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level: Chronic Inflammation

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Chronic Inflammation

Site of progenitor T-cell maturation to become CD4+ helper T cell or CD8+ cytotoxic t-cell; TCR undergoes rearrangement to form TCR complex with CD3Thymus
Part of the TCR complex used for antigen surveillanceCD3
CD4+ T cells (4 x 2 = 8)MHC Class II
CD8+ T cells (8 x 1 = 8)MHC Class I
Binds to B7 protein on APC which serves as 2nd activating signal to CD4+ T-cells (7x4=28)CD28
Activated CD4+ helper T cell which secretes IL-2 and IFN-yTH1 subset
T-cell growth factor; CD8+ T cell activator (2nd activating signal for CD8+ T cells)IL-2
Macrophage activator, converts macrophages to epithelioid histiocytes and giant cellsIFN-y
Activated CD4+ helper T cell which secretes IL-4, IL-5,IL-10TH2 subset
Facilitates B-cell class switching to IgG and IgEIL-4
Eosinophil chemotaxis and activation, maturation of B cells to plasma cells and class switching to IgAIL-5
Anti-inflammatory cytokine, inhibits TH1 phenotypeIL-10
Perforin and Granzyme release-> apoptosis; FasL expression -> apoptosisCD8+ Cytotoxic T cell killing
Surface immunoglobulins for naïve B cellsIgM and IgD
Located on B-cell, binds with CD40L from helper T-cell to provide 2nd activation signalCD40 receptor
Epithelioid histiocytesHallmark of granulomatous inflammation
Activated macrophages with abundant pink cytoplasmEpithelioid histiocytes
No central necrosis; Arises from foreign materials, sarcoidosis, beryllium exposure, Crohn's disease, cat scratch diseaseNoncaseating granuloma
With central necrosis; Associated with Tuberculosis and fungal infectionCaseating granuloma
Stellate shape granulomaCharacteristic finding for cat scratch disease
Secreted by activated macrophages to induce CD4+ helper T-cells to differentiate into TH1 subtypeIL-12