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level: Answering Questions

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Answering Questions

If you are reading a bit of text that you need to answer questions on, what can you do first to get an idea of what is going on?Skim-read
If you are reading a bit of text that you need to answer questions on, what should you do before reading the text in depth?Read the questions first
If you are answering questions to do with some text you have just read, what should you think about before attempting to answer them?Think what the question is asking you to do
When writing an answer to a question, what is the most important thing to make sure of?That your answer matches what the question asks
When writing an answer to a question, what should you scan the text to look for?Key words and phrases
When answering a question, what should you do to avoid writing things that may be irrelevant?Only write about things the question asks for
When writing an answer to a question, what is a good way to start your answer?Give an introduction relating to the question
One method of answering questions is the P.E.E method. What does this stand for?Point, example, explanation
What is the importance of making a point when you answer a question?To answer the question
What is the importance of giving an example when you answer a question?To back up the point you have made
What is the importance of giving an explanation when you answer a question?To show how the example backs up your point
What should you not be afraid to do when answering a question, to show that you have read it carefully?Repeat phrases from the text
What should you not worry about doing when answering a question for fear it may not be correct?State the obvious
What else can you do when answering a question to make sure your answer is easy to read?Keep it simple