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Marine ecology

In Danés


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Explain the menge olsen model

Menge-olsen model assumes that the succesbility for stress is greater for prey than predator. Therefor consumer control's relative importance increases with increasing abiotic stress?

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213 preguntas
Explain the menge olsen model
Menge-olsen model assumes that the succesbility for stress is greater for prey than predator. Therefor consumer control's relative importance increases with increasing abiotic stress?
Explain what lecithotrophic, planktotrophic and direct development means?
Planktotrophic - go up and eat the plankton lecithotrophic - lecithotrophy means feeding on egg yolk or other materials put in the egg by the mother; these larvae do not feed on anything else until after they settle to the bottom and become nonplanktonic juveniles direct development -
Explain what lecithotrophic, planktotrophic and direct development means?
Planktotrophic - lecithotrophic - direct development
Explain what lecithotrophic, planktotrophic and direct development means?
Planktotrophic - lecithotrophic - direct development
Benthos vs benthic
Benthos - bottom living animals (sessile lifestyle is normal) benthic - the bottom environment
Name 5 abiotic factors that tides affect
Dessication (udtøring), Temperature, light, salinnity, waves
What are 5 main groups of traits used to clasify
Body size (micro, meio, macro, mega) position relative to substratum mobility feeding mode life-history (longevity, life-cycle)
What are the ways to clasify acoording to position relative to substratum
In - inside substratum (clams, polychates, tubes etc) epi - on substratum ( crab, sea starr, oyster etc) hyper - above (living closely connected to benthic)
What are the ways to clasify according to functional traits?
Sessile - fixed to substratum (algee, barnecles) hemi-sescile - limited mobility (mussels (byssus vs. foot),tube-dwelling polychaets) mobile - walk, swim, craw (crabs, flatfish, mollusks, worms)
What are the ways to clisify according to feeding mode?
Grazers - herbivorous (limpets, periwinkles, chitons) Predator - carnivorous ( crabs (crushing), dogwhelks(drilling), polychaets) scavanger - omnivours (whelks, ophiurids) filter-feeder - herb/carnivours (blue mussels) deposit feeder herb/carnivours, filter sedimen basicly (polychaets)
What are the ways to clasify according to life history?
- Age at first reproduction - number of times breeding (semelparous -> once; iteroparous -> multiple) - life span - annual, perennial, pseudo-perennial (Sargassum) - Dispersal (movement from birth site to reproduction site or one breeding site to another) - K and r characteristics
What are some ecological consequences of density water > density air?
Isolated populations are rare in the benthic benthic systems lack pollinators (stuff can go through the water) parentel investment is lower in benthic communities.
Name an example of bento-pelagic coupling in relation to benthos
Most marine benthic live has a pelagic episode this way energy annd matter is transfered between benthic and pelagic zone.
Types of propagule dispersal: Explain what lecithotrophic, planktotrophic and direct development means? What can you say about egg size, egg number, yolk reserve and hatching time?
Planktotrophic - planktonic larvae that feed on planktonic organisms in free waters lecithotrophic - feeding on egg yolk until they become planctonic direct development - no metamorphosis
What steps are there in the colonization sequence?
- Presettlement phase: supply, survival, dispersal - settlement phase: establishment of contact with substrate - Post settlement - competition - (recruitment) - Recruitment is different from settlers. They are not yet adults, but they have survived and are present. Multiple definitions, very vauge.
How do larvae choose a place to settle?
They use global cues, regional cues and site specific cues Global cues: are used to find a good site. They could use cues from light (to get to current to get transported to suitable area), pressure and so on Regional cues: when they find a suitable area they use regional cues to find the right spot. could be chemical cues. for instance barnecles like spots where barnecles are already present - areas where they are already is better for survival. I would argue that sexual reproduction also. Site specific cues: Very local cues such as texture of substrate (for instance barnicles don't like too smooth surfaces), light, contact chemicals. larvae have a certain time where they can settle if they run out of time they will settle even if conditions are not great
Barnecle settlement succes can vary a lot from year to year - why?
The succes in settlement can vary a whole lot – why? - Environmental conditions in moment of settlement. Such as temp, waves - Species interactions - Physical stress in the moment where adults produce the larvae
What is the difference between intraspecific competition and interspecific competition?
Intraspecific: competition between individuals of same species interspecific: competition between individuals oof different species
What is kendetegnene for the post settlement phase
Competition interactions (competition) between adults and just settled individuals
When is competition the highest?
