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Questions and Answers List

level questions: HYDROGEOLOGY

What is Hydrogeology?The study of groundwater
Describe how the water cycle affects groundwater in 6 keywords.Evaporation -> Condensation -> Runoff -> transpiration -> Sublimation -> Infiltration -> Percolation
What is water that percolates into the water table called?Phreatic water
True or False: Water that seeps into the upper soil is called phreatic water.False. It is called seepage water.
What can happen to seepage water?-Can be drawn back to the surface -Cab be absorbed by plants -Can bepulled into the water table by gravity
What are the zones that make up the Hydrogeological system from close to the surface to deep under the surface?Unsaturated zone (Partial air and water inside pores) Saturated zone (Only water inside the pores) Boundary layer (No water or air/ IMPERMEABLE)
What are the subzones of the Unsaturated zone?Soil water zone (surface to deepest tree roots) Intermediate zone (from soil water zone to Capillary boundary) Capillary zone (from the capillary boundary to the groundwater table surface)
Define and describe capillary action.-Definition: the ability for liquid to flow in confined spaces without the support of externa forces. -Description: Water molecules move against gravity and rise upwards towards the surface.
What is another name from the saturated zone?Phreatic Zone
What are the types of cavities between rocks?Pore cavities (only inside clastic sediments) Fissure cavities (Long thin cracks) Karst cavities (cracks of irregular and different sizes)