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Med Surg HESI

In Inglés


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Venturi Mask rate

4-10 L

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Med Surg HESI - Detalles



88 preguntas
Troponin T level
Less than 0.1
Which 4 antibiotics are given for TB?
Isonazid, Rifampin, Pyrazinmide, Ethambutol
COPD is a combo of what two disorders?
Emphysema and chronic bronchitis
What causes a high-pressure alarm when using Mechanical Ventilation?
Excessive secretions, biting of the tube, kinks in the tube, coughing, pulmonary edema, bronchospasm, pneumothorax
When do we use face tents
For patients with burns or facial trauma
Troponin I level
Less than 0.03
How to remember right and left sided stroke
"right reckless, left language"
Right Hemisphere Stroke
Issues with visual awareness oversestimate abilities poor judgement and impulse control left sided neglect
Left Hemisphere Stroke
Issues with language skills, math skills, and analytical thinking expressive aphasia reading and writing difficulties right sided weakness or paralysis
Embolic stroke
Blood clot from another part of the body travels up to the cerebral artery
Thrombotic stroke
Blood clot in the cerebral artery
Less than 160
Normal QRS interval
Less than 0.12 seconds
Normal PR interval
0.12-0.20 seconds
Bilirubin level
Less than 1
Hemorrhagic stroke
Due to ruptured artery or aneurysm
Less than 220
Triglycerides level
Between 35-135 for women, between 40-160 for men
LDL level
Less than 130
HDL level
Over 55 for women, over 45 for men
Myoglobin level
Less than 90
Tonic episode
Stiffening of the muscles and loss of consciousness
Tonic- Clonic Seizure
3 phases; tonic, clonic, post ictal
Meds for bacterial Meningitis
Antibiotics, phenytoin (anticonvulsant)
Brudzinksi sign test
Patient lays on their back and you lift up their head. Pain is a positive sign and they will flex knees in
Kernig sign Test
Patient lays on their back and you lift up their leg with knees bent. Pain while extending the knee flat is a positive sign
Symptoms of meningitis
Headache, nuchal rigidity, photophobia, nausea and vomiting, positive kerning's and brudzinski's sign
What can a lumbar puncture help diagnose?
Multiple sclerosis, syphilis, meningitis, infection
Clonic episode
1 to 2 minutes of rhythmic jerking
Symptoms of Increased ICP
Irritability (early), restlessness, headache, decreased LOC, Pupil abnormalities, abnormal respirations, abnormal posturing
What does a U wave indicate
Resting of the Purkinje fibers (uncommon)
Skin of Venous ulcers
Warm, thick, brownish color
Skin of Arterial ulcers
Cool to touch, thin, dry, scaly, hairless
Meds for multiple sclerosis
Immunosuppressants Cyclosporine Prednisone Muscle Relaxants (Dantrolene, Baclofen)
Meds for Meniere's Disease
Antihistamines Anticholinergics Antiemetics meclizine, triperidol, diphenhydramine, scopolamine
Meniere's Disease
Inner ear disorder
Glaucoma meds
Pilocarpine Timolol Mannitol
Meds for Migraines
NSAIDs Sumatriptans or Ergotamine
Meds for MG
Anticholinesterase Agents Pyridostignine/ Neostigmine Immunosuppressants
Myasthenia Gravis
Autoimmune disorder that causes severe muscle weakness
Degenerative neurological disorder of the upper and lower motor neurons
Symptoms of multiple sclerosis
Eye problems, muscle spasticity and weakness, bowel or bladder dysfunction, cognitive changes, ear problems, dysphagia, fatigue
Multiple Sclerosis
Autoimmune disorder that causes plaque buildup in the white matter of the CNS
Meds for Alzheimer's disease
Donepezil Antipsychotics Antidepressants Antianxiety meds
Meds for Parkinson's
Levodopa-Carbidopa (increases Dopamine) Benztropine (Anticholinergic)
Status Epilepticus
Repeated seizure activity within 30 minutes or a single seizure that lasts more than 5 minutes
Atonic Seizure
Loss of muscle tone and usually results in falling
Myoclonic Seizure
Brief stiffening of the extremities
Absence Seizure
Loss of consciousness for just a few seconds Blank staring, eye fluttering, lip smacking, picking at clothes
Post ictal phase
Very confused and sleepy