Competition is highest when abiotic stress and predation is medium. Environmetal stress dictates relative importance of predation(negative relation), competition and abiotic stress(positive relation). If we know about environmental stress we can easier determine where we are on the graph. Predation is highest in no abiotic stress and same goes for herbivory - måske tænk lige over den der menge olsen model og vend tilbage
Temperature in the intertidal
Over very short distances they can be great differences in temp. Therefor high biodiversity because of many nieches
How is temperature different in different bottom types and zones?
Mud temp more stable than rock. Wtaer gets trapped in interstital space. Sediment: A lot of species in the sediment will try to live in a certain depth. Still connected to surface but in more stable environment. Rocky intertidal. Rocky intertidal: Almost 30 degress difference in no time. 20 degree dif between no cannopee and under cannopee. Very stresfull. Intertidal:In summer water temp is lower than air temp. Winter water is higher than air. Those at the intertidal fase the strongest viariation in temp. Desication (dry out) is the biggest problem in upper intertidal.
Name some adaptations to desication in the intertidal zone
Adaptions to desiccation : - Behavioral response – find shelter where temp doesn’t vary - Others tolerate it and can loose a lot of water - Facilitation(positive interaction between species) – live under canopee for instance.
Name some temperature adaptations
Sculptering - increase surfacearea and loose heat. Colour – light colours will reflect more heat. Body size – the bigger you are the lower volume. Controlled evaporation (barnecles have porotios pores). The cooling of the evaporation is extented – its like and aircondition. Minimal contact to substarte with for instance mucus. Gigantism – very large organisms because of cold. Lower metabolism – live longer on they grow more
What are some likely consequences of ocean warming for benthic animals/benthos ?
Benthic animals are generally poikilotherme When temperature changes new species will have max performance %. Will decide interspecific(mellem arter) competition and which species do better. Consequences: - Many animals will omve towards the poles and away from equator - Phenology (timing of biological events) will also change. - could see adaptations to higher temps with heat shock proteins and so. - perish (bleaching of corals) :(
What are some latitudal and precepitation trends on salinity (where is salinity highest)?
Areas with high levels of precepitation vs evaporation has a bit lower level of salinity. Higher levels will be found where evaporation > precepitation. Highest a bit away from the equator Coasts fresher than offshore
What is different between intertidal and subtidal zones according to salinity? When does salinity go up and down?
Intertidal zone is extreme environment because salinity can go a lot up and down. Salinity goes up when temp is up bc of evaporation Rainy season – more nedbør - lower salinity cause of runoff from rivers also. these two are also mostly for near shore habitats.
What is production and species richness like in estuaries? What does eurohaline mean and what does stenohaline mean
Few species but at high density - high production. more eurahaline than stenohaline species Eurohaline - can tolerate wide range of salinity stenohaline - can only tolerate a norrow range of salinity
Salinity adaptations name them ya bish
-Eurohaline (can tolerate wide range of salinities) can be divided up tinto: Osmoconformer: Internal osmolarity matches sorroundings Osmoregulater: has the same internal osmolarity no matter the sourroundings. - behavioral adaptations: move away or retreat into shells. - less reproduction - thinner shells these two are because osmoregulating is very energydemanding.
What is ocean acidification?
Partial pressure of CO2 in atmosphere increases – more CO2 enters ocean and makes carbonic acid which becomes bicarbonat and then carbonate which all in all creates 2 protons. Ocean therefor becoming more acid
Who is especially negatively affected by ocean acidifaction?
Groups of phyla than can be challanged: Especially groups with shells and calcium carboante skeletons, corals Corals bivals, gastropods, echinoderms. ^ have shells that can be dissolved. The progras is global so the animals cant really escape. For animals like barnecles it seems like they are more affected by temp shifts than acidification. Phytoplankton might benefit
Where will pH change the most in the future? Where will organisms have the hardest time coping with changes?
In coastal areas pH will variate a lot more. Organisms living close to coast already experince selection on acidification because of variyng pH. Therefor open water organisms probably will be more affected even though the change here is smaller.
What effects will the changing pH and temperature have on algee cover on bottom. How will this influence kelp?
No CO2 effect. But big effect of temperature Interactive effetc: the effect of acidification has to be seen with temperature. Temp with CO2 has an interactive effect elevated CO2 + elevated temp -> biggest effect! Bigger temp and CO2 -> more algee cover on bottom. This is bad news for kelp since kelp is most succesfull in the abscence of algee cover.
What roles do waves play? What adaptations can be found to waves for animals and algee.
