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CHEM 115

In Inglés

Creado por:
Alayna Hughes

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C2H3O2 (-)

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CHEM 115 - Detalles



55 preguntas
C2H3O2 (-)
CO3 (2-)
NO3 (-)
PO4 (3-)
SO4 (2-)
OH (-)
MnO4 (-)
ClO2 (-)
ClO3 (-)
ClO4 (-)
BrO3 (-)
IO3 (-)
NH4 (+)
C2H3O2 (-)
How were neutrons discovered?
Through understanding radioactive decay
Gold Foil Experiment
Discovered the proton and nucleus
Cathode Ray Tube Experiment
Discovered the electron
Oil Drop Experiment
Discovered the negative charge of the electron
Define concentration
The amount of solute in a solution
What is Molarity?
Moles of solute/Liters of solution (M)
General trend of Groups 1-3
Metals: +1, +2, +3
Major trend of ionic size
Period 1-7 = increases
Minor trend of ionic size
Cations = decreases anions = increases
Major trend of ionization energy
Period 1-7 = 1st IE decreases
Minor trend of ionization energy
Group 1-18 = 1st IE increases
2nd ionization energy is _________, but depends on __________________
Always greater than the first; whether you're removing valence or core electrons
Major trend of atomic size
Period 1-7 = increases
Minor trend of atomic size
Group 1-18 = decreases
Major trend of electron affinity
Group 1-17 = decreases
When two atoms/ions have the same number of electrons
Coloumb's Law
The attractive force between atoms is proportional to the distance between atoms and the magnitude of charges
Binary compounds
Composed of 2 elements/components
Formal charge
The hypothetical charge if all bonding e- were shared 100% equally
Equation for formal charge
Formal charge = # of VE - # of non-bonding e- - 1/2(# of bonding e-)
Formal charge must be calculated...
For each individual atom in the structure
Guideline 1 of formal charge and Lewis dot structures
Any structure where 1+ atom has less than a full octet is low quality
Guideline 2 of formal charge and Lewis dot structures
Structures with a formal charge of 0 across the board are better
Guideline 3 of formal charge and Lewis dot structures
Structures with a formal charge of smaller magnitude are better
Guideline 4 for formal charge and Lewis dot structures
More negative formal charge should be on the more electronegative atom