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level: Important product characteristics

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Important product characteristics

We can invest maximum resources into only the most ______ ______ that align with our purpose while still keeping our sites niched and topically relevant.profitable pages
The most important characteristics of our products are shaped by the game we play and what our ______ ______ have done to be successful in the past.winning products
We create websites that obtain most of their traffic from ______ ______.search engines
Some of our sites have ______ ______ after growing a following.direct traffic
We may have partnerships with other websites that lead to ______ ______.referral traffic
Direct traffic and referral trafic are still relatively insignificant and are not the primary medium we want to obtain our traffic from in the ______ ______.long term
Google's search engine is a software system that understands ______ ______ and responds to them by retrieving the most relevant information and web pages it can.user queries
______ is our primary traffic source, accounting for approximately 95% of our traffic acquisition.Google
We have several different site structures that we differentiate by the number of ______ ___ ______ they target.topics and markets
Each structure has its benefits and drawbacks meaning that some sites need unequal resources, require distinct ______ and may become successful at different points.strategies
Single-topic, single-geo are sites that cover one topic in ______ ______ eg. oddsbonusar.se is a site comparing sports betting bonuses in Sweden. Most of our sites fit this classification.one market
Single-topic, single-geo: ______ and relevant for users.localized
Single-topic, single-geo: ______ topical authority and expertise.niche
Single-topic, single-geo: fewer ______ to build/manage.resources
Single-topic, single-geo: More challenging to earn ______.credibility
Single-topic, single-geo: Limited ______ opportunities.growth
Single-topic, multi-geo are sites that cover one topic in many ______ ______ eg. mybettingsites.com is a site comparing betting sites in over 10 countries. We have a handful of sites with this classification.different markets
Single-topic, multi-geo: successful ______ can support others.geos
Single-topic, multi-geo: keeps ______ topical authority and expertise.niche
Single-topic, multi-geo: domain and page credibility are ______.shared
Single-topic, multi-geo: ______ relatable, and localized for users.less
Single-topic, multi-geo: performance is ______ on all sites.dependent
Multi-topic, single-geo are sites that cover multiple topics in ______ ______ eg. unitedgamblers.com is a site that covers sports betting sites, online casinos and betting online in the USA. We have a handful of sites that fit this classification.one market
Multi-topic, single-geo: potential for ______ across several topics.dominance
Multi-topic, single-geo: ______ topical authority and greater traffic potential.broad
Multi-topic, single-geo: more opportunities to build ______.credibility
Multi-topic, single-geo: hard to prioritize actions and maintain ______.identity
Multi-topic, single-geo: requires ______ resources to build and manage.more
Multi-topic, multi-geo are sites that cover multiple topics in several different markets eg. bonosdebienvenida.com is a site that covers sports betting and casino bonuses in several Spanish-speaking markets. We ____ ____ ____ many sites that fit this classification.do not have
Multi-topic, multi-geo: potential for ______ across several topics and markets.dominance
Multi-topic, multi-geo: ______ ______ opportunities to build credibility.even more
Multi-topic, multi-geo: harder to prioritize actions and maintain ______.identity
Multi-topic, multi-geo: requires ______ ______ resources to build and manage.even more
Off-topic sites are sites that cover a topic that does not ______ appeal to users who want to find an iGaming operator eg. bettingstugan.se is a betting tips site.directly
Off-topic sites: opportunities for ______ ______ and credibility sharing.link exchanges
Off-topic sites: broadest topical authority and greatest ______ potential.traffic
Off-topic sites: the most opportunities to build ______.credibility
Off-topic sites: hardest to prioritize actions and maintain ______.identity
On average, our sites (especially single-topic, single-geo sites) are relatively small with around ______ pages.100
We generally ___ ___ try to get traffic for the sake of getting traffic or to convert users who do not already want to find iGaming operators.do not
We can invest maximum resources into only the most ______ ______ that align with our purpose while still keeping our sites niched and topically relevant.profitable pages