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level: Other Bacteria

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Other Bacteria

Gram -ve Include syphilis and Lyme disease Can be beneficial - contribute to digestionspirochetes
A spirochete Most important: t.pallidumtreponema
causes syphilis (non-venereal disease)T.pallidum subsp. pallidum
Causes yaws (non-venereal disease)T. pallidum subsp. pertenue
Caused by T.Pallidum subsp. Pallidum 3rd most common sexually transmitted disease (chlamydia and gonorrhoea) Can be congenital (transmitted through placenta Humans are the only host 3 stages: primary, secondary and tertiary Darkfield microscopy or special fluorescent stains must be usedSyphilis
Lyme disease Culture generally unsuccessful Lesions (erythema migrans) develop at site of the tick bite Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction [seen also with Syphilis] Ticks, lice and rodentsBorrelia
The smallest free-living bacteria Do not have a cell wall (results in resistance to penicillin, vancomycin, ..) Cell membrane contains sterols Facultative anaerobic or CO2 environment (–M. pneumoniae is a strict aerobe) Growth medium enriched with sterols Slow growingmycoplasma and ureaplasma
Strictly human pathogen Causes respiratory disease Most common in 5 - 15 y Microscopy not useful in detection Molecular diagnosis (PCR) and enzyme immunoassaysM.pneumoniae
M.hominis (facultative anaerobe with arginine agar media)Which bacteria looks like fried eggs?
2 subspecies 1. Rickettsia 2. Orientia ( O. tsutsugamushi) Grow only in cytoplasm of eukaryotes Arthropod vector (humans are accidental hosts) Stain poorlyRickettsiaceae
Lice die from infection within 2-3 w, preventing transovarian transmission Rash Relapse possible (Brill-Zinsser disease; years after) 20-30% mortality if left untreated (4% if treated promptly) Micro immunofluorecence (MIF) and Western-Blotrickettsia prowazekii
Gram -ve Causes Q fever Ingestion of contaminated unpasteurised milk and milk products causes disease Ticks do not transmit the disease to humans BSL 2-3Coxiella burnettii
Most common sexually transmitted disease in the USA Restricted to humans Were considered viruses due to small size Obligate intracellular parasites Contain both DNA, RNA and prokaryotic ribosomes Synthesize their own proteins, nucleic acids and lipids Susceptible to numerous antibacterial antibioticschlamydiaceae
a chronic contagious disease caused by a bacterium and marked by inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye and the formation of scar tissue (quite disease)Trachoma
Chlamydia Lack of symptoms: 75 % of women and 50% of men with Chlamydia lack symptoms of the infection If symptoms do occur, they appear between 1- 3 weeks after exposureWhat is the quiet sexually transmitted disease? Why?