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level: 4. Civil War

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 4. Civil War

What peace agreement is Menachem Begin best known for, and who were the other key figures involved?The 1978 Camp David Accords, with Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat and U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
What controversial military action did Begin authorize in 1982, and what was its outcome?The invasion of Lebanon to oust the Palestine Liberation Organization, which led to civilian casualties and international criticism.
When was the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (the Partition Plan for Palestine) passed?November 29, 1947.
How many votes were in favor of the Partition Plan, and how many were against?33 votes in favor and 13 votes against.
Which countries were among those that voted in favor of the Partition Plan?The United States, Soviet Union, Australia, Canada, France, and others.
Which countries were among those that voted against the Partition Plan?Egypt, India, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and others.
How many countries abstained from voting on the Partition Plan?10 countries abstained.
What was one of the main aims of UN Resolution 181?To partition British-controlled Palestine into two independent states, one Jewish and one Arab.
What special provision was made for Jerusalem in the Partition Plan?Jerusalem was to be established as an international zone.
What was the goal of providing each community with sovereignty over designated territories in the Partition Plan?To reduce tensions between the Jewish and Arab communities.
How did the Partition Plan aim to address the aspirations of both Jewish and Arab communities?By recognizing and fulfilling their aspirations for self-determination.
What future goals did the Partition Plan aim to achieve?To serve as a foundation for future peace efforts in the region, focusing on a two-state solution.
By when was Britain required to withdraw from Palestine according to the UN Partition Plan?By 1 August 1948.
How was the land to be allocated between the Jewish and Arab states in the Partition Plan?Areas that were mostly Jewish were allocated to the Jewish state, and areas that were mostly Arab were allocated to the Arab state.
What percentage of the land was allocated to the Jewish state despite Jews being a minority in Palestine?Jews were given 55% of the land, despite being 1/3 of the population and owning less than 10% of the land.
What was the status of Jerusalem according to the UN Partition Plan?Jerusalem was to be an international city governed by an international force.
What was the Arab response to the UN Partition Plan?Arab leaders immediately rejected the plan and walked out of the assembly.
Which committee rejected the UN Partition Plan?The Arab Higher Committee.
Why did Arab leaders reject the UN Partition Plan?They claimed the plan went against the UN.
Which cities with large Arab majorities were to be part of the Jewish state according to the Partition Plan?Jaffa and Haifa.
What was the Jewish Agency’s response to the UN Partition Plan?The Jewish Agency officially accepted the plan.
What did Menachem Begin say about the partition of Palestine?“The partition of the homeland is illegal. It will never be recognised. It will not bind the Jewish people. Jerusalem was and forever will be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for ever.”
What was the Irgun’s stance on the Partition Plan?The Irgun called the partition illegal and rejected it.
What significant actions was the Irgun responsible for during its time in Mandatory Palestine?The Irgun was responsible for the 1946 King David Hotel bombing and the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre.
When did the civil war in Palestine escalate following the UN resolution?November 1947 – May 1948.
What Jewish militias were involved in the civil war in Palestine?Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi.
What were some of the atrocities committed by both sides during the civil war?Bombings, ambushes, retaliatory strikes, and massacres.
What notable incident occurred on December 30, 1947?Irgun members threw bombs at a crowd in Jerusalem, killing 11 and injuring dozens.
What event on April 9, 1948, became a turning point in the civil war?The Deir Yassin Massacre, where Irgun and Lehi forces killed 100-120 civilians.
What was Plan Dalet (Plan D)?A military plan by the Haganah aimed at securing territory for the future Jewish state, sometimes involving the expulsion of Arabs.
What happened on May 14, 1948?Israel declared its independence, marking the end of the British Mandate.
What major expulsions occurred in July 1948?Approximately 50,000–70,000 Palestinians were expelled from Lydda and Ramle.
What was the result of the fighting between May and July 1948?Intense fighting in the Galilee, Jerusalem, and southern areas, including expulsions and atrocities.
By the end of 1948, how many Palestinians had been displaced due to the conflict?Approximately 700,000 Palestinians.