How can High and Low Pressure affect the Climate of the Place?
Autor: eric_galvaoRespuesta:
-When the Temperatures are Different, The Air Pressures are also Different across the World -Low Pressure is when Air Rises. Its called this because the Weight of the Air Above, is Lower than Average -High Pressure is when Air Sinks. Its called this because the Weight of the Air Above, is Higher than Average -Low Pressure Areas are linked with Clouds and Rainfall, because the Rising Air cools down -->condenses--> makes clouds--> Water Droplets increase in Size --> Become to heavy, and Released -In the Equator, Its Low Pressure, and rises A Lot of Air. It has a lot of Rainfall because of this, making Warm and Wet Equatorial Climate [Rainforests] -High Pressure Areas are linked with Dry, warm and Settled. This is because Sinking air equals no Rainfall
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