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ch - 1 bio

In Inglés

Creado por:
Rishika yadav

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Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are referred to as clones. Why?

Because offsprings produced by Asexual reproduction is morphologically and genetically identical to parent.

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25 preguntas
Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are referred to as clones. Why?
Because offsprings produced by Asexual reproduction is morphologically and genetically identical to parent.
Mention the main difference between the offspring produced by asexual reproduction and progeny produced by sexual reproduction.
Offspring produced by asexual reproduction are genetically similar while progeny produced by sexual reproduction exhibit genetic variation.
What represents the life span of an organism
The period from the birth to the natural death of an organism represents its life span.
Which individuals can be termed as clones?
The individuals who are morphologically and genetically identical are called clones
How do the following organisms reproduce: Paramoecium and Penicillium?
A) Paramoecium reproduces by the process of binary fission. b) Penicillium reproduces with the help of asexual structures called conidia.
State the function of a vegetative propagule.
The vegetative propagules are the asexual vegetative structures of the plant that are capable of giving rise to a new plant.
How will you grow a banana and a ginger plant?
The rhizomes of a banana and a ginger are used to propagate new plantlets
Higher organism have resorted to sexual reproduction inspite of its complexity. Why?
Because of variations, gene pool, Vigour and Vitality and Parental care.
Bryophytes and Pteridophytes produce a large number of male gametes but relatively very few female gametes. Why?
Because male gemete need medium (water) to reach egg/female gamete.A large number of the male gametes fail to reach the female gamete.
Enlist the significance of reproduction.
Significance of reproduction includes: Propagation of species. Sustenance of life on this planet. Variation introduced during reproduction plays a role in evolution of new species.
Why do hilly areas of Kerela, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu transform into blue stretches that attracts many tourists?
Strobilanthus kunthiana which flowers only once in every 12 years flowered in 2006 that resulted into transformation of the hilly tracks of Kerela, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu into blue stretches
Define ‘oestrus’ and ‘menstrual’ cycles.
Non- Primates like cows, sheep etc. show certain cyclic changes during reproduction called oestrus cycle while Primates like apes, humans the cycle is referred to as menstrual cycle.
What regulates the reproduction processes and the associated behavioural expressions in organisms?
Interaction between hormones and certain environmental factors regulate the reproductive processes and the associated behavioural expressions of organisms.
Mention the different stages of sexual reproduction.
The different stages in sexual reproduction include: Pre- fertilization events. Fertilization. Post – fertilization events.
Mention the site of zygote formation in the ovule of a flowering plant. What happens to sepals, petals and stamens after fertilisation? State the fate of zygote, ovule and ovary in these plants.
Embryo sacSepals, Petals and Stamens dry and fall off. Zygote develops into embryo. Ovule develops into seed and ovary into fruit.
What are heterogametes? What do we call these gametes individually?
Most of the sexually reproducing organisms produce two morphologically distinct gametescalled heterogametes. The male gamete is called antherozoid or sperm and the female gamete is called egg or ovum.
Why is syngamy a major event in sexual reproduction?
The fusion of the male gamete with the female gamete is called syngamy or fertilization andplays and important role in exchange of genetic material to introduce variation and results intoformation of diploid zygote.
.What happens during embryogenesis?
Embryogenesis is the development of the embryo. The zygote undergoes mitotic cell division to increase the number of cells. It is followed by cell differentiation where the cells undergo certain modifications to form the specialized tissues and organs to form the organism.
.Enlist the changes that occur post- fertilization in plants.
The various post- fertilization changes as observed in plants are The sepals, petals and stamens wither away. The pistil remains attached to the plant. The zygote develops into embryo, ovary develops into fruit and the ovules develop into seeds.
Which is better mode of reproduction : Sexual or Asexual? Why?
Sexual reproduction introduces variations in offsprings and has evolutionary significance. It helps offsprings to adjust according to the changes in environment. It produces better offsprings due to character combination.