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level: Androgyny

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Androgyny

What is androgyny?Having a high number of masculine and feminine traits, attitudes and behaviours
What is the study for androgyny?The Bem Sex Role inventory(BSRI). 200 personality characteristics were given to 100 judges and they were asked to rate how much the traits represented maleness and femaleness. The traits that scored the highest became the 20 masculine and feminity traits on the scale. Additionally 20 characteristics wee chosen which were neutral and these 60 traits were made up to BSRI.These 60 traits made up the BSRI and it was measured on a Likert scale. These scores were cklassified on two dimensions- masculinity-femikinity and androgynous-undifferentiated.
What is the limitation of BSRI?People may not have insight into their gender identity; asking people to rate themselves on a questionnaire relies on people having an understanding and personality that they may not necessarily have. The scoring system is also hypothetical and gender is subjective meaning BSRI may not be an objective and scientific way of assessing gender identity Temporal validity- it was developed over 40 years ago and regarded as acceptable in those times but now gender has changed
What is the belief about androgynous?It is believed to be more psychologiclly healthy to display a mixture of masculine and femeinine chacterstics in your personality rather than only one.. In today's soceity people need to be adaptable without saying that one job is a woman's work and another job is just for men
A strength of the BSRI?The BSRI piloted over 1000 students and the results correspond with the participants own description of gender identity, demonstrating validity