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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

ABAApplied Behavioral Analysis
AppliedSocial validity
What does a behavior have to beobservable and measurable
Analysiscontrol over behavior by changing the environment
Operant conditioningbehaviors followed by something desirable
Extinction burstwhen a client's reaction to a new behavior intensifies after implementing a new behavior
Punishmentconsequence that is delivered
Reinforcementany consequence that maintains or increases the behavior
ABC describeswhy the behavior is occuring
Antecedentenvironment before the behavior
ABC consequenceenvironment after the behavior
Operational DefinitionWhat counts as a behavior and what does not
2 ways to collect datacontinuous and discontinuous
continuous~more accurate
3 forms of continuous datafrequency, rate, duration
frequencya count on how many times a behavior occurs
ratehow many times a behavior occurs divided by the observation time
durationwhen a behavior occurs for a series of time
a measure of when you give the instruction to when they respondLatency
only that one behavior can make that permanent product (kicking a wall)permanent product
behavior occurs the entire intervalwhole interval recording
a behavior occurs at any point in the intervalpartial interval recording
record time of all the amounts of the behavior within the intervalTotal duration interval
increasedoes whole interval recording increase or decrease a behavior
decreasedoes partial interval recording increase of decrease a behavior
Attention, Access to preferred items, Escape or Avoidance, Automatic Reinforcement4 functions of behavior
raising your hand, class clown, greeting a personAttention
what reinforcement is motivating them1st step in changing a behavior
sensory, escape, attention, tangibleSEAT
automaticthe hardest function to change
functional behavior assesmentFBA
behavior intervention planBIP
what does it mean to sanitize the enviromentget things they want out of reach
constructional control leads topairing
rapport buildingpairing
types of preference assesmentsfree operant, single stimulus, paired stimulus, multiple stimulus, interview
Free operantobserving client in a natural environment- less accurate
single stimuluspresent one object and observe how long their interest lasts
paired stimulusselect 4-6 items, present 2 at a time
multiple stimulus3 or more items and have them choose
2 types of multiple stimulus preference assesmentsreplacement and non-replacement
Are indirect or direct assessments more accuratedirect
interview preferencelist of preferred items
the indirect assessmentinterview
conditioned reinforcementsecondary- praise, toys, tokens
unconditioned reinforcementprimary- food, drinks, sleep
positive meanssomething is given
negative meanssomething is removed
shared controlbalance of control with your client
MO- motivation operationenvironmental variable
Deprevationmakes more reinforcing
Sensiationless reinforcing
continuous reinforcementreinforcing all the time
inter mitten reinforcementreinforcing some of the time
Fixedexactly, new skill, ratio
variableapproximately, keeps child motivated, intervals
validitymeasuring what we intend to measure
reliabilitygetting the same results
data collection optionsinterval recording, whole recording, partial recording, momentary time sampling
interval recordingnot as accurate, estimate, every 10 seconds
whole recordinglasts the entire interval, underestimates, increases behavior
partial recordingany part of the interval, overestimates, decreases behavior
momentary time samplingif it is happening at the end of the behavior, over or under estimates
Premack principleif and then statements
non-contingent reinforcementgiven for free
demand fadingslowly giving demands throughout the session
behavior momentumwarm them up with easier instructions
one of the first goalsinstructional control
SDdiscriminitive stimulus
Differential reinforcementgiving reinforcement for the best answer the client can give
DTTdiscrete trial- more structured- basic compliance
PRTpivotal response training
NETnatural environment teaching
3 types of modalitiesDTT, PRT, NET
5 parts of a discrete trialSD- gain attention, do not overuse name, neutral tone Prompt- immediately after SD, not always required Response- correct or incorrect, no-response Consequence- immediately after the response, try again, with hold reinforcement Intertrial interval- brief pause before next SD
Prompt Hierarchies (most to least intrusive)Full physical, Partial physical, Gestural or model (non-verbal), Echoic and verbal
stimulus approximityone object is closer than the others
Mass trialsame SD over and over again, namely for new trials.
Random rotationrandom SD's mixed with mastered targets and receptive targets
expressive promptwhat is your name
shapingsuccessive approximations are reinforced until reaching the entire goal
maintenance goalsgoals that have already been mastered
aquistion phaseteaching new goals phase
generalizationNET teaching, a client can take a skill and apply it in daily life
task analysisbroken down into structures
total task chainingcompleting all tasks
Steps in de-escalation roomremain in control, mats, remain in doorway, make sure face and chest are protected, do not push back, do not use if you are blocking others in.
4 functions of behaviorattention avoidance and escape access to items automatic
PBSpositive guidance and sharing
what to do in an access behavioravoid arguments, give choices, explain
what to do in an avoidance behaviorallow breaks, bring them back to task, provide reinforcment
what to do in an attention behaviorlimit eye contact, neutral tone, watch body language
what to do in an automatic behaviorlook for cause, provide replacement behavior
Parts of a BIP- what the target -what the OD is- definition of behvior -Hypothesis -replacement behaviors -context -method of data collection -emergency behaviors
antecedentoffer another minute
teachingreplacement behaviors
emergencyclearing the environment keeping safe