Waves can influence zonation - zome species can be found much higher up when there are waves. Of course affects coast more Can cause mechanical stress Adaptations animals: Waves can affect morphology - wave adapted species are more flat/ less upright. Attachment is very efficient on vawy places. Waves can also influence body size - smaller foot size - bigger foot better at handeling waves (can have phenotypica plastesity - bigger foot in more exposed areas) behavior: huddeling to cope with waves finding shelter Algee/kelp adaptatiions: Flexible stipe is an adaptation to waves. Stiff stype is better for light. Both gradient in wave xposure and gradient in light. Two conflicting factors algee have to deal with.
What abilogical factors can waves influence?
Sediment size, slope, oxygen levels
What are different forms of sediments found in ocean?
Terrigenous - from land (Land erosion be rivers og glaciers, Can also be from wind.) Biogenic - from organisms (silicius(diatoms), calcareous(corals, mullusk shells etc) Hydrogenous - from chimical precipitation Cosmogenous - from space coastal sediment is mostly terrigenous ocean sediment is mostly - biogenic from radiolarians and forams
How do different grain sizes have different implications?
The organisms living in the sediment has a lot less variation in salinity – more stable environment. This is because the grains can trap water for some time. Also effect how much POM in sediments. If retention time is higher there is more available. Grain size determiens composition of species. Mesopsammon – organisms that live in between grains. these animals are more affected by particle size and slope than wave action
Which effects do waves have on soft bottom?
Sand on top mud later. Mud on beaches are only places with no wave exposure Animals in sediment are more affected by particle size and slope than wave action
Patters of oxygen
High in polar Low in coastal A lot in the vertical with exception of deap sea with little excange oxic - lot of oxygen hypoxic - not a lot anoxic - no oxygen Very fine sediment like mud has less oxygen because of less exchange of water. High organic content makes less oxygen. bioturbation - enhances oxygen levels.
Adaptations to oxygen
Epidermal respiration (skin breathing) reduced activity lung formation siphonal nets - prevent clogging gill cavities
Different layers which are mostly dominated by one species High abiotic stress levels Biotic stress from competition Realise niche – smaller than fundamental niche – it’s the place where the two niches overlap. The realised niche therefor gets smaller. Predation can also lead to zonation. Settlement can lead to sonation gregaius settlement (living in heards) Light – different pigments for algee Pressure can also be a driver Chimichals – coral larvae selected for water that comes directly from reaf because of cues that indicate good conditions. But might not lead to zonation. Tides height could also be one. Competition
Which algee can live the deepest and why?
Red algee it is red and therefor adapted to not use red which is only in the top check the statistics
What is irradance?
Fotons * m^-2 *s^-1
Define competition? When is competition highest?
Interaction among organisms for an essential resource in short supply Medium amount of environmental stress
Name different types of competition
First of all there is interspecific (between species) and intraspecific(same species) Then there is Interferance and exploitation Interferance - direct interaction between competators about acces for resources. - fight for space - fugitative toxins - clones to take up space exploitation - more like a race. Be the first to use up the resource - utilize renewable resources - preemptive occupation of space - overgrowth
Give an example of how interspecific interferans competition can affect zonation
The idea is one species is best suited for one niche the other is best suited for another niche and in the place where the niches will overlap one will outcompete the other. See picture for good example
When does competition and when does fasilitation prevaill?
Competition - low levels of environmental stress fasilitation - high levels of environmental stress
Deep sea
High biodiversity low density of animals. Im not sure about competiton (find it out)
What is amensalism give an example
Amensalism - ecological interaction between two species which is bad for one of the organisms, the other one is unaffected. deposit feeders can **** with suspension feeders when they eat. they stir up the sediment and that is not good for the susension feeders trying to filtrate the water.
What is epibiosis
One organism growing on another ebibiont - the one growing on the other basibiont - the one getting grown on extented phenotype because now the organisms getting grown on has characteristics beond its own penotype happens more in water because dentity is so big
What benifits and disadvantages can epibionts and basibionts have from epibiosis?
Benifits for epibiont: - better irradiance for algee epibionts - more water velocity for filter feeders like barncles Disadvantage for epibiont: - trophic competition with basibiont - environmental changes if host migrates Disadvantages for basibiont and also both in manyy cases: - if booth are food for same predator (shared doom) - also musle covered by barnecles are easier to crush for crabs - competition with epibiont (exploitation) - competition for nutrients (algee) - reduced reproductive output benifits for basibiont: - Associational defence (protection gained from living in close relation to different organism)
What is commensalism? What it Mutualism? What is antagonism?
Commensalism, in biology, a relationship between individuals of two species in which one species obtains food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the latter (+/0) Mutualism: both benefit (+/+) Antagonism: one benefits on the behalf of the other (+/-)
What are the different typpes of relations between epibiont and basibiont?
