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level: 5) Ben-Gurion, Nasser, Sadat and Meir in Arab-Israeli conflicts

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 5) Ben-Gurion, Nasser, Sadat and Meir in Arab-Israeli conflicts

What was David Ben-Gurion's role in the creation of the State of Israel?David Ben-Gurion is known as Israel's ‘founding father.’ He became the leader of the Jewish Agency in 1935 and later became the first prime minister of Israel in 1949.
What major political stance did Ben-Gurion oppose in 1939?Ben-Gurion opposed the White Paper of 1939, which limited Jewish immigration to Palestine.
What was Ben-Gurion’s role in the 1948-49 Arab-Israeli War?Ben-Gurion oversaw military operations during the 1948-49 Arab-Israeli War and was responsible for the merging of the Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
How did Ben-Gurion influence Israel's military structure?Ben-Gurion led to the centralization of Israeli military forces and ordered Ariel Sharon to create a commando unit to defend against fedayeen attacks.
What was Ben-Gurion’s involvement in the 1956 Suez Crisis?Ben-Gurion planned the joint French-British-Israeli invasion during the Suez Crisis and signed the Protocol of Sevres.
What were the results of Ben-Gurion’s actions in the Suez Crisis?Ben-Gurion's actions in the Suez Crisis resulted in securing access to the Straits of Tiran and the placement of UN troops in Sinai and Gaza, protecting Israeli borders from fedayeen.
Where was Gamal Abdel Nasser born?Nasser was born in Alexandria, Egypt.
What significant military role did Nasser play before rising to power?Nasser graduated from the Royal Military Academy as an officer and fought in the Arab-Israeli War.
What political movement did Nasser found, and what major event did it lead to?Nasser founded the Free Officers' Movement, which led to a military coup that overthrew the Egyptian monarchy.
How did Nasser consolidate power in Egypt after becoming president?Nasser unified Egypt under a one-party state, the National Union, and became president from 1954 until his death in 1970.
What was Nasser’s role in the Suez Crisis, and what was the outcome for Egypt?Nasser stood up to Britain and France during the Suez Crisis, gaining complete control of the Suez Canal, though Israel took territory. The U.S. pressured Israel to withdraw by 1957.
What was the result of Nasser's involvement in the Six-Day War, and how did he react?Nasser suffered a massive loss of land and prestige during the Six-Day War. Although he offered to resign, he was asked to remain in power, and he continued a war of attrition. He died of a heart attack three years later.
Where was Anwar Sadat born, and what was significant about his family background?Sadat was born into poverty as one of fourteen children.
How did Sadat become involved in Egyptian politics before rising to the presidency?Sadat graduated from the Royal Military Academy, met Nasser in Sudan, and helped form the Free Officers' Movement, participating in the 1952 coup that overthrew King Farouk.
What role did Sadat play during the Yom Kippur War, and what did Egypt gain as a result?Sadat ordered a pre-emptive strike against Israel, regaining Egyptian prestige and the Sinai Peninsula, and was hailed as the ‘Hero of the Crossing.’
What diplomatic steps did Sadat take following the Yom Kippur War to improve Egypt’s position?Sadat reopened the Suez Canal in 1975 and secured the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Suez Canal area.
What historic visit did Sadat make in 1977, and what was its significance?Sadat became the first Arab leader to visit Israel on an official visit, meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
What was the result of Sadat's peace efforts with Menachem Begin, and what recognition did he receive for it?Sadat signed the Camp David Accords in 1978, which led to a peace agreement with Israel, and he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize alongside Menachem Begin.
Where was Golda Meir born, and where did she emigrate to as a child?Golda Meir was born in Kiev in 1898 and emigrated to the US in 1906.
What significant migration did Golda Meir make in 1921, and with whom?In 1921, Golda Meir migrated to Palestine with her husband.
How did Golda Meir contribute to Israeli fundraising efforts before her political career?Golda Meir raised $50 million on a fundraising tour of the US.
What high-profile political positions did Golda Meir hold before becoming Prime Minister?She held positions as Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Minister of Labour, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Internal Affairs.
What was Golda Meir's role during the Yom Kippur War of 1973, and what decision did she make regarding Israeli military action?Golda Meir ordered a full mobilization of the Israeli military but did not authorize a pre-emptive strike, and she was later supported by Henry Kissinger for this decision.
How did Golda Meir's leadership come under scrutiny after the Yom Kippur War, and what was the result?Despite Israel recovering from the surprise attack, confidence in Meir was lost, and she resigned in 1974, although she won the election. A commission later absolved her of responsibility.