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level: How Google works (according to Leadstar Media)

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level questions: How Google works (according to Leadstar Media)

Google and SEOs have various, sometimes ______, explanations for how Google works.conflicting
Google may be interested in protecting the secrecy around its ranking processes and algorithms while trying to help and please the ______ ______ SEO community.white hat
Google has several ______ whose task is to understand what a user wants when they submit a query.algorithms
A big part of the Google search also includes the ______ of queries (eg. removing unnecessary ‘stop’ words and fixing misspellings).cleaning
Around 15% of searches made every day have never been made before and the ______ behind different queries changes over time.intention
Understanding what users want when they query Google is important for us as we want to have the ______ that Google is looking to serve its users.answers
To serve users relevant information related to their queries, Google has a database that stores and categorizes all potentially useful web pages and their content. This database is called Google’s ______.index
Google’s index is maintained by algorithms called ‘______’ that discover new URLs by following hyperlinks on already known URLs.crawlers
All URLs which meet the ______ criteria of Google’s algorithms will in turn be indexed and eligible for retrieval in Google’s search engine.quality
The primary way for Google to discover new URLs is for their crawlers to discover them on already known ______.webpages
The URLs that Google serves more often in their search results, and the URLs whose content changes with more frequency will generally be ______ and refreshed more often than other URLs.recrawled
Once the query is cleaned and understood, it is sent to Google's index where all ______ ______ are retrieved and sent back to Google’s ranking algorithms.relevant results
Information about the search like the location, language and device type are used to further filter results by ______.relevance
All results (Google Search) are then assessed and ranked based on their ______.quality
Broadly we can say that Google’s USP, and the reason why it is the world’s most preferred search engine, is because it has the ______ ______ to the questions asked by its users.best answers
How Google judges the quality of each web page and ranks them for each query is a ______.secret
Despite this, our 15+ years of experience have taught us that two factors, ______ ____ ______, are crucial to performing well with Google Search.Credibility and Answer
______ broadly refers to the reputation and trust that has been built on specific pages and on an entire website over time by sending positive signals to GoogleCredibility
______ ______: Credibility earned over time from already recognised sources including other websites (and social media platforms).External recommendations
We believe that prominently placed, relevant ______ ______ from authoritative websites are the most valuable external recommendations we can obtain.follow links
______ ______: User behaviour that Google can see and measure on google.com indicating that users are satisfied with our content.User signals
______ ______ may include direct traffic, total traffic volume, increasing or higher than expected CTR on the SERP, decreasing or lower than average pogo-sticking on the SERP etc.User signals
It is important to note that Google says that it cannot see or measure how users interact with our pages when they have left Google’s search engine but that they still might use ______ ______ data in their algorithms.Chrome browsing
______ ______: How many related queries do we get traffic for? I.e. For a given topic, do Google and users consider us an authority and a source of quality information?Topical authority
One question to consider is if the website is very ______ in one topic/niche or if it is reasonably authoritative across a broader set of topics/nichesauthoritative
generally, websites can build a strong but niched topical authority or a weaker but broader topical authority, but not ______.both
______ ______ ______: The rate at which and passion with which content is improved. This does not refer to superficial updates to content but rather the journey towards creating the best answer for the queries targeted by the website over time and after many iterations.Content development rate
______ broadly refers to the actual quality and usefulness of the content that users will see if they arrive on a given webpage and in this way is directly tied to the page in question.Answer
______: The SERP optimization of the page including its appeal to users and relevance to the queries it ranks for on the SERP as well as its accuracy in describing the page’s content.Label
______: The quality of the answer given to users searching the queries the page ranks for i.e. how good is our answer and for how many users is it a good answer?Content
______ includes the HTML, media and text on the page and how these contribute to the overall UX.Content
______: How is our answer delivered to users in terms of page speed and other technical factors.Delivery
All things being equal, the reason for a page not ranking in Google’s search results can be explained by either a lack of ______ or insufficient answer quality, when compared to the pages that rank instead.credibility
Sites with the best ______ to user queries and the most credibility will perform the best in Google Search.answers
If Google’s goal is to satisfy their users by serving them with the ______ ______ to their questions then our goal should be to create the best products for users who are looking to find iGaming operators.best answers