Pec Mjr (sternal head) (AH) | O: Ant manubrium and sternal body
Ant costal cart 1-6
I: lateral lip of intertubercular groove |
Lat dorsi (AH) | O:
T6-S5 spinous processes
Iliac crest
Ribs 9-12
Floor of intertubercular groove |
Trapezius (AS) | O:External occipital protuberance/Superior nuchal line/Acromion
Ligamentum nuchae/C7-T12 spinous processes
Lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Acromion process
Medial end of scapula spine |
Rhomboid mjr (AS) | O:
T2-T5 spinous processes
Medial border of scapula bt base of spine and inferior angle |
Rhomboid mnr (AS) | O:
C7-T1 spinous processes
Medial border of scapula at base of spine |
Levator scapulae (AS) | O:
C1-C3 transverse processes
Medial border of scapula bt base of spine and sup angle |
Pec mnr (AS) | O:
Ant ribs 3-5
Coracoid process |
Serratus ant (AS) | O:
Ant ribs 1-8
Medial border of scapula and inf angle |
Pec mjr (clavicular head) | O:
Medial ½ ant clavicle
Lat lip of intertubercular groove |
Deltoid | O:
Lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Acromion process
Scapula spine
Deltoid tuberosity |
Coracobrachilais | O: Coracoid process
I: med mid humeral shaft |
Teres Major | O:
Pos surface of scap near inf angle
I: med lip of intertubercular groove |
Teres mnr | O: Lat border of scap
Greater tubercle
Shoulder cap |
Subscapularis | O: Subscapular fossa
I: lesser tubercle
Shoulder cap |
ISupraspinatus | O: Supraspinous fossa
I: greater tubrcle
shoulder cap |
Infraspinatus | O: Infraspinous fossa
I: greater tubercle
should cap |
Biceps brachii | O:
(SHORT HEAD) coracoid process/Supraglenoid tubercle
(LONG HEAD) superior glenoid labrum
Radial tuberosity
Deep fascia of ulna side of forearm via bicipital aponeurosis |
Triceps brachii | O: (LONG) infraglenoid tubercle/Inf glenoid labrum
(LAT) Pos humeral shaft lateral to spiral groove
(MED) Pos humeral shaft medial to spiral groove
Olecranon process
Pos elbow capsule |