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level: my family

Questions and Answers List

level questions: my family

a motherune mère
a fatherune père
a stepfatherun beau-père
a stepfatherun beau-père
a stepmotherune belle-mère
a sisterune sœur
a brotherun frère
a half-sisterune demi-sœur
a half-brotherun demi-frère
a male cousinun cousin
a female cousinune cousine
a grandfatherun grand-père
a grandfatherun grand-père
a grandmotherune grand-mère
parentsdes parents
grandparentsdes grands-parents
only sonfils unique
only daughterfille unique
only childenfant unique
the male friendl'ami
the female friendl'amie
the female friendl'amie
an uncleun oncle
an auntune tante