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level: The Weimar republic

Questions and Answers List

level questions: The Weimar republic

Because of the unrest in germany were was the new republic set upIn a small town called Weimar
What did the president have the power to dochoose key ministers and his chnacellor
What was article 48The president could bypass the democracy and make law by decree
Who made political decisonsthe cabinet led by the chancellor
Who could vote in germany under the new constitutionmen and women over 20
What was the reichstratthe parliment which represented each reigion og germany
what was the reichstagGermany parliment which was more powerful as itr controlled taxes
What were the strenths of weimar constitution1) Not one person or party had to much power 2) Men and Women over the age of 20 could vote
Weakness of weimar constitution1) Article 48 meant president could bypass democracy 2) proportional representation meant that weak coalitions had to be formed in order to gain power and lead Germany 3)German states such as Prussia still held power through Reichstrat
Who drew up the constituionA Jewish man named Hugo Preuss