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Health Promotion and Pregnancy (Ch. 26)

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Health Promotion and Pregnancy (Ch. 26)


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The fusion of sperm into the ovum requires approximately ____ hours

24 hours

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Health Promotion and Pregnancy (Ch. 26) - Detalles



133 preguntas
What is the cause of implantation bleeding?
The action of enzymes; breaking down protein and penetrating cell membranes
Where does implantation usually occur?
In the fundus of the uterus
How long do the villi nourish the embryo?
Implantation to seventh or eighth week
What does HCG do?
Stimulates production of progesterone and estrogen
The zygote develops two separate cavities:
The amniotic cavity and the yolk sac
What does the placenta look like at birth?
Large red disk; 8 inches in diameter,1 inch thick
What is the amnion?
The inner layer of the amniotic sac
What is the purpose of Wharton's jelly?
Prevents compression of blood vessels Insulates vessels within umbilical cord
What are the 4 functions of amniotic fluid?
Cushion against mechanical injury Regulates fetal temperature Allows fetus room for growth Provides for fetal lung development
When can amniocentesis be performed?
After the first trimester
Decreased fundal height may indicate what?
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
What is measured during the second trimester to calculate gestational age?
Head circumference Biparietal diameter Femur length
What does the maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening detect?
Chromosomal abnormalities and birth defects, such as neural tube defects
What is the purpose of nuchal translucency screening?
Assess the back of the neck for characteristics of Down syndrome
List some presumptive signs of pregnancy
Amenorrhea Nausea/Vomiting Frequent urination Breast changes Change of shape of abdomen Quickening Skin changes Chadwick's sign
What is the Chadwick's sign?
Vagina and cervix become violet or purplish
What is Ballottement?
Palpating the uterus to feel the rebound of the fetus
What are the probable signs of pregnancy?
Changes in reproductive organs Positive pregnancy test
What are the positive signs of pregnancy?
Palpation of fetal outline Visualization of fetus with ultrasound Presence of fetal heart beat
How is the date of delivery estimated using Nagele's rule?
Start with first date of woman's last menstrual cycle, count back 3 months, add 7 days