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level: Level 1 of Level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Level 2

formula equation for fermentationC6H12O6 (aq) ————> 2C2H5OH (aq) + 2CO2(g) + 2ATP
formula for acid reaction2HCl + Mg → MgCl2 + H2
reaction of acids (sulphuric acid) with carbonates (sodium carbonate)NaCO3 + H2SO4 → NaSO4 + H2O + CO2
ionic neutralisation reactionH+(aq)+OH–(aq)⟶ H2O (l)
preparation of insoluble salts by precipitationmixing two soluble salts in a solution, which react to form an insoluble salt that precipitates, or falls out of the solution
acid base titration apparatus25 cm3 volumetric pipette, 50 cm3 burette
how to find the end-point of a titration using an indicatorthe point at which the indicator changes colour
why carbon anodes need to be replacedthe graphite carbon anode reacts with the oxygen produced, resulting in them being burnt away over time
acids proton/neutron givingacids are proton donors
what structure is thisethanoic acid
what structure is thismethane
what structure is thisethene
what structure is thisethanoic acid
functional group for alcohols-O-H
draw the functional group for a carboxylic acidummmm yay
draw the functional group of amineummmm yay
draw the functional group for an esterummmm yay
hydrocarboncompounds made up of only carbon and hydrogen bonded together
what do carboxylic acids end inoic acid
what do alcohols end inol
3 fossil fuelsoil, natural gas, petroleum
main thing in natural gasmethane
what is petrol made up fromhydrocarbons
general characteristics of a homologous serieshaving the same general formula, same functional group, differing from one member to the next by a -CH2- unit, sharing similar chemical properties, displaying a trend in physical properties.
functional groupan atom or group of atoms that determine the chemical properties of a homologous series
structural formulaan unambiguous description of the away atoms in a molecule are arranged, e.g. CH2=CH2
structural isomerscompounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formula
alkanes reactivitygenerally unreactive except with combustion and chlorine
general formula of alkanesCnH2n+2
saturated and examplemolecules in which all carbon-carbon bonds are single, alkanes
unsaturated and examplemolecules with one or more carbon-carbon bonds that are not single bonds, alkenes
complete combustionreacts with excess oxygen to produce CO2 and H2O
incomplete combustionreacts with limited oxygen to produce either carbon monoxide and H2O or carbon and H2O
what happens in a substitution reactionone atom or groups of atoms is replaced by another atom or group of atoms, like alkanes and bromine
general formula of alkenesCnH2n
what kind of bonds do alkenes haveone or more carbon-carbon double covalent bonds
how are alkenes formedin the cracking of larger alkane molecules, hydrogen can form it as well but it needs high temp and catalyst
reasons for crackingcreate more useful substances
thermal crackinghigh temperature and pressure
catalytic crackinglow temperature and pressure, catalyst
addition reactiononly one product is formed, like reactions of alkenes and bromine
how to make an alcoholAlkenes react with steam to produce an alcohol. This time, it is the hydrogen and the hydroxide from water that adds across the double bond. An acid catalyst is needed, 300oC and 60atm (6000kPa) pressure
how to make alkanes from alkenesreact with hydrogen at 150C with nickel catalyst
product of alkene and bromine waterdibromoalkane
how is polyethene madealkenes can be used to make polymers by joining together in long chains, the product is called an addition polymer
how is ethanol madeby fermentation using aqueous glucose and yeast in the absence of oxygen at 25-35C
word equation for fermentationglucose (enzymes) (in yeast) → ethanol + carbon dioxide
symbol equation for fermentationC6H1206 → 2CH3CH20H+2CO2
how is pure ethanol extractedfractional distillation
ethanol with combustion/burn with oxygenreact in the same way as alkanes, complete combustion
general formula of alcoholsCnH2n+1OH
what is ethanol used forfuel and as a solvent
general formula for carboxylic acidCnH2n+1COOH
ethanoic acid reactionsis a weak acid and will undergo reactions that other acids do with metals, carbonates and bases
acid + metalsalt + hydrogen
acid + base(neutralization) salt + water
acid + carbonatesalt + water + carbon dioxide
how is ethanoic acid formedthe oxidation of ethanol using bacterial oxidation during vinegar production or acidified potassium permanganate
carboxylic acid + alcoholwill produce an ester, sulphuric acid acts as a catalyst and a dehydrating agent
substitution reaction with chlorine and alkanesalkanes react with chlorine to form substituted alkanes in the presence of UV light, proving the activation energy (photochemical reaction). This is a substitution reaction as a chlorine replaces one hydrogen
formula equation for fermentationC6H12O6 (aq) → 2C2H5OH (aq) + 2CO2(g) + 2ATP
advantage of using fractional distillation to make ethanolhigh purity, cheaper, easier access to resources
disadvantage of using fractional distillation to make ethanolproduct impure, slow