Commensalism: (+/0) good for one the other one doesnt care. Mutualism: (+/+) eg anomone growing on crab benifits crab with food and gives anemone protection. Antagonism: (+/-) for instance predation or herbivory - consumption competition: (-/-) eg for trophical niche/food barnecles on mussle
Name some benefits of epibiosis
Benifits for epibiont: - better irradiance for algee epibionts - more water velocity for filter feeders like barncles so superior competition for food benifits for basibiont: - Associational defence (protection gained from living in close relation to different organism)
Name some disadvantages of epibiosis
Disadvantage for epibiont: - trophic competition with basibiont - environmental changes if host migrates Disadvantages for basibiont and also both in manyy cases: - if booth are food for same predator (shared doom) - also musle covered by barnecles are easier to crush for crabs (associational susceptibility) - competition with epibiont (exploitation) - competition for nutrients (algee) - reduced reproductive output
Explain these two words: associational susceptibility Associational defence
Associational susceptibility - experiences greater herbivore damage or predation due to living in association with another species Associational defence - protection gained by an organism from living in association with another species
What are (predator) density dependent effects?
If relation between organisms rely on the density of the different organisms for instance associational resistance where epibionts can enhance basibiont survival or if you change the density of a predator then the prey might eat the predator when they are small and the predator - prey relationship has changed. Like with cod and herring and the picture
What is keystone predation
When the prescenece or activity of a single predator species has a disproportionate influence on the structure and functioning of an entire ecosystem. Like the king crab i think
What is succesion? What is true for early pioneers and late arrivals?
Succession in biology refers to the gradual and predictable process of change in the species composition and community structure of an ecosystem over time. Early pioneers - good colonizers but inferior competitors Late arrivals - bad colonisers but good competetors. Yoy basicly know when they are settling that the early pioneers will start of strong but then the late arivals with come and compete
What is the net effect of a species interaction
Direct effects + indirect effects
What is a trophic cascade?
A trophic cascade is a phenomenon in ecology where changes in the abundance or behavior of one species at a particular trophic level in a food chain or food web lead to indirect effects on multiple other trophic levels for instance killer whales eataing sea otters who then no longer control the sea urchin population which then eat all the kelp away which has massive effects on the rest of the ecosystem
Explain the menge olsen model
Menge-olsen model assumes that the succesbility for stress is greater for prey than predator. Therefor consumer control's relative importance increases with increasing abiotic stress?
Explain the difference between Menge-Olsen and Menge-Sutherland model
Menge-olsen model assumes that the susceptibility for stress is greater for prey than predator. Therefor consumer control's relative importance increases with increasing abiotic stress Menge-Sutherland on the other hand assumes that susceptibility for stress is greater for predator than prey. Therefor consumer contol's relative importance decreases with increasing abiotic stress
How are nutrients distributed in the vertical in arctic vs subarctic
In subarctic nutrients are quickly depleeted and are therefor often found depper than in arctic where they are deepleted slower
How are nutrients distributed in the vertical in arctic vs subarctic
In subarctic nutrients are quickly depleeted and are therefor often found depper than in arctic where they are deepleted slower
How are nutrients distributed in the vertical in arctic vs subarctic
In subarctic nutrients are quickly depleeted and are therefor often found depper than in arctic where they are deepleted slower
Hvad er irradiance? Hvordan aftager lyset igennem vandet (Beers law)? Hvor dyb er den fotiske zone?
Irradiance - micromol fotoner *m^-2 *s^-1 Lys - aftagelse er eksponentiel. Beers law er på slide. Fotiske zone - 1% af overfladelys.
Hvad ser man med sechidiscen og hvordan kan man udregne K (attenuation koefficient) og euphotic zone?
K (attenuation koefficient) ≈ 1.7/sechi depth Euphotic zone ≈ 2,5 * sechi depth
Bare lige hurtigt om photosyntesen
Light reactions happen in the chlorofyl and feeds energy into the calvin cycle Phophate and nitrogen are the most important nutrients
What gas is the most common in the ocean? What is DON? How does phosphor occur? Who are often iron limited? What are macro and micronutrients?
Nitrogen is most common as gas in the oceon (ca 90%) but only cyanobakterie kan use it this way. We call everything below what we can filter disolved organic nitrogen (DON) so even small cells fit in this category Phosphor occors as phosphate or dissovled organic phosphuros. Iron is also very important in phytoplankton cells. Nitrogen, phosphor and silicon are called macronutrients because they occur in large amounts in the oceon. Micronutrients: < 0,05% of biomass in the cell: Fe, Mg, Zn etc
What is Liebigs' law?
