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level: Pages 7-11

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Pages 7-11

Page 7 ( 2 points to remember)-Must tell his pedigree that God’s goodness toward him may be seen more clearly: came from a low class -Parents sent him to school, but he soon forgot what little he learned
page 8 (7 points to remember)-It was his delight to serve Satan before God called him -Names his most prevalent sins: cursing swearing, lying, & blaspheming God’s Holy Name; -these sins became as second nature to him; and the Lord used fearful dreams to scare him -Afflicted by thoughts of the day of judgment; feared that he would be found last among the devils -Was often cast down by these thoughts -Began to wish he were a devil ( a tormentor) rather than being so tormented by these thoughts -These dreams soon left him due to his pleasures; he let loose the reigns to his lusts until becoming married
Page 9 ( 4 points to remember )-His sins were so great, he would have perished were it not for God’s grace -Could not bare the thoughts of religion; heaven and hell out of sight -Was frightened when he saw others sin as he did -God followed him with judgments mixed with mercy: 1. when he fell into a creek, 2. when he fell into Bedford River, and 3. when he plucked a fang from an adder
Page 10 (4 points to remember )-Fourth mercy from God: a fellow soldier was killed in his place during a war -Neither judgments nor mercy could awaken his soul; he grew more rebellious and careless of his salvation -Became married; was very poor; wife had 2 books: (1) “ The Plain Man’s Pathway To Heaven” and (2) “ The Practice Of Piety” which he sometimes read; she tells him of her godly father -The two books gave him some desire to religion; fell in with religious practices: going to Church twice a day etc; adores the high place, the priest etc.
Page 11 ( 5 points to remember)-Had great reverence for the priest and clerks because he thought they were the servants of God -Wondered whether they were the true descendants of the Israelites, or not; his father tells him they were not; despaired of that hope -Insensible to the danger of sin; never thought of Christ -Pastor preaches on the treatment of the Sabbath day; Bunyan took delight in playing games on the Sabbath; fell in conscience under the sermon for a time -His troubled conscience did not last long, for it went off his mind as soon as he had eaten, and he shook it out of his mind