advantage of hydration of etheneproduct is pure, fast
disadvantage of hydration of ethenemade from non-renewable sources, lots of energy needed
fractionating columnrefinery gas, gasoline, naptha, kerosene/paraffin, diesel oil/gas oil, fuel oil, lubricating oil, bitumen
use of refinery gasgas used in heating and cooking
use of gasolineas fuel in cars
use of napthaa chemical feedstock
use of kerosenejet fuel
use of diesel oilfraction for fuel in diesel engines
use of fuel oilfuel used in ships and home heating systems
use of lubricating oillubricants and waxes and polishes
use of bitumenmaking roads
from top to bottom of the fractionating column how does chain length changeincreases
from top to bottom of the fractionating column how does volatility changedecreases
from top to bottom of the fractionating column how does the boiling point changeincreases
from top to bottom of the fractionating column how does viscosity changeincreases
polymerslarge molecules built up from many smaller molecules called monomers
what everyday substance is made from polymersplastics which are not biodegradable and cannot be recycled so has implications for disposal
the environmental challenges caused by plasticsdisposal in land fill sites, accumulation in oceans, formation of toxic gases from burning
what is the general structure of amino acidsgeneral structure of amino acids
polymer of this monomerpolymer
polymer of this monomerpolymer
oxidationthe gain of oxygen but the loss of electrons
reductionthe loss of oxygen but the gain of electrons
oxidising agenta substance that oxidises another substance and is itself reduced
reducing agenta substance that reduces another substance and is itself oxidised
electrolysisthe decomposition of an ionic compound when in molten or aqueous by the passage of electric current
what are electrodes made fromunreactive (inert) metals or graphite and are used to conduct electricity
cathodeis the negative electrode
anodeis the positive electrode
what is formed at the negative electrodemetals or hydrogen
what is formed at the positive electrodenon-metals
why are metal objects are electroplatedto improve their appearance and resistance to corrosion
if there is a non-metal in electrolysis, what charge does it havenegative
if there is a metal in electrolysis, what charge does it havepositive
oxidation number rules- oxidation number of oxygen in a compound is -2 - oxidation number of hydrogen in a compound is +1 - the sum of oxidation numbers in a compound or molecule = zero - oxidation number of a monatomic ion = the charge on the ion - the sum of oxidation numbers of polyatomic ion = the charge on the ion - the oxidation number of an element = zero.
electrolysis flow chartelectrolysis flow chart
metals that are less reactive than hydrogen and will be shown at the cathodecopper, gold, platinum
describe the transfer of charge during electrolysisduring electrolysis, ions in the electrolyte move towards the electrodes: cations move to the cathode (negative electrode) and gain electrons (reduction), while anions move to the anode (positive electrode) and lose electrons (oxidation). Electrons flow through the external circuit from the power source's negative terminal to the cathode and from the anode to the power source's positive terminal
what is the main ore of aluminiumbauxite
how is aluminium extractedbauxite is purified to get aluminium oxide then aluminium is extracted by electrolysis
uses of cryolitealuminium oxide is dissolved in molten cryolite, lower the melting point and saves money
why do carbon electrodes need to be replaced regularlythey react with the oxygen produced during the electrolysis to form CO2 and get eaten away
equation at the cathode for extraction of aluminiumAl3+ + 3e- → Al
equation at the anode for extraction of aluminiumO2- → O +2e-
how do hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells workthey use hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity with water as the only product
advantages of fuel cellsrequire only hydrogen and oxygen, don't produce any waste, last longer than batteries, less polluting to dissolve of
disadvantage of fuel cellshydrogen is a gas, more space to store than fossil fuels or batteries, explosive when mixed with air, storage is dangerous, requires energy often coming from fossil fuels
rate of reactionthe number of particles per unit time that collide
Describe and draw nylon (polyamide)proteins are natural polyamides formed from amino acid
what can rate of reaction be determined bymeasuring the volume of gas in a gas syringe or an upturned measuring cylinder or burette full of water over time, loss of mass of a gas over time, timing how long a precipitate takes to form, to cover the cross. How fast the reactants are being used, how fast the products are being formed
describe and draw PET (polyester)can be converted back into monomers and re-polymerised
rate of reaction equationquantity of reactants used/time taken, quantity of products formed/time taken