The law of limiting factors? Nitrogen is often limiting in oceans for phytoplankton and phosphorus is often limiting in freshwater. Silicons are limiting in oceons for diatoms because they have silicon housing Fe is limiting in antarctica. Nutrients in smallest relative supply will limit growth. INcreasing nutrients often has limited effect but decreasement has big effect.
Nitrogen cycle what can you say? What is the F ratio and what is it used for?
In spring in oceons the water collom is very well mixed, so the nitrate from the bottom water can come up again. Can be used by phytoplankton which are eaten by for instance copopods and so on. But with strong stratisfication nitrate can not be used in upper layers. Bakteria in the upper layer are converting parts from copopods to amonium which is used by phytoplankton. In the spring the primary production is most based on amonium. (regenerated primary production) The F ratio: how much of the primary production is based on new production. The F ration can tell us where we are in the seasonal development. Upwelling leads to nutrients coming up from the buttom – a lot of new production. In oligotrphic areas – mostlly based on regenerated production A rule of thumb is when there is a lot of regenerated nitrogen production is pretty low.
What are HNLC areas?
High Nutrient Low Chlorofyl. Areas with high nutrients with low clorofyl are called HNLC areas. Seems its because og Fe limitation.
Who loves silicate? When is silicate in upper layers low
1 - diatoms 2 - This is because of diatoms. They take cilicons into the cells and silico in the upper layers is therefor lower.
What is the red field ratio? What are the two exceptions?
Pretty much the same ratio for all C: 106: N: 16: P: 1 exeptions: in anoxic zones where nitrogen is used to destruct organic matter. Also exception in spring bloom This doesn’t apply to silicate because only diatoms use silicate to build houses.
What can you say about diatoms? When are they commenly found?
Have silicate shell: Are most common in spring bloom because of high growth rate.
Two shapes of diatoms?
Pennate - aflang Centric - rund
How do diatoms grow?
Diatoms are mostly dividing and therefor get smaller and smaller: Most growth is through vegetative growth – asexual. When they reach minimum size they do sexual reproduction. The vegetative growth makes an exponential curve Growth rate is very important for succes. In optimal conditions the ones with highest growth rates outcompedes the others. So in spring diatoms outcompete dinoflagelates but dinoflagelates are better with limied nutriants and therefor win later on
General about dinoflagelates
Dinoflagelates: Most are small A lot can be both autotrof and heterotrof and mixotrof. Can have a cellulose shell. They are most common after the spring bloom. Some can be bioluminescent. can pruduce toxins as defense for predators
Different pigments found in phytoplankton How are they meassured
All have chlorofyl a diatoms have phucoxanthin that indicates they are related to brown algee They are meassured by HPLC High Performance Lipid Chromatography
What is a phytoplankton bloom and where and when do they happen?
We find blooms where there is elevated concentrations of nutrients They typically happen in spring but can also occur in smaller size in autum.
What are the strategies of phytoplakton on high latitudes in winter?
We don’t know a lot about them. But they overvinter. When the growing season ends, they retract the organic matter into the middle and goes into a resting stage to survive withuot light and nutrients. A lot of them die during this period. The ones that survive are transported back up during spring.
What is the aarms race in relation to phytoplankton and...?
Many phytoplaton spicies have developed toxins to avoid grazing. The arms race – copopods then evolve to tolorate toxins.
How is the stratisfication in norway seasonally? Closer to temperate or polar?
In norway the picture looks more like the temperate areas: This is because of oceon circulation, we get warm water from the golf strem/ atlantic curve. Most of the oceanographic feature (except for instance light) looks more like a temperate region than a polar. The later the season the shallower the mixing layer.
Effect of sea ice on statification?
Top one is arctic water influenced by ice. Here the stratisfication starts earlier because of the ice melting adding freshwater and the cold water and adds difference in temperature
What is light compensation point? What is the critical depth?
Compensation (light makes photosynthesis = respiration) point critical depth (total algee production = total algee respiration) This means that critical depth is deeper than the compensation point if you think about it
When does the spring bloom start (Sverdrups' paradigm)?
Okay så critical depth fortæller jo den dybde hvor den samlede algerespiration = den samlede algeproduktion. Vi skal huske algerne bare flyder random rundt. Hvis critical depth > mixing depth kan spring bloom begynde. Mixing går ikke ligeså dybt ned som det punkt hvor respiration overhaler produktion. Til gengæld hvis mixing depth > critical depth vil den samlede respiration være større end den samlede produktion og algerne forsvinder.
When are we not able to see phytoplankton biomass from a satelite?
When the top nutrient layers have been depleted so all the phytoplankton are down close to the pycnocline