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level: 1) Arab-Israeli War (1948-49)

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 1) Arab-Israeli War (1948-49)

What was the UN Partition Plan of Palestine?A 1947 plan to divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states.
What event marked the declaration of the State of Israel?The declaration in 1948 and the formation of the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).
What was the Arab League’s view on the solution to the Palestine problem?The establishment of a unitary Palestinian state.
What year did the Arab League form, and what protocol initiated it?1945, with the signing of the Alexandria Protocol.
Who were the founding members of the Arab League?Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan (Transjordan), and Yemen.
Which countries fought against Israel in the 1948-9 Arab-Israeli War?Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan, Iraq, and Egypt.
What was one of the Arab League's main aims in 1945?To restore law and order and prevent further bloodshed in Palestine.
How did the United Kingdom influence the Arab League’s creation?In 1942, it promoted the idea of forming the Arab League.
When did the first phase of the Arab-Israeli War occur, and how did it end?15 May – 10 June 1948, ending with a ceasefire.
Which Arab force invaded from the south, and what was their size?The Egyptian army, consisting of 10,000 troops.
What role did the Israeli air force play in the first phase?The new Israeli air force (Sherut Avir) halted the Egyptian offensive.
What challenges did the Arab forces from the north face?Syrian, Iraqi, and Lebanese troops attacked separately with little coordination.
What was the outcome of the Battle for Jerusalem during this phase?The Arab Legion took the Old City (eastern Jerusalem), while Israelis were blockaded in western Jerusalem.
What was the main focus of Egyptian forces during the second phase?An attack on Negba, followed by an Israeli counter-offensive that pushed them back.
What territorial gain did Israel achieve on the northern front?Control of most of the Galilee region.
What was the result of Israel’s efforts in Jerusalem during this phase?Israel secured more land in the Jerusalem Corridor but failed to recapture the Old City from the Arab Legion.
Who was Count Bernadotte, and what happened to him during the second phase?A UN mediator who proposed a peace plan but was assassinated by the Stern Gang.
What change occurred within the Israeli military after Bernadotte’s assassination?rgun and Stern Gang were incorporated into the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces).
What was Israel's focus during its offensive in the north?To eliminate remaining pockets of resistance and gain complete control of Galilee.
What happened to Egyptian troops in the south during this phase?They were driven out by Israeli forces.
What was the situation in Jerusalem during the third phase?A stalemate, with parts of the city controlled by both Jordanian and Israeli forces.
What was Israel’s position by the start of the third and final ceasefire?They were in complete control.
How many lives did Israel lose during the war, and what percentage of the population was this?6,000 lives lost, equivalent to 1% of the population.
What percentage of the land did Israel control after the war?79%, compared to 55% allocated by the UN Partition Plan.
What term is used by Palestinians to describe the events of 1948?Nakba, meaning catastrophe or disaster.
How many Palestinian Arabs became refugees as a result of the war?Approximately 700,000.
Where did most Palestinian refugees end up after the war?In Gaza or the West Bank.
What were the terms of the armistice with Egypt?Confirmed pre-war borders, with Egypt maintaining military control of Gaza.
What did Jordan gain in its armistice with Israel?Control of the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem, while Israel controlled western Jerusalem.
What was agreed upon in the armistice with Syria?A UN-negotiated settlement where Syrian troops withdrew, and Israel kept the area demilitarised.
What was the Arab League's policy on Palestinian refugees?Refugees had the right to return to their homes or be compensated by Israel.
What law did Israel pass in 1950, and what did it grant?The Law of Return, granting any Jew in the world the right to become an Israeli citizen.
How much financial aid did Israel receive annually, and from whom?Approximately $1 billion a year from the US Government and US Zionists.