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level: Structure of a Neuron

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level questions: Structure of a Neuron

the scientific study of the nervous system (neurons, nerves, and nerve tissue)Neuroscience
Branch of neuroscience that focuses on biological bases of psychological processes, behavior, and learningBiological Psych/Behavioral Neuroscience
specialized cell that makes up the nervous system and receives and sends messagesNeuron
Branch-like structures of a neuron that receive messages from other neuron. Attached to cell bodyDendrites
cell body of the neuron responsible for maintaining the life of the cellSoma
Tube-like fiber structure of a neuron attached to the soma that carries the message from the cell body to the axon terminalsAxon
Several shorter fibers with swellings or knobs at the end, branched off from the axon. Responsible for communicating with other nerve cellsAxon Terminals
Cells that support neurons to grow, deliver nutrients, produce myelin, clean waste and dead neurons, influence info processing and the generation of new neurons during prenatal developmentGlial Cells
Fatty substance produced by glial cells that coat the axons to insulate and protect neurons, and speeds up neural messagesMyelin
a sense of balance in the nervous systemHomeostasis
the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injuryneuroplasticity
glial cells for neurons in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)oligodendrocytes
glial cells for neurons in the peripheral nervous system (body)Schwann cells
bundles of myelin-coated axons traveling togetherTracts
bundles of axons coated in myelin that travel together through peripheral nervous system (body)nerves
Schwann Cellself-repairing glial cell
Sections of myelin that seem to bump into each other, are not covered in myelinNodes
charged particlesIons
Process of ions moving from areas of high concentration to low concentrationDiffusion
Relative balance of electrical charges when ions are at restElectrostatic Pressure
the local voltage change across the cell wall as a nerve impulse is transmittedaction potential
axon closest to the somaaxon hillock