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level: Wetland hydrology

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Wetland hydrology

Name the inputs and outputs of the hydroperiod, and also explain what is the hydroperiodHydroperiod: The seasonal pattern of of water level you can say it's a water budget
How are wetlands usefull in periods of extreme rain and drought?Wetlands are both good at flood control and maintaining water during a drought. Without wetland discharge = runoff With wetland - discharge will happen way slower. This also means if there is a drought then wetlands provide water. So restoring wetlands at head water then streams are way less likely to dry out
What is a discharge and recharge wetland?Discharge wetland = wetland recieves water from groundwater Recharge wet land = wetland gives water to groundwater All bogs are for instance recharge wetlands (because they get water from precipitation) Its from the point of view of the sorrounding landscape. D = discharge wetlands R = recharge
What could be a consequence of removing a wetland? And drying a wetland in regards to species?Allmost every time floods happen are because rivers are cut of by flood planes. If there are wetlands this is way less likely to happen. Terrestrial plants overtake removing native species.
What is this?A typical hydrograph. In this specific instance its a fen that gets most of its waters from floods after intense rainfall.
What type of wetland is this?Marsh - very high productivity and birds love some god old marshes.
What does this show?Hvilke arter der er udbredt i hvilke former for wetlands tør eller våd
Where do you find highest biodiversity in wetlands?Maximising biodiversity in wetlands The highest species diversity is highest in the middle (yellow circle) where there is fluctuation in water lavel.
What happens to diversity and such if we keep water levels constant in the wetland? What if it always fluctuates?If you keep water levels constant, then we loose spcies diversity because we loose the middle zone. Big frequent fluctuations kills everything in the middle zone.
What is this?If you want to make a discription of a wetland its good to have hydrology information, soil information and vegetation information.
Name these in danish: sparganium ReedPindsvindeknop Tagrør