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"Anjali mudra – prayer hands, used at heart center and at brow center especially for greetings (Namaste) and honoring whomever you are with. Abhaya (No fear mudra) – palm facing away, hand up from elbow. Fairly universally understood and used across cultures and civilizations. Courage. Wisdom Mudra – hands clasped, second fingers pointed forward, thumbs crosses. Wisdom or intuition. Vajrapradama Mudra – fingers interlocked at the heart center, or one hand atop the other at the heart center. Confidence. Padma (Lotus) making a flower with your hands. Touch hands just above the wrists, fingers open as petals with thumbs and pinkies touching. Bhumisparsha – touching the earth, both hands. Committing to life, your path. Dhyana mudra – used for meditation. palms up, hands resting on lap, right hand rests on the left, thumbs touch, fingers long."

Autor: Kenosi Cloete-Jones


Name two mudras, their meanings and describe their positions?

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