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level: Cellular Injury

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Cellular Injury

Reversible or irreversible damage from stress which exceeds cell's ability to adapt. Injury depends on type of stressor, severity and type of cellCellular Injury
Decreased oxygen delivery to tissue -> impaired oxidative phosphorylation -> decreased ATP -> cellular injurtHypoxia
Decreased blood flow through organ from: 1. decreased arterial perfusion, 2. decreased venous drainage, 3. shockIschemia
Thrombosis of hepatic vainBudd-Chiari Syndrome
Polycythemia veraMC cause of Budd Chiari Syndrome
Low partial pressure of oxygen in blood (PaO2 <60, SpO2 <90)Hypoxemia
FiO2-> PAO2 -> PaO2 -> SpO2Pathway of oxygen partial pressure
High altitude, Hypoventilation, Diffusion defect, V/Q mismatchCauses of hypoxemia
Anemia, CO poisoning, MethemoglobinemiaDecreased O2-carrying capacity
Cherry red appearance of skinClassic finding for CO poisoning
HeadacheEarliest sign of CO exposure
Iron in heme is oxidized to Fe3+ which cannot bind O2Methemoglobinemia
Fe 2+ ("Fe two binds O two")Normal iron in heme
Cyanosis with chocolate colored bloodClassic finding for methemoglobinemia
IV methylene blueTreatment for methemoglobinemia
No Na-K pump-> Na and water retention in cell; No Ca++ pump-> inc cytosolic Ca++; Shift to anaerobic glycolysis -> lactic acidosis -> protein denaturationEffects of low ATP
Cellular swellingHallmark of reversible injury
Loss of microvilli; membrane blebbing; dissociation of ribosome from RER -> decreased protein synthesisEffects of cellular swelling
Membrane damage (plasma membrane, mitochondrial membrane, lysosomal membrane)Hallmark of irreversible injury
Cytosolic enzyme leakage (eg. cardiac biomarkers), increased intracellular [Ca++]Plasma membrane damage
Loss of electron transport chain; leakage of cytochrome c -> apoptosisMitochondrial membrane damage
Leakage of hydrolytic enzymes into cytosol with activation by calciumLysosomal membrane damage
Inner mitochondrial membraneLocation of electron transport chain
Cell deathEnd result of irreversible injury