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Marine ecology

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What roles do waves play? What adaptations can be found to waves for animals and algee.

Autor: Asger LIndberg-Nielsen


Waves can influence zonation - zome species can be found much higher up when there are waves. Of course affects coast more Can cause mechanical stress Adaptations animals: Waves can affect morphology - wave adapted species are more flat/ less upright. Attachment is very efficient on vawy places. Waves can also influence body size - smaller foot size - bigger foot better at handeling waves (can have phenotypica plastesity - bigger foot in more exposed areas) behavior: huddeling to cope with waves finding shelter Algee/kelp adaptatiions: Flexible stipe is an adaptation to waves. Stiff stype is better for light. Both gradient in wave xposure and gradient in light. Two conflicting factors algee have to deal with.

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