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Politics A-Level United Kingdom (DONE!!!!!)

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Explain how Parliament can be seen as Ineffective in carrying out its Scrutiny Function?

Autor: eric_galvao


-Some Parliamentarian Questions are not as Useful to hold the Government to Account. PMQ seen as a 'Punch and Judy show' by Cameron. Governments will have 'Planted' Question from Backbenchers making it Easy to Respond too -Opposition is made up of Different Political Parties, as well as the Official Opposition Party split on different Segments. Labour split if Military Action against ISIS in 2015 with 66 Labour MPs voted For -Limits to the Lords Scrutiny Role (Parliament Acts 1911,1949) and Salisbury Convention. The House of Lords failure to add Amendments to the EU Withdrawal Act was Reflected how the Commons has a Large Majority and a Clear Mandate. -Large Majorities can usually Limit Parliaments Scrutiny Role. The Opposition finds it Harder to get Votes to Defeat Government in Legislation. From 1997-2004, Labour did not suffer a Single Defeat in the Commons

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