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level: experimental methods

Questions and Answers List

level questions: experimental methods

field experimentscarried out in natural/everyday setting. manipulable IV
natural experimentsSituational factors such as people who have broken a bone (naturally occurring IV). does not manipulate IV. controlled/natural setting
Quasi experimentsNaturally occurring IV. Participant factors (e.g age or gender). controlled/natural setting. doesn't manipulate IV
lab experimentsexperiment carried out in a special environment where variables can be controlled (doesn't necessarily have to be a lab). Manipulate IV
4 advantages of lab experimentscontrol of extraneous variables can establish cause and effect good internal reliability replicable
5 disadvantages of lab experimentsdemand characteristics no mundane realism no generalisability fake setting low external validity
advantages of field experimentbetter generalizability no demand characteristics mundane realism good ecological validity because of authentic behaviour due to ppts being unaware of being studied
disadvantages of field experimentbad internal reliability bad external reliability cant establish cause and effect unethical because they cannot get consent extraneous varaibles
advantages of natural experimentwe can find out about topics and cases we can't see or study otherwise high external validity
disadvantages of natural experimentrare cases mean that you may not be able to find a large enough sample size depending on the strata low generalizability risk of confounding variables due to rare cases not being exactly the same/perfectly controlled
advantages of quasi experimenteasy to collect ppts in controlled conditions- better external validity
disadvantages of quasi experimentconfounding variables no control cannot randomly split ppts because IV is pre decided (e.g boys and girls)