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When the model changes, the view is notified and updates its display to reflect the changes.View Update
Types and number of people evaluating, how formal the evaluation is, and where the evaluation takes place.Factors in Evaluation
Things should be placed where you'd expect them to beIntuitive Layout
Effective FeedbackVisual Cues Audio Signals Haptic Feedback
Users shouldn't have to do unnecessary steps to complete tasks.Minimal Effort
Buttons and menus should be easy to understand.Clear and Simple
Things should be placed where you'd expect them to beIntuitive Layout
Similar elements should look and behave the same way throughout the app or website.Consistent Design
Use colors, icons, and animations to guide usersVisual Cues
Sounds can confirm actions or alert users to important informationAudio Signals
Physical sensations, like vibrations, can enhance the user experience.Haptic Feedback
Effective FeedbackVisual Cues Audio Signals Haptic Feedback
Efficient InteractionQuick Response Times Minimal Effort Easy Navigation
The technology should respond promptly to user input.Quick Response Times
Users shouldn't have to do unnecessary steps to complete tasks.Minimal Effort
Error Prevention and RecoveryClear Error Messages Undo/Redo Functionality Input Validation Contextual Help
When errors occur, provide informative and actionable error messages.Clear Error Messages
Allow users to reverse actions and recover from mistakes.Undo/Redo Functionality
Prevent invalid input by providing real-time feedback or blocking incorrect entries.Input Validation
Offer assistance and guidance within the interface, such as tooltips or help menus.Contextual Help
Why Good HCI Design matters?Enhanced User Experience Increased Productivity Improved Accessibility
How to evaluate HCI Design?Is it easy to understand? Is it easy to navigate? Does it respond quickly to my actions? Does it look visually appealing?
It is a set of software that acts as a bridge between you (the user) and the computer's operating system. It's what allows you to interact with applications through graphical elements like windows, buttons, and menus.User Interface Layer
Touching an app icon, scrolling through your social media feed, and typing a message are all interactions made possible by the Ul layer.Using Smartphone
Clicking on links, filling out online forms, and watching videos involve various Ul elements and event handling behind the scenes.Browsing the Internet
Game controllers, on-screen buttons, and visual feedback are all part of the Ul layer that creates an interactive gaming experience.Playing Video Games
The touchscreen, buttons, and displayed instructions are all Ul components that guide you through the transaction.Using an ATM
Even modern cars utilize Ul principles in their dashboards, navigation systems, touchscreens. andDriving a Car
Key Roles of the UI LayerHandling Input and Output Event-Driven Architecture UI Objects and Event Handlers Window Manager
The Ul layer manages the flow of information between you and the computer. When you click a mouse or type on a keyboard, the Ul layer translates these actions into signals the computer can understand. It also takes the computer's output, like text or images, and displays it on your screen.Handling Input and Output
The Ul layer works on an event-driven model. This means it's constantly listening for events, such as mouse clicks or keyboard entries. When an event happens, the Ul layer triggers a corresponding action, like opening a file or closing a window.Event-Driven Architecture
Ul objects are the building blocks of the interface, like windows, buttons, and menus. Each object has an event handler, which is a piece of code that tells the computer what to do when a specific event occurs on that object. • For example, the event handler for a button might tell the computer to open a new window when the button is clicked.UI Objects and Event Handlers
The window manager is a special program that controls the placement and appearance of windows on your screen. It allows you to move, resize, and close windows, as well as switch between different applications.Window Manager
Examples of Events in User Interface LayerMouse Events Keyboard Events Window Events Touch Events Other Events
Occurs when a mouse button is pressed and released over a Ul object like a button or a link.Click
Happens when a mouse button is pressed and released twice in quick succession over a Ul object.Double-click
These events detect when the mouse cursor moves into or out of a specific Ul object, like hovering over a button or leaving a window.Mouse Enter/Exit
Occurs when any key on the keyboard is pressed down.Key Press
Happens when a key is released after being pressed.Key Release
These events are triggered by specific combinations of keys pressed simultaneously, like Ctrl+C for copying text or Alt+Tab for switching between windows.Keyboard Shortcuts
Triggered when a user resizes a window by dragging its edges.Window Resize
Occurs when a window becomes active and receives input focus, either by clicking on it or using a keyboard shortcut.Window Focus
Happens when a user closes a window, usually by clicking the close button or using a keyboard shortcut.Window Close
Similar to a mouse click, occurs when a finger touches and lifts from the screen.Tap
Happens when a finger slides across the screen in a particular direction.Swipe
Involves two fingers moving closer together or farther apart on the screen, often used for zooming.Pinch
