Estás en modo de exploración. debe iniciar sesión para usar MEMORY

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level: Level 12

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 12

soul, spirit
patience, perseverance, energy根気
basis, foundation根拠
mixed race, mixed parentage混血
insect, bug昆虫
root, basis, foundation根底
confusion, mixing, merger混同
hello, good day今日は
good evening今晩は
origin, source, foundation根本
go-, honorable
vocabulary, glossary語彙
Buddhist karma, actions committed in a former life
number, issue
agreement, consent, mutual understanding合意
consultation, conference合議
great, grand強気
synthesis, composition, synthetic合成
guard, convoy, escort護衛
words, phrases語句
Thank you very much for your....ご苦労様
word root, word derivation語源
to be polite, to existご座います
feast, treating someoneご馳走
each respectively
Go board碁盤
not writing or contacting for a whileご無沙汰
to deceive, to falsify, to misrepresent誤魔化す
May I come in?御免ください
I beg your pardon, excuse me御免なさい
please look, please try to do御覧なさい
re-, again, repeated
difference, disparity差異
difference, disparity, gap​
another meeting, meeting again, reunion再会
calamity, disaster, misfortune災害
bacillus, bacterium, germ細菌
work, craftsmanship, tactics, trick細工
vote, roll call採決
rebuilding, reconstruction, rehabilitation再建
reappearance, reproduction, return, revival再現
collecting, gathering採集
playback, return to life, rebirth, reincarnation再生
the very best最善
adoption, selection, choice採択
return, relapse, reoccurrence再発
cell (biology)細胞
use, adopt採用
to interrupt, to intercept, to obstruct遮る
to sing, to chirp, to twitter囀る
to be clear, to be serene, to be cold, to be skillful冴える
rod, pole for drying laundry竿
to prosper, to flourish栄える
wine cups
handstand, headstand逆立ち
to go back, to go upstream逆上る
to prosper, to flourish盛る
balance, difference, margin差額
to retire, to fall, to step back下がる
two days before yesterday一昨昨日
before, earlier than, ahead先に
fraud, swindle詐欺
a work, a harvest
plan, policy
fence, paling
cut, reduction, curtailment削減
military or naval operations, tactics, strategy作戦
literary work作物
shout, scream, outcry叫び
to split, to tear, to burst裂ける
to lift up, to give, to offer, to devote捧げる
to come near to, to approach差し掛かる
instruction, mandate指図
to present, to submit, to tender, to hold out差し出す
to interfere, to hinder, to become impeded差し支える
to deduct差し引く
something small or petty, trifle些事
to grant, to award, to teach授ける
I am sure, certainly, no doubt
to become settled, to be fixed定まる
to decide, to establish, to determine定める
optical illusion, hallucination錯覚
to guess, to sense, to presume察する
counter for books
well, now, then
to attain enlightenment, to perceive悟る
truth, reality真実
to judge裁く