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level: 2) Suez Crisis (1956)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 2) Suez Crisis (1956)

Who was the Egyptian president that nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956?Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Which British Prime Minister strongly opposed Nasser's actions during the crisis?Anthony Eden.
Who was the French Prime Minister that collaborated with the UK and Israel during the Suez Crisis?Guy Mollet.
Which Israeli Prime Minister participated in the tripartite plan to invade Egypt?David Ben-Gurion.
Which U.S. President opposed the invasion and pressured the involved nations to withdraw?Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Who was the Soviet leader that condemned the invasion and supported Egypt during the crisis?Nikita Khrushchev.
What was the major commodity transported through the Suez Canal by 1950?Oil, which accounted for 50% of all traffic through the canal.
What triggered the Suez Crisis in 1956?Nasser's occupation and nationalization of the Suez Canal.
What was the British stance on the Suez Canal before the crisis?Britain had agreed in 1968 to return the canal to Egypt.
How did the creation of Israel impact Arab sentiment in the region?Arabs were angry at Israel's creation, viewing the USA as a supporter of Israel and Britain and France.
What was Nasser's attitude toward decolonization?Nasser aimed to remove British influence from the region, rejecting U.S. efforts to make him join an anti-Soviet alliance.
What was the Middle East Treaty Organization (METO), and which countries were involved?METO was a British-influenced alliance in 1955, involving Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Turkey—no Arab states were included.
How did Nasser view the role of the Soviet Union in the region?Nasser saw the USSR as a potential ally, as the Soviets had no history of imperialism in the Middle East and were willing to supply weapons to Egypt.
What was Nasser’s vision for Egypt and the Arab world?Nasser wanted to make Egypt the center of a Pan-Arab organization, independent of U.S. or Soviet influence.
How did the Suez Crisis symbolize a global shift in power dynamics?It symbolized the decline of Western colonial dominance as newly independent nations asserted their sovereignty.
What did Nasser’s nationalisation of the Suez Canal represent for Egypt?It represented Egypt’s assertion of its right to control its own resources and infrastructure.
How did the Suez Crisis affect Anglo-American relations?The U.S. condemnation of the invasion highlighted diverging priorities between the U.S. and its European allies.
How did the United Nations contribute to the Suez Crisis?The UN's peacekeeping intervention highlighted its growing role in managing global peace and post-colonial conflicts.
How did the Suez Crisis impact Nasser's position in the Arab world?It strengthened his leadership and inspired anti-colonial movements across the region, bolstering Pan-Arab nationalism.
Why was control of the Suez Canal so crucial for Western powers?The canal was vital for international trade and oil transportation, making its nationalisation a direct threat to Western economic interests.