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level: Simple Past Tense Verbos Iniciales P01

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Simple Past Tense Verbos Iniciales P01

I learnt (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'A'?)aprendí
I drank (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'B'?)bebí
I fell (What is the 3-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)caí
I changed (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cambié
I dug (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cavé
I ate (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)comí
I bought (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)compré
I ran (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)corrí
I said (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)dije
I slept (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)dormí
I got sick (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)enfermé
I sent (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)envié
I wrote (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)escribí
I was (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estuve
I studied (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estudié
I liked (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'G'?)gusté
I spoke (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'H'?)hablé
I went (What is the 3-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fui
I called (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llamé
I arrived (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llegué
I chewed (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)mastiqué
I watched (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)miré
I got (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'O'?)obtuve
I paid (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)pagué
I tried (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'P'?)probé
I wanted (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'Q'?)quise
I registered (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)registré
I repeated (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'R'?)repetí
I took out (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)saqué
I felt (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'S'?)sentí
I was (What is the 3-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fui
I had (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'T'?)tuve
I saw (What is the 2-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)vi
I lived (What is the 4-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)viví
I got back (What is the 5-letters verb that starts with 'V'?)volví
you learnt (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'A'?)aprendiste
you drank (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'B'?)bebiste
you fell (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)caíste
you changed (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cambiaste
you dug (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)cavaste
you ate (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)comiste
you bought (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)compraste
you ran (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'C'?)corriste
you said (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)dijiste
you slept (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'D'?)dormiste
you got sick (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)enfermaste
you sent (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)enviaste
you wrote (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)escribiste
you was (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estuviste
you studied (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'E'?)estudiaste
you liked (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'G'?)gustaste
you spoke (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'H'?)hablaste
you went (What is the 6-letters verb that starts with 'F'?)fuiste
you called (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llamaste
you arrived (What is the 8-letters verb that starts with 'L'?)llegaste
you chewed (What is the 10-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)masticaste
you watched (What is the 7-letters verb that starts with 'M'?)miraste
you got (What is the 9-letters verb that starts with 'O'?)obtuviste