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level questions: EARTHQUAKES

What are the 2 scales to measure the intensity of an earthquake?Mercalli Scale European Macroseismic Scale
What are the 2 scales to measure the intensity of an earthquake?Mercalli Scale European Macroseismic Scale
What is the Hypocenter of an earthquake?The area of origin of the earthquake waves. (Focal point)
What is the Epicenter of an earthquake?Ther vertical projection of the hypocenter onto the surface.
What is the Hearth depth of an earthquake?The distance from the hypocenter to the surface.
What is the Hearth area of an earthquake?The area of the fault that causes the earthquake.
True or false: The hypocenter is an initiation point that lies on the fault and the focal plane.True
True or False: During the earthquake, the focal area propogates toward the hypocenter in all directions.False. The focal area propogates away from the hypocenter in all directions.
True or False: The focal area propogates slower than seismic waves.False. The focal area propogates at the same speed.
What is the amplitude of a wave?The height of the wave from the x axis.
What is a wavelength?The distance between the highest point of two waves.
What is frequency?The number of wavelengths that are measured over a period of time.
What is Reflection of a wave?When waves bounce off a surface.
What is refraction of a wave?When a wave passes into another medium and changes direction *slightly*
What types of space waves are there? How do they appear on a seisogram?Primary waves (P-waves) arrive first, fast. P-waves travel through solids and liquids. Secondary waves (S-waves) arrive later and slower. S-waves only travel through solid bodies.
What types of surface waves are there? How do they appear on a seismogram?-Surface waves spread throught he surface of the earth, are very slow, have greater amplitude than space waves. -Lowe-Waves: cause horizontal displacement. -Rayleigh-Waves: cause longitudinal and transverse movements.
True or False: Only surface waves cause damage to buildings.True
True or false: Lowe-waves cause side to side motion that cause strcutural damage.True
True or False: Rayleigh waves cause side to side and up and down movement that liquifies soil.True
True or False: Velocity is smaller in saturated materialFalse. Waves travel faster in saturated material.
True or False: Velocity travels slower in non-solid materials/sediments.True
True or False: Velocity travels slower through unbroken broken rocks.False. Waves travel faster through unbroken rocks.
True or False: If energy waves travel through the ground slower, they cause less damage.False. They cause more damage because when the velocity slows the amplitude increases. (Less velocity -> More shaking)
What are the two scales to measure the magnitude of an earthquake?Richter Scale Moment Magnitude Scale
What are the 2 scales to measure the intensity of an earthquake?Mercalli Scale European Macroseismic Scale
True or False: In the Richter scale, each increase in magntiude is 32 times stronger.True
Explain the formula for the Moment magnitude scale.The seismic moment = Shear modulus x Average displacement x Hearth area
What is Peak Ground Acceleration?Maximum ground acceleration recorded at a location of an earthquake, measured in G.
What is Spectral Acceleration?Maximum acceration of a structure duing an earthquake, measured in G.
True or False: When a structure has a short occilation period, it receives more damage.True.
True or False: Tall buildings have longer oscillation periods than short buildings.True
M>6 M<4 M<5 Which of these magnitudes correspond with Zone A and B in Vietnam.M>6
M>6 M<4 M<5 Which of these magnitudes correspond with Zone C and D in Vietnam.M<4
M>6 M<4 M<5 Which of these magnitudes correspond with Zone E and D in Vietnam.M<5
Is the earthquake hazard in Vietnam classified as Low, Medium or High.Medium.
Which fault zone are the strongest earthquakes in Vietnam associated with?Red River Fault Zone
Name the effects of earthquakes (7)Tsunami Landslide Coastal change Liquefection Surface rupture Forestorm Shaking
What kinds of earthquakes are there?Tectonic earthquakes 90% Volcanic earthquakes 7% Collapse and other earthquakes 3% (when underground cavities collapse or triggered earthquakes from human activity)