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level: DEF's

Questions and Answers List

level questions: DEF's

[DE] decipher, defame, deferential, defile, delineate, descendAWAY, OFF, DOWN, COMPLETELY, REVERSAL
[DEXT] ambidextrous, dexter, dexterity, dexterousRIGHT HAND, RIGHT SIDE, DEFT
[DI] dial, diary, dismal, diurnal, meridian, quotidianDAY
[DI/DIA] diagnose, diagonal, diagram, dialect, dialogue, diameter, diaphanous, diaphragm, diarrhea, diatribe, dichotomyIN TWO, THROUGH, ACROSS
[DI/DIF/DIS] diffuse, dilate, dilatory, disperse, disseminate, dissipate, dissuade, distant, divergeAWAY FROM, APART, REVERSAL, NOT
[DIC/DICT/DIT] abdicate, benediction, contradict, dedicate, dictate, dictator, diction, dictionary, dictum, edict, indicate, indict, interdict, malediction, predicate, predict, valedictorian, verdictTO SAY, TO TELL, TO USE WORDS
[DOL] condole, condolence, doleful, dolorous, indolenceTO SUFFER, TO PAIN, TO GRIEVE
[DORM] dormant, dormitorySLEEP
[DORS] dorsal, endorseBACK
[DUC/DUCT] abduct, conducive, conduct, conduit, induce, induct, produceTO LEAD
[DULC] dulcet, dulcified, dulcimerSWEET
[DUR] dour, durable, duration, duress, during, endure, obdurate, perdurableHARD, LASTING
[E/EX] efface, eliminate, emanate, eradicate, evade, evict, evince, excavate, except, excerpt, exclude, execute, exhale, exile, exit, exonerate, expire, extricateOUT, OUT OF, FROM, FORMER,COMPLETELY
[EGO] ego, egocentric, egoism, egotistSELF
[EQU] adequate, equable, equation, equator, equidistant, equilibrium, equinox, equivocate, iniquityEQUAL, EVEN
[ERR] aberration, arrant, err, errant, erratic, erroneous, errorTO WANDER
[EU] eugenics, eulogy, euphemism, euphony, euphoria, euthanasiaGOOD, WELL
[FAL] default, fail, fallacy, false, faux pas, infallibleTO ERR, TO DECEIVE
[FATU] fatuity, fatuous, infatuatedFOOLISH
[FERV] effervescent, fervent, fervid, fervorTO BOIL, TO BUBBLE
[FI/FID] affiance, affidavit, confide, fealty, fidelity, fiduciary, infidelFAITH, TRUST
[FLAGR/FLAM] conflagration, flagrant, flambeau, inflameTO BURN
[FLECT/FLEX] circumflex, deflect, flex, flexible, genuflect, inflect, reflectTO BEND, TO TURN
[FUG] centrifugal, fugitive, fugue, refuge, refugee, subterfugeTO FLEE, TO FLY
[FUM] fume, fumigate, perfumeSMOKE