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the nervous system

include genral questions about the anatomy of the nervous system

In Inglés

Creado por:
Amina Mohamed

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Nervous system is divided into:

Central nervous system: Peripheral nervous system Autonomic nervous system:

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the nervous system - Detalles



75 preguntas
Nervous system is divided into:
Central nervous system: Peripheral nervous system Autonomic nervous system:
What is the contents of Peripheral nervous system
Nerves: 1- Spinal nerves (31 pairs) arise from the spinal cord 2- Cranial nerves (12 pairs) arise from the brain
Parts of Autonomic nervous system
1- Sympathetic. 2- Parasympathetic
The brain formed of
Cerebrum Brain stem Cerebellum
The Cerebrum (fore brain) formed of
2 cerebral hemispheres diencephalon
The Brain stem (hind brain) formed of
Midbrain pons Medulla oblongata
Cerebellum formed of
2 cerebellar hemispheres
Lobes of cerebral hemisphere
Frontal lobe parietal lobe occipital lobe temporal lobe
Frontal lobe lies
In front of central sulcus
The frontal lope contanis 2 areas
Motor area Brocha's area
Motor area's function
Controls the movement of the opposite half of the body.
Brocha's area's function
Control the speech
Brocha's area present in
The left hemisphere of the right handed person.
The parietal lobe lies
Behind the central sulcus
Sensory area's function
Receives the sensation from the opposite half of the body.
Temporal lobe It lies
Below the lateral sulcus
Temporal lobe contains
The auditory area
Occipital lobe lies
Posterior to the temporal and parietal lobes
Occipital lobe contains
The visular area
Meninges refer to
The membranous coverings of the brain and spinal cord.
The brain is covered by 3 meninges
Dura mate arachnoid mater pia mater
Subarachnoid space contains
C.S.F. the blood vessels of the brain
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) refers
A fluid circulating inside the cavities of the CNS and outside the subarachnoid space
Cavities of theCentral Nervous System
Ventricles (wide cavities) Central canals (narrow cavities)
Ventricles contains
Two lateral ventricles Third ventricle Fourth (4th) ventricle
Location of the Two lateral ventricles
One in each cerebral hemisphere.
Location of the Third ventricle
The cavity of diencephalon
Location of the Fourth ventricle
The cavity of the hindbrain (pons, medulla and cerebellum).
Central canals contains
Central canal of midbrain (Aqueduct of Sylvius). Central canal of spinal cord and lower half of medulla
What is the function of CSF
It supports and protects the brain and spinal cord.
The site of the spinal cord
Present inside the vertebral canal
Segments of the spinal cord
8 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 5 sacral 1 coccygeal
8th pair of the cranial nerves
Auditory nerve ( vestibulocochlear )
9th pair of the cranial nerves
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Mention the function of: Oculomotor
Supplies all muscles of eye except 2 muscles
Mention the function of: Trochlear nerve
Supplies superior oblique muscle of the eye
Mention the function of: Trigeminal nerve
1- Sensory to face and scalp and anterior 2/3 of tongue. 2- Motor for the 4 muscles of mastication
Mention the function of: Abducent nerves:
Supplies the lateral rectus muscle of eye
Mention the function of: Facial nerve
1- Motor to muscles of face (facial expression). 2- Sensory carries taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
Mention the function of: Glossopharyngeal nerve
1- Motor to one muscle of pharynx. 2- Sensory carries sensation from pharynx 3- general sensation and taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue.
Mention the function of: Vagus
1- Motor: To muscles of larynx, pharynx and palate. 2- Parasympathetic: To heart, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.
Mention the function of: Accessory nerve
Supplies two muscles: trapezius and sternomastoid muscle.
Mention the function of: Hypoglossal nerve
Supplies all muscles of tongue except one muscle
Sympathetic system present to
Prepare the body for emergency
Sympathetic system actives in
Parasympathetic Outflow Arise from the CNS in 2 sites :
1- With cranial nerves 3,7,9,10. 2- From sacral spinal segments S 2,3,4
Functions of parasympathetic system :
It rebuilds body resources during rest
Parts of brain
1- Fore brain 2- Mid brain 3-Hind brain