined his politcal goals and his hatred from Jews and the democracy
What was the response of Germany
Went on strike/passive resistance but France and Belgium just called in their own workers
Why was their hyperinflation in 1923
1) Germany printed out more money to help pay their reparations but they tied the price of money to gold but they printed out more money than they had gold which resulted in the value of mark falling while prices of goods increased causing hyperinflation
What was a consequence of hyperinflation
1) In 1918 a loaf of bread was 0.2 marks but by 1923 it was 201 billion marks 2) As prices rose every hour they carried money in wheelbarrows 3) Barter system were they started trading goods instead of money
Social problems of Hyperinflation
1) People with savings lost money 2 Elderlies pensions were destroyed 3) Owners became bankrupt 4)People with fixed income could not renegotiate
Who benefitted from hyperinflation
1) Farmers as people spent more money on food 2) People with debts as they were easier to pay off
How did stresemann help stop hyperinflation
1) He called of passive resitance in the ruhrs 2) Set up a new currency called Rentenmark(November 1923) which was tied to German land and had real value 3)In August 1924 the currency was renamed the Reichsmark and placed under the control of the Reichsbank, this stopped hyperinflation.
What were the terms of this
1) US loaned 800million Reichsmark 2) Reparations were temporily reduced to 50 million pounds a year
What was the terms
1) reparations from 6.6 billion pounds to £2 billiion 2) The payments were to be made till 1988
Wall street crash effects on young plan
1) Germany recalled loans 2) By 1933 world trade had fallen by 60% ridding Germany of any success through exporting
Between 1925-29 how much did German exports rise by
40% big improvement stresemann a g
Did the economy recover under Stresemann?
1)To an extent yes, the industrial production in 1928 were higher than those off 1913 2) Also pensions and health; unemployment schemes were put into place by 1927
Why was the economy not completely secure
Its backbone were based on American loans Unemployment was still a problem Germany were in a trade deficit
What were some of Stresemanns international achievements
1) Locarno pact 1925 - Germany recognised their borders with France 2)League of nations 1926 - set up by Woodrow Wilson and was a peace keeping for the countries 3)Kellogg-Briand pact 1928 - 62 other countries involved, countries agreed to disarm and not use war to resolve problems
Even through these succesess, who still resented the Weimar republic
Those who were against the treaty of versialles Nazis&communist
Give me one economic way that living standards began to improve in 1924
Workers wages began to increase while their working hours shortend
By 1925-29 how many homes were built for workers
100,000, but there was still a shortage
When was the insurance system introduced
1927 for unemployment and illness
What was the Bauhaus school
School for artist and designers, they overturned the traditional ideas of architecture
What does expressionism mean
A style of painting which expresses emotions/feelings
Name the rolls of women in this new culture
1) They could vote over 20(90% used this) 2) Easier to divorce 3) 112 represented Germany in Reichstag and there were newfound opportunities for them in society.
What was article 109
Asserted gender equality
What was some economical limitations for women
1) 75% working in 1918 to only 26% in 1925 because lots of women stopped working after the war or when they got married
Independence of women
They weren't reliant on men no more as they had their own income They focused more on leisure than traditional German values
The new women
Not everyone agreed with them some wanted tradition back
What were the nazis ideal women
1) long hair tied back / no makeup 2) traditional cloths 3) aryan race 4) sturdily built 5) non drinker/ smoker 6) to marry and have aryan children 7) to believe in children, kitchen, church 8) to stay at home and not to work or go to university
What were the Nazis views on women
1) Aryan with blonde hair and blue eyes 2) Had to look traditional 3) no makeup, hair in plaits, flat shoes, and plain cloths
What was marriage law
A loan to newly married couples of 1000 marks and each kid meant a 250 mark deduction
What were Nazis views on women and family
- Women were meant to look after the home and bear children - encouraged to be sturdy in their build as it helped with childbirths - Kinder(Children), Kuche(Kitchen), Kirche(Church)
What were Nazis views on marriage
- They passed the law for the encouragement of marriage in 1933 because they wanted all women to marry - This gave the couple a 1000 mark loan which was equivalent to 8 months wages
What was the requirements of marriage loan
Women had to be out of work, this increased the number of marriages
Nazis on childbirth
- they were pro-natalist and wanted women to have lots of kids to keep the Aryan race going - Each child meant a 250 mark deduction from the marriage loan, so if they had 4 kids they were free of the loan
The mother hood cross
- another incentive to have kids bronze- 4 kids silver - 6 kids gold - 8 kids
How much did the birth rate increase by
15 babies per 1000 in 1932 to 19 babies per 1000 in 1938
How did the Nazis keep women in the house
-1933 women were banned from having professional jobs - Used propaganda
Why did this not fully work though
Women were cheap laborers and employment rise from 2.4 million from 1933-39
How did the Nazis try to educate women
- German workers enterprise - ran classes on how to run home - shools began to teach women domestic skills -from 1937 girls in Grammer school were forbidden to prepare for university
What was the volunteering programme
A place where Aryan women could have babies with SS
Why did Hitler join DAP
He was angered by the treaty of versialles
What did he do in 1920
He changed the name to Nazi party
What was the 25 point programme
Aimed to overturn treaty of versailes to stop democracy and get rid of Jews
Name the national elements of this manifesto
1) Nullify the treaty 2) Build military 3) Lebensraum 4) Aryans only could be citizens
Name the socialist elements of this manifesto
1) Give every man employment 2) Citizens get equal rights 3) Support for mother and children 4) Nationalising industries
Who were the SA
Former ex soldiers who hated the Weimar republic and was led by Ernest Rohm
How did the SA help the Nazi party
Inflicted fear on political opponents and violence
Growth of SA
From 400,000 to 3 million between 1930- 34
What does nationalist mean
For political independence
What does socialist mean
For everyone in society to share profits from indutries
What was the Munich Putsch
Hitler tried to take over a branch of the Weimar republic
What was the long term cause of the Munich Putsch
1) More people resented the treaty of versailes 2) Hatred of being stabbed in the back