These events are generated at regular intervals by a timer and are often used for tasks like animation or periodic updates.Timer Events
These events are related to changes in the system state, such as network connectivity changes or low battery warnings.System Events
Like a blueprint or a set of guidelines for building something. In the world of computer programs, especially those that people interact with (like apps or websites), a framework is a way of organizing the different parts of the program so they work together smoothly. Instead of building everything from scratch each time, you can use a framework as a starting point.Frameworks
It is like a blueprint or a map that outlines the relationships between different ideas, concepts, or variables in a specific context. It provides a structure for understanding how these elements connect and influence each other.Conceptual Framework
Why use Frameworks?More Organized More Flexible More Productive Easier to Maintain
Frameworks help manage the different parts of the program, like how it looks and how it works.More Organized
It's easier to change or add new parts without messing up the whole thing.More Flexible
Developers can build things faster because they're not starting from scratch every time.More Productive
It's simpler to fix problems and update the program later on.Easier to Maintain
It is a framework that divides an application into three interconnected parts. This approach is used in interactive program development, particularly for large-scale systems, because it helps organize and manage complex applicationsThe MVC (Model, View, and Controller)
It is the core of the application that handles the underlying problem, data, or information. It is responsible for the application's logic and computations. For instance, in a banking application, the model would manage account balances, calculate interest, and handle wire transfers.Model
It is responsible for the output and presentation of the data to the user. It uses widgets in modern GUI-based interfaces. For example, in a banking app, the view would display account balances, transaction lists, and other relevant data.View
Handles user input and manipulates the view, which in turn manipulates the model. It interprets user actions and relays them to the model. The controller is also responsible for finding the object in focus and invoking the corresponding event handler.Controller
How MVC Works Together?User Interaction Controller's Role Model Update View Update
The user interacts with the view (e.g., clicks a button).User Interaction
The controller receives this input and interprets it.Controller's Role
The controller tells the model to update the data accordingly.Model Update
When the model changes, the view is notified and updates its display to reflect the changes.View Update
Why MVC is Helpful?Separation of Concerns Flexibility Faster Development
Examples of ISO'sISO 25010 ISO 9001 Android Core App Quality
Focuses on quality characteristics for software products (e.g., functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, portability).ISO 25010
This standard sets out the requirements for a quality management system (QMS).ISO 9001
Refers to a set of guidelines and best practices established by Google to ensure that Android apps provide a consistent, reliable, and enjoyable user experience.Android Core App Quality:
What is User Interface?It is the way a person interacts with a computer or device. It includes everything from screens and buttons to voice commands. The goal is to make these interactions as smooth and intuitive as possible.
How do we evaluate User Interface?Observation Expert Heuristic Evaluation Measurement Factors in Evaluation
This is like watching people use your app or website and asking them questions about it. You can observe how they interact with the finished product or a simulation of it.Observation
Instead of users, experts in human-computer interaction (HCI) review your interface. They use a checklist of guidelines, called heuristics, to identify potential issues.Expert Heuristic Evaluation
You're trying to measure how good the interface is.Measurement
General principles of digital interface design based on the problems real users face when using digital systems.Nielsen's Ten Heuristics
The system should always let users know what's happening.Visibility of System Status
The system should use language users understand.Match Between System and the Real World
Users need an easy way to undo mistakes.User Control and Freedom
Things should work the same way across the interface.Consistency and Standards
Design the interface to prevent mistakes.Error Prevention
Make it easy for users to find options rather than having to remember them.Recognition Rather Than Recall
Allow experienced users to speed up their work.Flexibility and Efficiency of Use
Don't clutter the interface with unnecessary information.Aesthetic and Minimalist Design
Error messages should be clear and helpful.Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors
If needed, help should be easy to find and use.Help and Documentation
This can include the time it takes to complete a task, how many tasks can be completed in a given time, and how many errors are made.Quantitative Measurement
Gathering opinions from users using questionnaires.Qualitative Measurement
Types and number of people evaluating, how formal the evaluation is, and where the evaluation takes place.Factors in Evaluation