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Biology GCSE
Chapter 1
Topic 1 10: Osmosis
level: Topic 1 10: Osmosis
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Topic 1 10: Osmosis
What is osmosis?
The net movement of a solvent (e.g water) from an area of high concentration to low concentration through a semi permeable membrane
How could osmosis in a plant be demonstrated?
By a potato chip
What do you do with the potato?
Yu cut into a cuboid
What will happen to the potato chip in this solution if it gets dipped into this solution?
The plant cells in the chip will lose its turgidity and the chip will shrivel up
What will happen to the potato chip in this solution if it gets dipped into this solution?
What is the independent variable for the ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’ practical?
Concentration of the solution
Name one control variable for the ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’ practical?
Surface area of the chip
Name one dependent variable for the required practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’?
% change in mass of potato chip
After the required practical and obtaining all of your results for the practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’, what would you do?
Plot the table
Fill in the osmosis practical table for the change in mass. Work it out and leave your answer separated by comma from top to bottom in a list.
2, 1.3, 0.2, -0.1, -1
After working out the percentage change in mass for the required practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’, construct a graph on a graphing sheet of paper or the image below. It must have a line of best fit along with al lines plotted right and a title. Also, put the numbers to a suitable scale/ interval with suitable x and y-axis name. Crop out any unnecessary bit of the graph. Then list all your points in the format (x, y). Don't use percentages.
(0, 100), (10, 68), (20, 10), (30, -6), (40, -50)
For the required practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’, what would a suitable x-axis title be? Give units.
Concentration of sugar solution (%)
For the required practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’, what would a suitable y-axis title be? Give units.
Percentage change in mass (%)
For the required practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’, what would a suitable overall title be? It should be suitable, original and not stupid.
For the required practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’, what would a suitable x-axis scale be? List the scale you used in a list separated by comma from lowest to highest. It should be integers.
-100, -80, -60, -40, -20, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100
For the required practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’, what would a suitable interval be for the x-axis?
For the required practical of ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’, what would a suitable y-axis scale be? List the scale you used in a list separated by comma from lowest to highest. It should be integers.
0, 10, 20, 30, 40
What is the osmotic point of the required practical ‘Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue’?
27 sugar cocentration
Which one of these plant cells is at an isotonic solution?
The centre
Which one of these plant cells is at an turgid solution?
The left