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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What appearance does a skeletal muscle have?striated
Skeletal muscles are under the voluntary control of the ____ nervous stytem.somatic
The origin is usually nearer the midline of the body or closer to the ____spine
Name the two origins of the deltoidsclavicle scapula
Name the insertion of the deltoidshumerus
What is the origin of Biceps Brachii?anterior scapula
What is the insertion on Biceps Brachii?upper radius
Name the two origins of Triceps Brachiihumerus scapula
Name the insertion of Triceps Brachiiulna
What are the hip flexors refereed to as?Iliopsoas
Name the lateral hip flexorslliacus
Name the largest of the hip flexorsPsoas Major
What muscles are referred to as the lower back abdominals?Quadratus Lumborum
Name the largest muscle on the back of the lower legGastrocnemius
Which is the main muscle that extends the hipsGluteus Maximus
Which type of muscle fibre builds muscle massType 2a
Which type of muscle fibre is used for long distance aerobic events?Type 1
Which type of muscle fibre is used for very short burst intense energy?Type 2b
If a clients goal was to run a marathon, which type of training program would you put them on?Aerobic endurance
If a client came to you and said they wanted to be strong with lean body fat and huge muscle mass what type of training would you put them on?Hypertrophy
If a client came too and said they wanted to lift heavy weight but not fussed on muscle mass or lean body fat, what type of training program would you give them?Strength
Fast twitch type 2a muscles run on which energy system?Lactate
Slow twitch type 1 muscles run on which energy system?Aerobic
Fast twitch type 2b muscles run on which energy system?Creatine phosphate
Where is the Vastus lateralis muscle located?Outer quad
Where is the Vastus medialis muscle located?Inner quad
Where is the Rectus Femoris muscle located?Mid quad
What is the prime mover in a leg raise?Psoas Major
Powerlifting uses which type of muscle fibres?Type 2b
What macro nutrient does aerobic low intensity exercise use for energy?Fat
How many bones in total does the human skeleton have?206
How many total bones in the axil skeleton?80
How many bones in the appendicular skeleton?126
What are the bones in our fingers and toes called?Phlanges
What is the main bone in our fore arm?Radius
What bones form the hip jointAcetabulum femur
How many total vertebrae in the spine?33
How many vertebrae in the cervical7
How many vertebrae in the thoracic?12
How many vertebrae in the lumbar5
How many immoveable vertebrae in the spine9
Which is an example of a flat bone?Illium
What bone do we sit on?Ischum
Which is an irregular bone?Calcaneus
Which is a fibrous bone?Cranium
How many ribs in total?24
Each muscle is covered in a connective tissue called?Epimysium
what is each muscle fibre surrounded by?Endomysium
Bundles of muscle fibres are surrounded by?Perimysium
Myofibrils are segmented into compartments called?Sacromeres
Each sarcomere contains myofilaments called ?Myosin and actin
The myosin head is unable to bind with the actin and make a muscle contraction with out?Calcium
What send signals to muscles to contract?Motor neurons
DOMs most commonly occur because of which type of movement?Eccentric
DOMs are caused by what?Micro tears