the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reactionincreasing the temperature increases the rate, increasing the concentration of one or more of the reactants increases the rate, decreasing the particle size of a solid reactant increases the rate, use of enzymes/catalysts
collision theoryreactions occur because particles collide and have enough kinetic energy
why do explosions happen in flour mills or minesfine particles of readily combustible flour in the air or explosive combinations of gases
what does increasing the concentration doincreases the number of particles per volume so increases the frequency of collisions between particles so increases the rate
what does increasing the temperature do on gasincreases the volume of a gas
what does increasing the temperature do on particlesincreases the kinetic energy of the particles so they move faster. This increases the frequency of collisions between particles, so more particles have energy above the activation energy, so increases the rate
what does increasing the pressure dodecreases the volume of a gas and increases the number of effective collisions, increasing the rate
what does increasing the surface area doincreases the frequency of collisions between particles, so increases the rate
what does adding a catalyst doincreases the rate as it decreases the activation energy of a reaction. The reverse occurs if you remove a catalyst
difference between addition and condensation polymerscondensation polymers produce water as well, condensation polymers are biodegradable unlike addition polymers
draw the general structure of amino acidsgeneral structure of amino acids
how to identify amino acidschromatography can be used to separate and identify them using Rf values, Rf = distance spot travels/distance solvent front travels
describe and draw the structure of proteinsstructure of protein
mass of a reactantmoles x Mr
avogadros constant6.02 × 10²³
percentage yieldactual yield/theoretical yield x 100
concentration calculationmoles/volume
exothermic reactions - temperaturethose transferring (giving out) thermal energy so the temperature of the surroundings goes up
exothermic reactions - energyenergy is released when bonds are formed
endothermic reactions - temperaturerequire (take in) thermal energy- the temperature of the surroundings goes down
endothermic reactions - energyenergy is absorbed when bonds are broken
enthalpy changethe transfer of thermal energy during a reaction is called the enthalpy change
ΔHnegative for exothermic reactions and positive for endothermic reactions
activation energythe minimum energy that colliding particles must have to react
reversible reaction symbol
how are reversible reactions reversedreversible reactions can be reversed by changing the reaction conditions
how is a hydrated salt formedwhen water is added back to an anhydrous salt
how is water removed - hydrated saltswhen a hydrated salt is gently heated, often leaving condensation on the top of the test tube
IDEKKnow that a reversible reaction in a closed system is at equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse with the concentrations of products and reactants are no longer changing
effect of changing pressure on equilibriuman increase in pressure pushes the equilibrium in favour of the side of the equations with the lower number of moles of gas
effect of increasing temperature on equilibriumincreasing temperature favours the endothermic direction
effect of changing concentration on equilibriumchanging the concentration goes to the side that opposes the change
effect of catalyst on position of equilibriumdoesn't change it
equation to produce ammoniaN2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ NH3(g)
where does the nitrogen come from in the production of ammonia (Haber process)the air
where does the hydrogen come from in the production of ammonia (Haber process)hydrocarbons
temperature required for the Haber process450oc
pressure required for the Haber process200 atm
catalyst for the Haber processFe
equation for the conversion of sulphur dioxide to trioxide in the Contact process2 SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3
reaction pathway endothermicreaction pathway endothermic
reaction pathway exothermicreaction pathway exothermic
what do hydrogen oxygen fuel cells usehydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity with water as the only product
advantages of hydrogen oxygen fuel cellshydrogen can be produced from water so the process is renewable, they do not produce any pollution: the only product is water whereas petrol engines produce carbon dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen, they release more energy per kilogram than either petrol or diesel
disadvantages of hydrogen oxygen fuel cells- materials used in producing fuel cells are expensive - fuel cells are affected by low temperatures, becoming less efficient - there are only few hydrogen filling stations across the country
difference between fractional distillation and simple distillationfractional distillation is used when the components have close boiling points, and simple distillation is used when the boiling points are significantly different
raw materials of ironcoke/carbon, iron(III) oxide, limestone which removes acidic impurities