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level: 2 marks

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 2 marks

Higher organism have resorted to sexual reproduction inspite of its complexity. Why?Because of variations, gene pool, Vigour and Vitality and Parental care.
apeworms posses both male and female reproductive organs. What is the name given to such organism? Give two more examples of such organisms.Hermaphrodite; Examples : Earthworm, Leech.
Study the relationship between first two words and suggest a suitable word for fourth place. (a) Male flower : Stamens :: Female Flower : ............................. (b) Birds : oviparous :: Primates : ............................. (c) Chlamydomonas : Zoospores :: Penicilium : ............................. (d) Ginger : Rhizome :: Agave : .............................(a) Carpel (b) Viviparous (c) Conidia (d) Bulbil
Bryophytes and Pteridophytes produce a large number of male gametes but relatively very few female gametes. Why?Because male gemete need medium (water) to reach egg/female gamete.A large number of the male gametes fail to reach the female gamete.
Enlist the significance of reproduction.Significance of reproduction includes: Propagation of species. Sustenance of life on this planet. Variation introduced during reproduction plays a role in evolution of new species.
Why do hilly areas of Kerela, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu transform into blue stretches that attracts many tourists?Strobilanthus kunthiana which flowers only once in every 12 years flowered in 2006 that resulted into transformation of the hilly tracks of Kerela, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu into blue stretches
Define ‘oestrus’ and ‘menstrual’ cycles.Non- Primates like cows, sheep etc. show certain cyclic changes during reproduction called oestrus cycle while Primates like apes, humans the cycle is referred to as menstrual cycle.
What regulates the reproduction processes and the associated behavioural expressions in organisms?Interaction between hormones and certain environmental factors regulate the reproductive processes and the associated behavioural expressions of organisms.
Mention the different stages of sexual reproduction.The different stages in sexual reproduction include: Pre- fertilization events. Fertilization. Post – fertilization events.