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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Where is the ice cream parlor? ----- across fromThe ice cream parlor is across from the fire station.
Where is the grocery store? ----- behindThe grocery store is behind the ice cream parlor.
Where is the park? ----- in front ofThe park is in front of the ice cream parlor.
Where is the internet cafe? ----- betweenThe internet cafe is between the clothing store and school.
Where is the bookstore? ------ next toThe bookstore is next to the supermarket.
Where is the school? ------ betweenThe school is between the internet cafe and the drugstore.
Where is the drugstore? ---- in front ofThe drugstore is in front of the fire station.
Where is the park? ----- across fromThe park is across from the ice cream parlor.
Where is the fire station? ----- behindThe fire station is behind the drugstore and the school.
Where is the clothing store? ----- next toThe clothing store is next to the internet cafe.